Kegel exercises, as a matter of fact, are really renowned for all the advantages that accrue to them first and foremost because they can strengthen the pelvic floor muscles making delivery easier to women who have done so. Nevertheless, it is not so well known that these benefits accrue not only to females but also males have much to gain from them. What are Kegel exercises, benefits, and downsides? All of the above relates to the length of the penis. Do many have the question about the Kegels? We are about to answer this, among other things.


What are Kegel exercises?

Kegel exercises were in the first place developed as a physical therapy for the pelvic muscles by Dr. Arnold Kegel in 1940s. Pelvic floor muscles are like a hammock beneath the lower base of the pelvis it holds a considerably huge number of essential organs in males for instance the bladder, bowel, and the prostate. Strengthening these muscles may potentially bring about gross health benefits in relation to urinary and sexual functions.


How Kegel Exercises Work:

Identification of the muscles:

If you can stop the flow of urine midstream or halt the passage of gas, you can readily identify which pelvic floor muscles are involved in these activities.


Once you identify these muscles, you'll be able to manage your Kegel exercises easily. These might be contracted for a certain period, for example, 5 seconds, and then released for the same length of time again, that is 5 seconds. This should be repeated in the form of 10-15 reps every time which should be performed 2-3 times a day.


To increase your strength, time for contraction and reps could gradually be increased.

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Benefits of Kegel Exercises in Men

Besides the benefits regarding sexual life, other benefits of Kegel exercises in men are presented as follows:

Improved bladder control

  • Spontaneous Urination: Urinary incontinence is controlled with Kegel exercises- its victims are mostly old persons, who have undergone prostate surgery, or those suffering certain medical conditions. This exercise improves on the wall and support provided to the bladder by exercising the muscles of the pelvic floor thereby eliminating any chances of leakage.
  • Rehabilitation After Prostate Surgery: For a man who has undergone prostate surgery, Kegel exercises are part of his rehabilitation as they restore bladder muscle control and may help prevent incontinence.

Better Sex:

  • Erectile Function: Strength in the pelvic floor muscles improves blood flow to the penis. There could be harder erections. Kegels will not make the penis longer but create stronger, more consistent erections.
  • Orgasm Power: The accomplishment of regular Kegel exercises may be a harder orgasm. The constricted muscles of the pelvic floor will contract more strongly at orgasm.

Prostate Function:

  • Fear BPH Signs: Benign prostatic hyperplasia is a condition that affects the elderly male very much. BPH Kegel exercises would decrease the likelihood of this type of disorder as the muscles around the prostate gland would tighten and there would be better control of urine passages.
  • Post-surgery Rehabilitation: Kegels are used in post-prostate surgery to build up the pelvic floor muscle thus improving overall functioning.

Alleviation of Pelvic Pain:

Chronic Pelvic Pain: Ladies and gentlemen who have some persistent pain or discomfort in their pelvis can also benefit from Kegel exercises. Pelvic floor muscles will be tightened hence minimizing sound and pain in the pelvic of a woman will be eradicated.


Kegel Exercises and Penile Size

One of the largest myths regarding doing Kegel exercises is that they will actually make a penis larger. The best way to conceptualize this is in terms of making a differentiation between an actual increase in size and improvements in sexual function and appearance.

Mechanisms of Increasing Perceived Size

Increased Blood Flow:

  • Erection Firmness: Kegels will strengthen the pelvic floor muscles and therefore the overall blood flow to the penis will be increased. Improved blood supply means firmer and longer-lasting erections, which creates the illusion of a more significant enlarged penis when erect.
  • Better Performance: A firmer erection might even give the illusion of the penis being bigger because the penis becomes more engorged and erect when performing the act of sex.

Sex Life:

  • Better Control over Erections: Improved pelvic muscles could have a pretty direct positive influence on rigidity of erection. A better erection would help him change his attitude toward his dimensions when erect.
  • Potential Intensity of Orgasm: Another feature that makes sexual activity more enjoyable, it is not the physical dimension; however, there can be a potential intensity of orgasm with enhanced pelvic muscles.



No Expansion Issues When Not Erect End

Genetic Factors: Kegel exercises do not affect the length of a penis when flaccid. The length of a penis is genetically set and determined by body composition rather than muscular strength.

No Length Increase: No scientific evidence exists that doing Kegel exercises will enlarge the size of the penis in length. But only conditions for muscle strength, not any other structural change.

Not a Substitute for Alternative Therapies:

  • Weight Loss and Fat Loss: This never matches the methods for weight loss or fat loss. The body fats are a cover-up for the pubic area that may conceal the size of the penis; weight management regarding this body fat has nothing to do with Kegels.
  • Surgical Alternatives: Even though surgical alternatives are always available for a man who wants to experience more significant size changes, these carry risks and cannot, hence, be compared to Kegel exercises.


The Kegel exercises help men considerably to enhance their ability to increase their strength in their pelvic floor, and improve their bladder control as well as sexual function. They do not seem to cause increases in penile length and size but might cause firmer erections and will, therefore cause enhanced sexual experiences, potentially determining size perception. By knowing the actual benefits and limitations that result from Kegel exercises, it could hence be used to establish some realistic expectations that thus make it enable men to take advantage of these exercises for full wellness and health.

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