These days everyone is worried about strawberry legs and has many questions about them. The small little dots looking like blackheads on your legs are very common, and there is nothing to worry about. Here you will find everything strawberry legs.

What Are Strawberry Legs?

Strawberry legs are small black dots under the upper layer of the skin caused by inflamed hair follicles. It's a common skin condition called keratosis pilaris. It can appear on the upper arms, cheeks, back, and butt. These pores are hair follicles or ingrown hair trapped under the skin, also called open comedones. They contain a mixture of bacteria, dead skin cells, and oil. They are not harmful but can make you feel self-conscious.

Causes Of Strawberry Legs

Strawberry legs don't just get out of nowhere; shaving and skipping exfoliating can cause strawberry legs. Some common causes of strawberry legs are given below:

Keratosis Pilaris

This is also called chicken skin and occurs when your skin produces too much keratin and blocks the hair follicles. This leads to tiny bumps. Keratosis pilaris is a genetic condition. If you've noticed it in your family, you also have chances to get it. Fortunately, strawberry legs usually get better with age.

Dry Skin

Dry and rough skin which is not well moisturized makes your skin epidermis vulnerable to irritation caused by shaving.


In this situation, your hair follicle gets clogged with oil, dead skin, or bacteria, these small bumps will form. Shaving and waxing open pores and allow bacteria to enter and cause infection.

How To Hide Strawberry Legs

Here are a few tips to hide strawberry legs.

Use Proper Shaving Techniques

Use a sharp razor on moistened skin shave it in the direction of hair growth. Change your razor frequently; otherwise, you can develop Keratosis pilaris, where the hair follicles become infected.


Using a body wash with salicylic acid is the best way to exfoliate the skin without scrubbing, making strawberry legs worse. Any lotion with salicylic acid is a keratolytic agent, which encourages exfoliation. It causes the outer layer of the skin to shed. Salicylic acid unclogs pores and eases inflammation.


After exfoliating, moisturize your skin with a non-clogging oil while your skin is damp. Plant oils are full of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce redness on your skin. If your skin is dry, strawberry legs are more prominent. Moisturize your skin at least twice a day with a thick coconut oil-based cream.

Strawberry Legs Treatment

If you aren't able to prevent strawberry legs from developing, here are some treatment methods.

Avoid Shaving, Waxing, And Wearing Tight Clothes

Avoid shaving or waxing during outbreaks of keratosis pilaris because they can worsen the symptoms. Also, avoiding wearing tight clothing and changing dirty clothes can prevent the skin from becoming irritated.

Treating Folliculitis

You can treat folliculitis by limiting bacteria on your skin by using antibacterial cleansers on your legs. Your skin may be infected if your rash and irritation don't clear up within a few days. Talk to your doctor about your symptoms. Using an antibacterial cleanser regularly will prevent the condition from causing strawberry legs.

Remove Hair Vigilantly

The way you remove your hair can affect the appearance of strawberry legs because clogged pores most commonly cause the condition. If you are experiencing strawberry legs, it is best to avoid waxing to make the bumps and spots more visible. Always use shaving cream and shave in the direction of the hair, with a clean, sharp razor to avoid any bruises. For a more permanent solution, consult a doctor for laser treatments.

Laser Therapy For Strawberry Legs

Laser therapy is the best treatment for strawberry legs. It is also called photo facial hair removal therapy. It is a combination of laser and intense pulsed light therapy; the combination of this therapy permanently removes unwanted hair and prevents you from strawberry skin.


A person can usually treat strawberry legs by making self-care changes. Use shaving cream and a sharp razor to shave the legs, and regularly exfoliating and moisturizing the legs can also prevent and treat strawberry legs. If these treatments do not work, a person should talk to their doctor about infections caused by strawberry legs.

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