Have you been feeling down? If your level of the sex hormone testosterone is low, you may notice a decline in sperm count, a reduction in muscle and bone strength, low energy, and a decrease in sex drive. What then goes wrong? It is possible that the foods you eat are depleting your testosterone levels.


What Foods Might Kill Testosterone Levels?

Some foods linked to lower testosterone levels:

  • Soy
  • Alcohol
  • Baked goods
  • Licorice root
  • Vegetable oils
  • Trans fat and processed foods
  • Sugar
  • Certain nuts

Hormones are just one of the many aspects of your health that are impacted by what you consume. Everything you need to know about foods that either raise or lower testosterone levels is provided here.


Foods That Kill Testosterone In Males

These are some foods and beverages you might want to cut from your grocery list because diet and testosterone are closely related.


Baked Goods

No amount of muffins, doughnuts, or pie is going to cause your testosterone levels to drop. However, if you frequently eat those items, it can be a problem for your testosterone. According to a 2018 study, males with low total testosterone levels consumed a lot of breads and pastries, dairy items, and desserts.

This kind of diet is also associated with elevated insulin levels and an increase in visceral fat, or the fat that hangs around your gut. Additionally, such problems may lower your overall testosterone levels. Trans fat, which may similarly decrease testosterone, is also frequently found in baked products (more on that later).



Sugar's effects on health, particularly testosterone levels, aren't always positive. A 2018 study in guys aged 20 to 39 found that heavy drinkers of sugar-sweetened beverages were more likely to have low testosterone levels. But the same study also discovered that body mass index, or BMI, played a role. Participants also tended to have lower testosterone levels when their BMI was 25 or higher.


Vegetable Oils

For many who eat a typical Western diet, vegetable oil is a pantry essential. Vegetable-label cooking oils are usually blends of other oils, including:

  • Peanut
  • Safflower
  • Soybean
  • Canola
  • Corn
  • Olive
  • Sunflower

Certain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids found in these oils may be connected to reduced testosterone levels. In a 2019 study, meals high in these fats dramatically decreased the synthesis of serum testosterone in overweight men with hypogonadism (a malfunctioning of the testes). To maintain healthy testosterone levels, the study advises men to steer clear of a diet heavy in these fats, although additional research is required.


Trans Fat And Processed Foods

Meat and dairy products naturally contain small levels of trans fat. But processed and quick foods might also introduce it into your diet. A common label for trans fat is "partially hydrogenated oils" (PHOs). The Food and Drug Administration did, however, outright forbid the use of artificial trans fats to food in 2018. At this point, the ban ought to be essentially in place, however some processed goods may still contain artificial trans fat.

Food manufacturers may continue to label products as having 0 grams of trans fat where the amount of trans fat per serving is less than 0.5 grams. Thus, trans fat is frequently included in fried foods. Trans fat may lower testosterone levels and raise your risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Young, healthy Spanish males who consumed trans fatty acids had decreased total testosterone levels, according to a 2017 study.


Licorice Root

Because of its sweet flavor, licorice root is a common ingredient in candies, drinks, and tobacco goods. It can also be purchased as a supplement or tea. The exact amount of licorice root's effect on testosterone is unknown. The majority of the scant and somewhat antiquated research to yet has been conducted on animals.

A 2003 study discovered that men's testosterone levels decreased by 26% after consuming 7 grams of licorice root every day for a week. Furthermore, an extract from licorice was shown to inhibit the synthesis of testosterone and other sex steroid hormones in an animal study conducted in 2016. However, this is once more not entirely conclusive for humans.


Specific Nuts

Almonds and walnuts may have an effect on testosterone levels. Hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which transports testosterone and other hormones throughout the body, is elevated in response to eating Deez nuts. There will be less free testosterone accessible if your SHBG levels are excessively elevated. However, additional research is required to determine whether men's testosterone levels may be maintained by avoiding specific nuts.

Existing research tends to be older and concentrate primarily on women. Consuming walnuts and almonds boosted SHBG by 12.5 percent and 16 percent, respectively, in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (a disorder that raises female testosterone levels), according to a 2011 study.


View More: 7 Ways To Lower Testosterone Levels If You Have PCOS

What About Caffeine And Bananas? Do They Kill Your Testosterone?

Nope! Bananas and your favorite caffeinated beverage have no effect on testosterone levels, despite what you may have read or seen elsewhere on the internet. A 2019 study discovered no correlation between testosterone levels and coffee consumption. Furthermore, the vitamin C in that skinner may actually raise testosterone in rodents, per a 2016 study.


Five Food To Increase Testosterone

Talk enough about testosterone killers. These are some foods that may help you feel more energized.


1. Egg yolks

Do you recall when, due to their high cholesterol level, hardly one wanted to consume egg yolks back in the 1980s? According to recent research, cholesterol can be transformed into sex hormones like testosterone, vitamin D, and steroid hormones.


2. Tuna, sardines, and salmon

Choose any fatty fish that appeals to you. A 2020 study discovered that boys' overall testosterone levels increased when they took a fish oil supplement enhanced with DHA.


3. Legumes and beans

Beans may increase testosterone levels and cause you to toot. Diets deficient in beans and legumes were linked to decreased testosterone levels and subpar testicular function, according to a 2021 study.


4. Oyster

Zinc content in oysters is high. Furthermore, this crucial mineral can support the maintenance of healthy testosterone levels, per a 2018 review. It's a win-win situation because oysters are also thought to be an aphrodisiac.


5. Beef

Another high-zinc meal is beef. Leaner slices are advised, along with consuming no more than three meals (about 12 to 18 ounces altogether) per week, according to the World Cancer Research Fund.

Other natural methods for increasing testosterone

Beyond diet, a variety of factors can affect testosterone levels, such as:

  • Growing older
  • A life of inactivity
  • Long-term usage of marijuana, tobacco, or other drugs
  • Fat
  • Diabetes

Naturally, aging is a part of life, but you might be able to influence some of those other variables. Raise those T levels with the following:

  • Consuming a diet rich in whole, fresh foods that is balanced
  • Monitoring serving sizes to prevent overindulging
  • Regular exercise
  • Get adequate rest each night



Hormone levels are just one component of your health that is greatly influenced by what you consume. Certain diets have been associated with low testosterone levels, while the exact relationship remains unclear; conversely, certain foods may even assist increase testosterone levels. Make sure you're still getting enough nutrition by consulting your doctor or a dietitian before making any significant dietary changes.

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