constipation reliefAre you struggling with constipation and looking for ways to get relief? Many of us have been there, experiencing uncomfortable symptoms. However, instead of reaching out to over-the-counter medications or laxatives as a remedy, adding certain foods to your diet can be a much better way to ease your digestive woes. In this article, we will discuss 7 specific items that you should try and avoid in order to see substantial improvement in your condition. From fibrous fruits like pears and apples to spices full of flavors like cinnamon and garlic, find out how making small dietary changes can help reduce your symptoms – faster than expected!

These Are 7 Foods To Avoid For Constipation Relief!


1- Dairy Products

Dairy products have long been a favorite for many people. Not only do they taste great, but they also come with several benefits that are hard to ignore. Did you know that dairy products can even provide constipation relief? Yes, you read that right! Many dairy products like yogurt, cheese, and milk contain probiotics which are known to promote gut health. This, in turn, can help relieve constipation. So if you're looking for a tasty and healthy alternative for combating constipation, look no further than your favorite dairy products.

2- Red Meat

Red meat is a staple in many diets, but have you ever considered how it affects your bowel movements? Studies have shown that consuming large amounts of red meat can lead to constipation due to its low fiber content. This is because fiber plays a crucial role in keeping our digestive system moving smoothly.

 On the other hand, consuming leaner cuts of red meat and balancing it with a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can actually improve bowel movements. So, if you're experiencing digestive discomfort, it may be time to rethink your red meat intake and incorporate more fiber-rich foods into your diet.

3- Fried Foods

We all have those days where the thought of indulging in some fried foods is just too tempting to resist. However, if you suffer from constipation, it may be wise to think twice before eating those deep-fried snacks. Foods high in saturated and Tran’s fats are notorious for slowing down digestion, which can exacerbate constipation symptoms.

On the other hand, increasing your intake of fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help keep things moving smoothly. So while we may love the crunchy, crispy goodness of fried foods, it's important to be mindful of which ones to avoid if you're looking to maintain healthy digestion.

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4- Processed Snacks and Desserts

Processed snacks and desserts may be convenient for on-the-go snacking, but they can also have a negative impact on our digestive health. These foods often contain high amounts of refined sugars, artificial flavors, and preservatives that can disrupt the balance of bacteria in our gut, leading to digestive discomfort and even long-term health problems. As tempting as these treats may be, it's important to be mindful of how much we consume and opt for whole foods as often as possible to support a healthy digestive system.

5- Alcohol

Alcohol - it's a beverage that's been around for centuries, but also one that can negatively impact our bodies in several ways. One of the lesser-known side effects of alcohol consumption is the dreaded constipation. Drinking alcohol can slow down the digestive process, leading to harder stools and longer bathroom breaks.

While having an occasional drink is usually harmless, it's essential to be mindful of how alcohol affects our bodies and to moderate our consumption accordingly. After all, nobody wants to deal with constipation, especially if it can be avoided!

6- Gluten-containing foods

Gluten-containing foods can be difficult to avoid, especially if you're living with constipation. While gluten isn't inherently bad for you, it can exacerbate existing digestive issues. Thankfully, there are plenty of gluten-free options available in today's market, including alternatives for bread, pasta, and even baked goods. Whether you're cooking at home or dining out, be sure to read labels carefully, and don't hesitate to ask your server for gluten-free options. Your digestive system will thank you for it.

7- Persimmons

Persimmons are a delicious fall fruit that is gaining popularity not just for their unique flavor, but also for their potential health benefits. One of these benefits is their ability to relieve constipation. With their high fiber content, persimmons can help regulate digestion and promote bowel movements.

But fiber isn't the only thing that makes persimmons a valuable addition to your diet. They're also rich in vitamins A and C, which are important for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and vision. So, the next time you're looking for a tasty and nutritious snack, reach for persimmon and give your body some much-needed fiber and other nutrients.


Constipation can be a painful and uncomfortable experience that can have serious consequences for your health. With proper management, however, constipation doesn't need to be a problem. Pay attention to which foods make your symptoms worse and avoid them whenever possible. Through mindful eating, you can find relief from constipation and get back to feeling your best.

Additionally, staying hydrated with plenty of water, engaging in regular physical activity, and managing stress levels are all important steps toward healthier digestion. Making changes to your diet may seem difficult at first, but your hard work will lead you to experience fewer episodes of constipation and an overall improvement in the quality of your life!

Please book an appointment with the best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03100002273 to find a verified doctor for your disease.