Immunity is the body's natural ability to fight various viruses, germs, and diseases. The immunity is sometimes genetically modified, and sometimes it depends on a person's lifestyle, which includes eating habits. Primary immunity is based on the following cells that are basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes (helper T cells and B cells). Some people have weak immune systems by birth, some have genetic defects, and others just worsen the condition with unhealthy eating habits. In the following article, you will get to know about foods and ways that can help you to boost your immunity.

Preventing Weak Immune System

The first thing to do is to ensure that the water you are drinking is clean. Sterile/ and filtered water should be preferred. If you are using tap water, then you need to stop using it. Because tap water has bacterial content that will attack your immune system, the more exposure to bacteria, the more the immune system will be compromised.

The next thing you must do is ensure you are correctly taking care of your hygiene.

Foods to Boost Immunity

Here are some fruits to boost your immunity:


Turmeric is an excellent antibiotic and has been in use since prehistoric times. As it reduces the incidence of bacteria and other viruses, the immune system automatically gets boosted. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory benefits as well. It is used in most cuisines, but if you add a pinch to your daily meals, you will never have to worry about your immunity. The tincture of turmeric is known best for immunity-boosting purposes.

Red Capsicum

In vegetables, capsicum is one of the best vitamin c sources and is best if you consume red capsicum. They boost the production of basophils. They also contain Beta Carotene, a healthy source of vitamin A that boosts immunity.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, which is known to be beneficial for improving immunity. Most citrus fruits include Oranges, red blood, strawberries, Grapefruit, pineapple, and many others.

View More: How to Boost Our Immune System Against Coronaviruses Through Diet


If broccoli is consumed as a salad, half steamed broccoli is best for boosting immunity because the nutrients are lost when overcooked. Broccoli is enriched with anti-oxidants which reduce oxidative stress and has vitamin A, E, and D. that ultimately boosts immunity by increasing the production of white blood cells.

Yogurt and Yogurt Products

Yogurt is a very great probiotic that helps the natural flora of the gut to stay healthy. When the stomach is healthy, half of the problems are solved then and there. So, you can add yogurt to your diet in many different ways.

Garlic and Ginger

Garlic and ginger are two ingredients that are found in almost all cuisines around the world. You can add a little amount of both of them to every meal, and they will ultimately boost your immunity.


Spinach is loaded with Vitamin C, a White Blood Cell booster. Spinach should be consumed as a salad for the same reason of vulnerability of vitamins to heat.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Natural sources of Omega 3 are best, and you should consume fresh cold pond water fish. The fish you need to finish are Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel, Herring, Anchovies, and caviar. Sea or ocean water fish should be considered harmful because they can cause methyl mercury contamination. Other foods rich in Omega-3 are Walnuts, Oysters, Flaxseed oil, Chia seeds, and Soy Beans. Supplements of EHA and DHA can also be consumed.


A Rough Meal Sketch for Immunity Improvement

  • You can take the following diet in a day to improve your immunity twice a week.
  • You can start your day with a bowl of yogurt or Greek yogurt. You can add blueberries and strawberries to your bowl.
  • For breakfast, scrambled eggs with brown bread.
  • For lunch, a smoked salmon steak would be best.
  • In snacks, a fruit smoothie with yogurt would be best. It is best if you use fresh and seasonal fruits.
  • For dinner, you can take steamed broccoli with baked potatoes and a cup of broth.


You have to ensure that you are taking all the immune-boosting fruits and changing your unhygienic habits, and then you will be good to go. You have to add the foods mentioned above to your diet, and you are good to do.

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