Trying fruits can be an exciting gastronomic journey full of new flavors and textures, with a boost of a nutritional cocktail. Besides apples and bananas, there is opened Pandora's box just waiting to blow your mind and take your taste buds on an adventure. Now let's take a glimpse at some of the ten exotic fruits you may want to try: flavor, uses, and health benefits.


1. Durian

This is what some people refer to as the "king of fruits," because of the peculiar smell. Either a person loves that smell, or totally hates it. Its spiky, green husk covers a creamy, custard-like flesh whose taste is mostly described as a mix of almonds, onions, and garlic. Due to the strong smell, durian has been banned in some public places throughout Asia.

Taste and Texture

Durian is rich and custard-like, with a complex flavor profile that marries sweet, savory, and creamy components. An acquired smell-most people get hooked once they get through the smell.

Uses and Benefits

It can be consumed raw and also finds its place in some juicy smoothies, ice cream, and cakes. Durian fruit prevents deficiencies in the digestive system, boosts immunity, and maintains overall health due to the presence of vitamins C and B, fiber, and healthy fats.


2. Rambutan

Rambutan is a tropical fruit originating from Southeast Asia and has recently gained popularity owing to its red or yellow hair-like skin. The name is derived from a Malay word "rambut," which refers to a hair-like quality, or an appearance it may retain.

Flavor and Texture

The flesh of the rambutan is translucent, juicy, sweet, and has a flavor very close to that of the lychee-though somewhat floral in taste. The texture is somewhat akin to that of a grape.

Uses and Benefits

Rambutan is consumed raw often in fruits as well as salads and can also be used in preparation of desserts. It contains antioxidants Vitamin C and iron, which enable a person to have a good immune system and well as a good skin.


3. Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit, also known as pitaya, is a very conspicuous fruit, with its bright pink or yellow skin, while the inside is white or red with minute black seeds. Living up to the name, dragon fruit got the name because of the appearance it holds, looking like a dragon.

Taste and Texture

Mildly sweet, it bears an approximation in taste to kiwi and pear. Firm and refreshing, this will be a great base for fruit salads and smoothies.

Uses and Benefits

Most of the consumption of dragon fruits is as fresh, juice, or used for garnishing. Antioxidants, vitamin C, and fiber help digestion be in good condition, skin healthy, and immunity great.


4. Passion Fruit

This is one fruit that comes with a hard outer rind, purple, yellow, or green-colored, which contains inside it a jelly-like pulp with black seeds.

Taste and Texture

The pulp of the passion fruit is aromatic but sweet and a little acidic. Still, this fruit is juicy and crunchy due to the seeds inside.

Uses and Benefits

The fruit can be consumed fresh, as smoothies, and even for flavoring desserts and sauces. It is also full of vitamins A and C, dietary fiber, and plant-based compounds that are great for digestion and skin glow, among other conditions.


5. Cherimoya

These are exotic cherimoya or custard apple, which is green and has a scaly appearance with a white creamy interior. This fruit is very creamy and sweet and the majority of those who tried it score it at the top of all exotic fruits in terms of taste.

Flavor and Texture

The flavor description for the cherimoya is an introduction from banana, pineapple and vanilla. One can say that the texture of the creamy interior resembles that of a ripe pear or avocado fruit.

Uses and Benefits

It is used fresh, in smoothies, and in dessert; and these are only a few options to name. It contains vitamin C and B6 in very higher proportions, fibers and antioxidants which are known to have some qualities that are health wise beneficial in terms of heart, digestion and boosters of the immune system.


View More: 10 Top Health Benefits Of Citrus Fruits

6. Starfruit (Carambola)

Starfruit, or carambola, is the tropical fruit of an oxalis-looking plant. The fruit is in a star shape when cut across. The outer skin is smooth and waxy and is usually colored green, yellow, or orange.

Flavor and Texture

It is firm and juicy, contains sweetness in taste. It has a sweetness and some sort of sourness that it would be likened to having an apple that contains something sour in it. Starfruits are naturally slightly sour in taste however it varies with the stage of ripeness of the fruits.

Use and Benefits

It can be consumed fresh, juiced, and used as a garnish. Low in calorie count but high in vitamin C, antioxidants, and fiber that amount to immunities, digestion, and general well-being.


7. Jackfruit

Jackfruit is a big, green fruit covered with spikes weighing from 10 to 25 pounds. It carries inside a number of big fruits that are yellow in color.

Flavor and Texture

In concept, at least-if not actually-the pulp of the jackfruit has a sweet, tropical flavor reminiscent of the result of banana, pineapple, and mango combined. So fibrous in texture and meaty in feel, it is a favorite substitute for meat in vegetarian and vegan diets.

Use and Benefits

They are fresh, dried or even cooked depending on consumers’ preference of food consumption. Both can be applied sweet and savoury recipes. Healthy skin, digestion system and the heart can be attributed to this fruit because it contains vitamins A and C, potassium, and dietary fiber.


8. Longan

Longan is a small round fruit, otherwise known as a "dragon's eye," because of the thin brown shell that covers it. It has a sweet and juicy interior with a translucent color. They are somewhat similar in appearance to fruits such as lychee or rambutan.

Taste and Texture

Longan is mostly sweet, floral in taste, with a hint of muscat grape, while its texture is just like that of a lychee, juicy yet somehow chewy.

Uses and Benefits

Longan is eaten fresh and dried in Asian desserts and soups. Longan is a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants, which are beneficial in maintaining good immunity and health.


9. Salak (Snake Fruit)

Salak or snake fruit gets the name from the reddish-brown scaly skin it has, similar to snake scales. Inside, it has firm, translucent flesh that is sweet and tart.

Flavor and Texture

Salak is firm and rather dry, with a texture somewhat like that of an apple or pear, with flavor that can be sweet to a little bit sour. This fruit has this special puckering taste that is refreshing and interesting.

Uses and Benefits

It is eaten fresh or used in fruit salads, fruit juices, and desserts. It has high content of antioxidants, fiber, vitamins A and C; aids digestion, skin health, and immunity.


10. Mangosteen

The mangosteen has a thick, purple rind wrapped around it with juicy, white flesh inside. It is normally referred to as the "queen of fruits" because it has a sweet and salivary taste combined with a high nutritional value.

Taste and Texture

Sweet with a slight touch of sour; flavor resembles a hint of peach, pineapple, and citrus flavors. Juicy, soft flesh, smooth, silky to the tongue.

Uses and Benefits

Apart from fresh consumption, the mangosteen applies to juices and beverages and various desserts. The vitamins C and B6 in this fruit are excellent sources of antioxidants and dietary fiber that help in modifying the immune system and providing good skin and vitality.


Exotic fruits introduce one into a completely new world: flavors, textures, and ways of preparation. Each fruit is going to be a different experience that ranges in uniqueness added to the diet-from custard creaminess in the cherimoya down to the very tangy zest of passion fruit-thus tantalizing your taste buds with wonder. Different fruits are added to food in order to make meals varied, along with carrying a lot of nutrients very useful to human health.

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