An essential component of the female body, the breasts frequently alter as a woman ages. Age and weight fluctuations are known to cause progressive changes in breast size, but abrupt and dramatic development can be unexpected.

Clarity and comfort can be obtained by comprehending the causes of these modifications. The causes for an increase in breast size are given below, in decreasing order of severity:



A time of fast growth and development is puberty. The body produces more estrogen during this time, which causes secondary sexual traits like breast growth to develop. This growth, which is a normal aspect of maturity, can occasionally seem abrupt.



A woman's body undergoes numerous modifications throughout pregnancy. The breasts increase their milk glands and ducts as they become ready to nurse. Noticeably bigger breasts are the result of preparation, increased blood flow, and fat buildup.


Breast Abscess

A painful accumulation of pus that develops in the breast, frequently as a result of a bacterial infection, is called a breast abscess. The afflicted breast may enlarge as a result of this disorder, appearing bigger. Treating the infection and avoiding consequences requires prompt medical intervention.


Drugs And Medication

Breast size can rise due to certain drugs. Among them are:

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT):

Often administered to treat menopausal symptoms, HRT causes the body to absorb foreign hormones, which can expand the breasts.

Birth control pills:

These tablets have progesterone and estrogen, which can promote the formation of breast tissue.

Antipsychotic Drugs:

Breast augmentation is an adverse effect of some antipsychotic drugs.

See your doctor before making any adjustments if you think your medicine is causing breast augmentation.


Gaining Weight

The breasts are made up of fat and glandular tissue. Larger breasts may result from an increase in total body fat. This is due to the fact that fat can build up in the breasts similarly to other body areas. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help control weight, which in turn can control breast size.


Breast Cysts

Breast tissue can develop fluid-filled sacs called breast cysts. They can vary in size, and if they are large or numerous cystic, they may cause a discernible rise in breast size. Even though breast lumps are often benign, it is imperative to have any new lumps examined by a physician.


Hormonal Imbalance

Breast size is mostly regulated by hormones. Breast augmentation may result from an imbalance, particularly in the hormones progesterone and estrogen. Unbalances like these can be brought on by diseases like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).


Breast Cancer

Although it's a less frequent cause, some forms of breast cancer can result in larger breasts. Inflammatory breast cancer, for example, may result in redness and edema. For early detection and therapy, routine mammography and breast self-examinations are essential.


Breastfeeding And Lactation

The breasts produce milk to feed the newborn following delivery. The expansion of milk ducts and glands as a result of this process, known as lactation, causes the breasts to get larger. Additionally, engorgement—a condition where the breasts appear fuller—can result from breastfeeding.


Read More: 12 Best Exercises to Increase Breast Size Naturally

The Monthly Cycle And Flow Of The Menstrual Cycle

Temporary breast augmentation may result from hormonal variations during the menstrual cycle. In the days preceding their menstruation, many women observe that their breasts are growing more sensitive and swollen. The increase in progesterone and estrogen levels is the cause of this.

Why do breasts enlarge prior to menstruation?

Because a woman's body gets ready for a potential pregnancy with each menstrual cycle, her breasts enlarge before her period. The breasts receive more circulation, and as a result, their milk ducts and glands enlarge and become more prepared to provide milk when needed. These symptoms go away in the event that conception is unsuccessful.

Why do the breasts change before menstruation?

Premenstrual breast alterations in women are brought on by increases in the hormones progesterone and estrogen. As the hormone levels decrease during menstruation, the symptoms go away and the breasts return to normal. More estrogen is produced by the ovaries in the first two weeks of the menstrual cycle. In addition to promoting the development of milk ducts in the breasts, estrogen aids in the maturation of eggs.

Progesterone, a hormone that increases blood flow to the breasts and promotes the development of milk glands, is produced by the ovaries following ovulation, the release of the egg. In preparation for the embryo's implantation and care, progesterone also thickens the lining of the uterus. In the event that conception is unsuccessful, hormone levels drop, the menstrual cycle begins again, the new uterine lining is discharged, and breast symptoms go away.


When Should You Discuss Changes To Your Breasts With Your Doctor?

Aside from the menstrual cycle, there are additional reasons why breast changes can happen. Being aware of what is normal for your breasts and learning to self-examine for any odd changes could be helpful. Consult your physician if you are 40 years of age or older and have never had a mammogram, or if the breast symptoms are not cyclical and do not go away with menstruation.

Consult your physician if you suffer from:

  • Severe symptoms that interfere with sleep and ineffective home cures like diet and exercise
  • Lumps under your arms or in your breasts that are new, strange, or altering
  • Single breast lumps
  • Discharge from the nipples, especially if it's crimson or brown in color
  • Moving inward or becoming pointed at the breast
  • The breast skin's itching, redness, dimpling, or puckering



Breasts are complicated organs affected by a variety of internal and external circumstances; they are more than just beautiful characteristics. There are several causes of a sudden rise in breast size, ranging from physiological problems like cysts or cancer to normal processes like puberty and pregnancy.\Women who are aware of and comprehend these factors will be better equipped to make health-related decisions. Self-examinations and routine checkups are essential for spotting irregularities early on. If you have any other concerns or observe any abrupt changes in your breast size, you should always see a healthcare expert.

Please book an appointment with the best Gynecologist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find a verified doctor for your disease.