The need of Lifestyle Modifications

Pakistan is a country where lack of awareness has created devastating outcomes. There are plenty of people who do not know the importance of physical activity and healthy eating. People are so much addicted to consuming betel nut and smoking that oral and lip cancer is the second most leading cancer death in Pakistan.

In the year 2019, 30 to 40% of people died in Pakistan due to cardiovascular disease, measuring no less than 200000 deaths. People of Pakistan must exercise lifestyle modifications to keep themselves healthy and to avoid the alarming situation. If you will not do that today, it will eventually show horrible results. Therefore, it is necessary to take small steps from today so that you can stick to them for a lifetime. In this article, we are going to discuss the lifestyle modifications that people of Pakistan should do for a healthy future. These tips can add days to your life so that you can enjoy quality time with your loved ones.

Physical Activity

In Pakistan, there are a high number of cases of hypertension, coronary artery diseases, high blood cholesterol, obesity and diabetes. All these conditions need lifestyle modification. You should incorporate physical activity in the form of walking, jogging, aerobics, swimming, strength training or yoga, etc. These diseases can be prevented by making physical activity a routine.

Work out for at least thirty minutes a day or 150 minutes a week can help to prevent it. It will not only keep you physically healthy, but it will also refresh your mind. Physical activity wipes negative thoughts out of the mind and enables you to radiate positive vibes.

Healthy Eating

In order to fight with hypertension, diabetes, high blood cholesterol, obesity and heart diseases, healthy eating is a must. Moreover, it also helps in preventing these diseases. Limit high sugar-containing products like soft drinks, cakes, icecreams and chocolates. Moreover, If you are a patient of heart disease or high blood cholesterol, consume fats in calculated amounts. You must limit intake of excessive fat-containing products and processed foods. Junk foods are rich in sodium that is bad for hypertensive people. Sodium keeps water in the body that can affect patients with chronic kidney disease as well. Therefore, healthy eating can prevent many health problems, and you can live a healthy life.

Quit smoking

Smoking is highly injurious to your health. It can lead you towards lung cancer, oral cancer, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. Plenty of people, especially male gender, are involved in it. Since smoking can lead to life-threatening conditions, you must stop it today. For a healthy future, you must decide today.

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Eat and Drink Clean

In Pakistan, by the age of five, almost 96% of children are already exposed to the Hepatitis A virus. This statistic shows how much poor sanitation is common in the country. Drinking contaminated water and eating raw or contaminated food can become a source of typhoid, hepatitis A and E, cholera, diarrhea and vomiting. These diseases can become life-threatening if not treated at the right stage. Therefore, people must boil the water before drinking as it can kill all the germs present in it. This tip can be life-saving for you and your kids.

Stop Self medication

Self-medication is another big problem of Pakistan. People can get antibiotics and many prescriptions only medicine with ease, with no need for it. Therefore, they start taking medicine on their own. This practice is leading people of Pakistan towards antibiotic resistance at an alarming rate. Moreover, people take medicines prescribed by the doctor and leave as they feel better without completing the course. This can also lead to antibiotic resistance.

People do not understand how bad antibiotic resistance can be for them. If they become resistant to broad-spectrum antibiotics, there would be no option to treat them if they suffer from an infection. You need to understand this thing for your better and healthy future.


People of Pakistan need to get proper awareness sessions that can help in the dissemination of knowledge among all. It will teach them how to make healthy choices for their life and how can they keep their loved ones protected. Since these conditions are preventable up to some extent, people should take baby steps from today. 

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