Acne can happen on any part of the body including the breast. Both men and women can suffer from pimples on the breast. But it is most common in women. Women face this issue related to hormonal fluctuations or yeast infections during breastfeeding.

If men suffer from a bump on the nipple it can be a symptom of cancer. So consult the doctor immediately through Instance. In this article, we look at the causes of pimples on the nipple and how to treat them.

What are the causes of the pimple on the nipple?

There is a number of causes that cause a bump on the nipples but some are extremely common which we discuss now:

Areolar glands

An areolar gland is most common, painless, and occurs to anyone. On the nipple, bumps are raised patches of skin, while pimples often take the form of whiteheads. Through surgery, you can get rid of the areolar gland.

Yeast infection

Yeast infection on the nipple occurs with a red rash and moist folds of your skin. If you do not treat this infection it becomes more serious with time and causes your skin to crack and bleed. Most common symptoms of yeast infection id itchiness, burning, and pain.


Acne can appear on any part of the body but acne on the nipples or breast is a possible warning of breast cancer. So if you suffer from acne on your breast or nipple book an appointment with the best gynecologist in Karachi.

Acne can be very common in women who work out a great deal due to their skin being in contact with a sweaty sports bra. It’s also a common occurrence before a woman’s period.

Blocked hair follicle

Everyone has hair follicles near their areola. When these hair follicles are blocked then pimples grow. In some cases these blocked hair follicles cause ulcers.

Subareolar abscess

It is an accumulation that develops in the breast tissue. It also occurs in those women who are not currently breastfeeding. It is very painful and a sign of breast cancer.

Breast cancer

It is very rare that bump on the breast is a sign of breast cancer some time the bump is full of pus. In extremely rare cases, bumps on the breast may be a symptom of breast cancer. These bumps may be accompanied by a discharge of blood or pus.

How would you get rid of a bump on the nipple?

If you have acne on your chest and nipple immediately consult with the doctor. Some bumps on the nipple have shown the symptoms early like:

  • Yeast infection causes sudden pain and is treated with topical antifungal cream.
  • Subareolar abscesses are treated with antibiotics but if it is not recovering from medicine then it is removed by surgery.
  • If doctors diagnose breast cancer it can be treated by chemotherapy and surgery.


Bump on the nipple mostly occur in women rather than men. Women experience the acne issue due to fluctuation in hormones. Many women suffer from yeast infections due to breastfeeding. If you feel any symptoms of a bump on your chest immediately consult with the best gynecologist in Pakistan through InstaCare.