This is an unfortunate reality of life. It is very difficult to get even the best of foods that agree well with this ailment. Luckily, modifying your diet to include appropriate foods and beverages will aid in reducing pain and contributing to good digestive health. In this all-encompassing blog, let us further discuss the seven top choices for the individuals with similar issues and how these can be effectively utilized.

Here are 7 Best Foods and Drinks When You Have a Sensitive Stomach

1. Bananas: Nature's Digestive Aid

It is well known that bananas can aid digestion and the support this claim is attributed, are often referred to as nature’s ‘digestive aid’. This fruit can be eaten in many ways or obtained in at least two thousand recipes, and it has an excellent property: it is very easily digestible and rarely causes indisposition. Free of fat and heavy in potassium and easily assailable carbohydrates, bananas make the best replenishing food which does not burden the stomach with heavy food to digest.


2. Oatmeal: Comfort in a Bowl

It should therefore come as no surprise that when in a position to choose what to eat during breakfast, few foods have soothing as oatmeal. Oats contain this particular amount of soluble fiber that upon reaching the digestive tract thickens, assisting in the movement of bowel. They are useful to take in the morning and can be especially helpful for those who have irritable bowel syndrome since it can both constipation and diarrhea. Also, oatmeal contains mild fat and tends to soothe the tummy, and therefore it is suitable for use by people with stomach challenges.


3. Ginger Tea: A Soothing Elixir

Ginger has been employed for several decades as a natural cure for many cases of nausea, gas, and the disorders that are associated with the digestion process. Drinking ginger tea when you are sick with vomiting can be an excellent way to reduce inflammation in your tummy besides relieving vomiting coz ginger contains anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea constituents.

Ginger holds the chemical compounds namely gingerols and shogaols which have been proved to help open up the intestinal muscles providing some relief to the stomach aches. Ginger tea is particularly popular with its consumers being able to either warm or cold, this is due to it having many benefits especially for people with sensitive stomachs.

View More: 6 Reasons Why Eating Breakfast Is Important

4. Plain Yogurt: Probiotic Powerhouse

Yogurt is well known for containing a list of viable bacteria or probiotics which is very essential in enhancing digestive health. A probiotic supplement contains bacteria that are good for our system since they improve the balance of organisms in the digestive track that can help prevent disease and support good digestion. Yogurt can be taken daily to introduce good bacteria into the intestines and hence eliminate free radicals which cause feelings of bloated, gassy, and upset stomachs.

However, it is advised to settle for natural yogurt that comes without the addition of sugars, syrups, or sweeteners that worsen stomach problems. This product can be consumed as is, used as garnish for granola or fruit or mixed smoothly for a tasty and non-harmful food intake.


5. Boiled Potatoes: Gentle on the Tummy

Potatoes are easy on the tummy and aren’t abrasive for those individuals who have delicate digestive tracks. Potatoes are conformed to be soft and less difficult to digest once boiled and because of this, they are more advisable to take especially when one is encountering stomach discomfort. Moreover, potatoes also contain high levels of potassium, vitamin C as well as the B-group vitamins, that is essential for a healthy life. Boiled potatoes not only offer a bland but passable texture whether they’re mashed, roasted or just boiled and served as a side dish but they also give a gratifying feeling of satiation.


6. White Rice: Easy to Digest

White rice is an example of a commonly consumed whole grain which is popular in many cultural cuisines due to its bland taste and low levels of anti-nutrients. White rice is also different from brown rice, as being refined, it does not have as much fiber and might look less appetizing to some people, while still being softer and less flavorful than the bran layer.

This makes it a good choice for anyone who suffers from intestinal problems since this pill should not give you any indigestion. White rice can be consumed with low-fat protein/lean meat and/or steamed vegetables or as a bed for stir-fry or grain bowl, which makes it a suitable accompaniment to a sensitive stomach and helps offer complex carbohydrate energy.


7. Herbal Tea: Calm Your Stomach

Caffeinated and non-caffeinated herbal teas have been consumed for their health benefits and it well known that they promote good digestion and relief of gastrointestinal diseases. These three are among the most famous teas commonly used to reduce the stress on the stomach; they include chamomile, peppermint, and fennel. For instance, chamomile tea contains chemicals that work on the muscles of the digestion track and relieve spasms which results in better digestion without the formation of a bloated stomach.



To sum up, including the listed seven types of foods and beverages will contribute to the stabilization of the sensitive stomach condition and the well-being of the digestive system. Try out these approaches in case you have not found the most effective measures for your problem spot and remember to seek medical advice if you have chronic or severe gastrointestinal issues.

Please book an appointment with the best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find a verified doctor for your disease.