It is the condition in which you cannot move or speak either at the time of sleep or awakening. It can be caused due to stress, sleep deprivation, and panic attacks. It mostly occurs during adolescence.

What are the causes?

This condition involves disruption or fragmentation of the rapid eye movement sleep cycle. The body takes turns between rapid or non-rapid eye movement. During the condition of rapid eye movement eyes move quickly but in the condition of Non-rapid eye movement eyes not move quickly and the body relaxes.

In sleep paralysis the person’s consciousness is awake, but their body remains in the paralyzed sleep state. Factors that cause sleep paralysis include:

  • Irregular sleeping patterns

  • Sleeping on your back

  • Family history of this disorder

  • Narcolepsy

If you are suffering from sweating, headaches, muscle pain, paranoia,  you can book an appointment with the best General Physician through Instacare.

What are the symptoms?

  • Consciously awake.

  • Feeling pressure on the chest

  • Sweating

  • Headaches

  • Muscle pain

  • Paranoia

  • Unable to speak during this condition

  • Facing difficulty in breathing

How is it Diagnosed?

If you are facing the condition in which you are powerless to move or speak during sleeping and waking time then it is likely you have isolated recurrent sleep paralysis. Immediately concern with a doctor if you are facing these three conditions.

  • Feeling anxious

  • Tired during day

  • Keep you up during the night.

If you have been consciously awake, feeling pressure on the chest, face problems during speak, difficulty in breathing. Then, consult with the best Physiologist in Lahore through Instacare.

What are the tips for better sleep?

There are some strategies for better sleep are given below:

  • Keeping consistent your bedtime and wake-up time.

  • Make sure the comfortable sleeping environment with a clean, dark, and cool bedroom.

  • Getting good daylight exposure during waking hours.

  • Not working or studying in the bedroom

  • Avoiding napping after 3.00 p.m. and for longer than 90 minutes

  • Not eating a heavy evening meal, or eating within 2 hours of going to bed.

  • Not sleeping in the light.

  • Not using alcohol or caffeine products.

  • Exercising daily, but not within 2 hours of bedtime

  • Including a calming activity in the bedtime ritual, such as reading books.

  • Don’t use your phone.

  • Putting electronics aside at least 1 hour before going to bed.

  • Not sleep on your back.

  • Control your depression or anxiety disorder.

There is no permanent treatment for sleep paralysis but stress management maintaining a regular sleep schedule by noticing your sleeping pattern can reduce your sleep paralysis. A healthy sleeping routine is very important for your overall health and wellness.


If you facing a sleep paralysis problem and you want to consult with the best Physiologist in Pakistan book an appointment through Instacare or you can call on the helpline number: 

0310 0002273.