Have you ever got that weird kind of sensation in your tooth after eating something cold or hot? Often when we eat something so cold or so hot, like ice cream or soup respectively, we feel uncomfortable. The feeling in teeth is that of sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity, also known as dentin hypersensitivity, can affect many teeth or may occur in just one tooth.
What the Dentist may advise?
If you have a complaint about tooth sensitivity, you must visit your dentist. They may advise some tips like;
- Using a desensitizing toothpaste that can help block the pain caused by sensitivity.
- They may apply fluoride over your teeth that may help in making your teeth strong by strengthening the enamel and reducing pain eventually.
- They may desensitize or apply a bond over an exposed sensitive root. This technique may help in reducing sensitivity. However, the patient may need local anesthesia for the procedure as it may be painful.
- Gum tissue is taken from other gum and put in the place where your tooth has lost it.
- Perform root canal- a procedure in which the dentist would remove your nerve and pulp of the tooth, clean them, and put them back.
What are the Symptoms of Tooth Sensitivity?
If you have tooth sensitivity, you may feel uncomfortable with certain triggers. It may be triggered upon exposure with the following things:
- Cold air
- Sweet foods and beverages
- Brushing or flossing teeth
- Hot foods and beverages
- Cold foods and beverages
- Alcohol-based mouth rinses
- Acidic foods and beverages
- Coldwater, especially during routine dental cleanings. If you face any of these symptoms consult with the best dentist.
What are the Causes of Tooth Sensitivity?
Enamel is the outermost layer of the teeth that protects it. Some people have naturally thinner enamel that makes them susceptible to tooth sensitivity. Things that destroy tooth enamel can make you prone to it. It can occur due to reasons like
- Brushing your teeth too hard
- Using a hard toothbrush
- Grinding your teeth at night
- Regularly eating or drinking acidic foods and beverages
- Acid reflux, or heartburn
- Frequent vomiting- due to the acid
- Smoking
- Gum recession
- Tooth decay
- Chipped off teeth
- Poor brushing habits
- After dental procedures like getting tooth fillings, bleaching, and crown fixation.
What are the Treatment Options for Tooth Sensitivity?
With all the dental treatment, the dentists will rule out the root cause for it. If it occurs due to GERD, then antacids can help. Moreover, if it is occurring due to teeth grinding, use a nightguard that can protect your teeth from further damage. Also, try to reduce stress before sleeping as it will help reduce teeth grinding. Train yourself not to grind or clench your teeth, and be mindful about it the whole day. If you want to consult with the best dentist in Islamabad for the treatment of tooth sensitivity book an appointment through InstaCare.
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How Oral Health Affects General health?
Oral hygiene affects your general health too. If too many bacteria grow in your oral cavity, they can enter your systemic circulation too. They can also infect the lining of your heart, causing endocarditis- inflammation of the heart lining. Oral bacterial infection can also be associated with heart diseases, low birth weight, and premature birth.
Maintaining oral health is an essential part of the self-care routine. If you do not keep your oral cavity clean, it can lead to infections, gingivitis, and cavities. Also, it can be more injurious to your health if you have diabetes, heart disease, or cancer. If you have a complaint of tooth sensitivity, you should visit the best dentist in Pakistan through InstaCare.