The Pak Wellness Medical Center is considered to be one of the best medical facilities based on both the level as well as the quality of service that it delivers. Becoming familiar with several of the more common medical procedures of the center will enable such a patient to better understand, and be prepared for their health care experiences.

This book covers most, if not all, of the basic medical procedures available at the Pak Wellness Medical Centre: what each of those procedures are for, what one should expect from each procedure, and the advantages that can be derived from each procedure.


Common Medical Procedures at Pak Wellness Medical Centre


General Physical Examination

A general physical examination is a simple procedure coming under preventive health and routine medical checkup. It is conducted by a healthcare professional wherein the general health condition of the patient is monitored, and evidence of diseases or other health problems may be investigated.


What to Expect

This is where the history of the presenting complaint, in general, is initiated by stating the present complaints or symptoms the patient is experiencing, medications, and previous medical conditions. This would be followed by the physical examination made by the health professional: successively, they measured blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, and respiratory rate.

Physical examination: for instance one gets to assess the patient through a process such as ocular assessment followed by palpation, then percussion, and lastly auscultation after which one will conduct a systematic check which includes cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal assessment and so on.


Blood Tests

Blood tests are among the major investigative diagnostic modalities in a plethora of pathologies. Blood testing in Pak Wellness Medical Centre is primary for general health check-ups, diagnosis of disease conditions, and monitoring ongoing conditions and proper functioning of the organs.


Type of Blood Tests

There are numerous blood tests, which include:

  • CBC-Complete Blood Count: This will diagnose the general health and wide range of disorders including anemia and infection.
  • Lipid Profile: It starts with evaluation of the cholesterol level and then the level of risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Blood Glucose Test: It will also assist in testing blood sugar so that one can be tested for diabetes or not.
  • Liver Function Tests: These tests work by measuring the quantity of different enzymes along with proteins, which exist in your blood. These enzymes and proteins are responsible for maintaining your liver.
  • Thyroid Function Tests: This test keeps track of the thyroid gland along with its activity inside a person. These tests come in beneficial in the diagnosis of various disorders of the thyroid.


What to Expect

It would require drawing blood using a needle from the vein in the arm; this is mostly done quite fast and hence not very painful. After that, the samples would be taken to the lab for analysis. Once the results came in, the health professional would review them and give insight into further action to be taken based on the finding.


Imaging Studies

Imaging studies are diagnostic modalities that enable the viewing of structures in the body. This shall include all the various techniques of imaging as applied to diagnosis and follow-up at Pak Wellness Medical Centre on health conditions, treatment planning, and the outcomes of the interventions.

  • X-ray: In the study pictures of bones and some tissues are provided in the study and it is used to find out issues such as fractures, and infections among others.
  • Ultrasound: This is achieved by the use of high frequency sound waves and as such get the picture of the soft tissues as well as the organs. The application of its use ranges from almost all in obstetrics and gynecology and in connection to diseases of the abdominal organs.
  • CT scan: This is with the purpose of capturing images of highly detailed cross-section cross section of the body hence enabling the doctors to diagnose some of the difficult diseases and fractures.
  • MRI studies: These use strong magnets and Radio waves to give clear pictures of the soft tissues, organs and the nervous system; this shall be useful in the examination of disorders which affect the brain, spinal cord and joint.


What to Expect

All these imaging studies have something different that needs to be done as far as the procedure is concerned.

  • X Ray: It simply means posing the relevant part of the body that needs study through successive photography.
  • Ultrasound: Imaging of areas of concern by placing a gel-covered transducer on the skin, moving it.
  • CT scan: The position of the body will be supine and the imaging will be done on a table that moves in CT scanner direction.
  • MRI: About the MRI procedure, the patient will lie on a table that slides into the MRI machine to take images through magnetic fields and radio waves.

View More: An Overview About Integrated Medical Care IMC Hospital Lahore 

Minor Surgical Procedures

This is done for an array of diseases that do not require major surgery. They are generally outpatient and have very minimal recovery times.


Common Minor Surgical Procedures

  • Biopsy: Excision bits of tissues for the microscopic examination for the diagnosis or exclusion of disease states like cancer.
  • Laceration Repair: The treatment of cuts or tears in the skin by sewing it up, or any other forms of closure.
  • Skin Lesion Removals: Surgical removal of benign and malignant skin growths. Examples include moles or warts.
  • Abscess Drainage: A cut is made to drain the pus from an infected site.


What to Expect

These are normally done under local anesthesia, which numbs the area under treatment. Usually, it is a painless procedure with some patients returning to their normal activities immediately. Similarly, post-procedure instructions are given to the patients usually as a guide on how to deal with them in order to minimize complications.



It is one of the major tools for infectious disease prevention and health promotion. In Pak Wellness Medical Centre, varieties of vaccines are also present which not only defend the person but also the individuals present in the community from influenza, hepatitis, and pneumonia.


Common Vaccinations

  • Influenza Vaccine: This vaccine is used in planning against the seasonal flu viruses. Several vaccines have been energized in the course of the influenza parasites, out of which some are as follows:
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine: This virus is well known to bring Hepatitis B-related liver disease. This vaccine will be protective against the hepatitis B virus.
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine: The first one is that of the pneumococcal disease which is one of the causes of pneumonia and the vaccination against it.


What to Expect

Vaccination would involve inoculation of the vaccine, most often by injection into the arm. Some vaccines would require more than one dose given over a period of time. It is seldom painful and the side effects are usually minor and short-lived.



There are different kinds of treatment procedures done at Pak Wellness Medical Centre to get back health and maintain wellness in person. It includes all the services starting from regular medical check-ups through diagnostic tests and minor surgical procedures to vaccination programs.

This would be easier on the client to make a decision based on health matters and be soothing during this time of access to the available treatment service. It is free for any patient to request individually that such consultation, evaluation, and attention to the opinion of the patient be made by a health practitioner operating at Pak Wellness Medical Centre regarding any health issue.


Please book an appointment or lab test with the best Hospital in Lahore, through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find the verified doctor for your disease.