Sunlight appears to be an integral component of the life of a human being on this planet Earth as it influences the very basic things like growth in plants and health conditions in humans. For example, exposure to sunlight has stimulating effects on our physical and mental well-being. Most of the areas concerning benefits, the science behind them, and hazardous exposure risks have been discussed in this blog.


Importance of Sunlight

Sunlight stimulates the production of Vitamin D. Vitamin D is a nutrient that determines the balance of calcium and phosphate in the body. These need a healthy presence in both bones and teeth as well as in muscles.


Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays the role of assisting in the absorption of calcium within your body. Therefore, you will benefit from preventive measures against diseases like osteoporosis and rickets. Further, vitamin D is essential in enhancing the density of bones as well as the overall health status of the skeleton if the amount of vitamin D in your body falls within acceptable limits.

  • Mood Regulation
  • Mood Enhancement
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • Improved Sleeping Experience
  • Melatonin Production


Benefits for Bodily Health


Immune System

There is also the sun exposure area where your body will get an immunity boost. This partly has to do with a vitamin D that develops during the process, which plays a considerable role in the functioning of the immunological body. This will help your body to fight some conditions better, meaning that cases and severity associated with common colds and flu are reduced.


Cardiovascular Health

Some studies have revealed that exposing the body to sunlight can positively influence the body concerning cardiovascular diseases. The blood vessels expand to become more extensive due to the rays of sunlight, thereby reducing pressure within the blood vessels that reduces blood pressure which minimizes the risks of heart diseases. Vasodilation may also enhance the rate of blood flow and the delivery of oxygen into other organs of the body.


Skin Health

Exposure to medium sun can also treat other diseases, including psoriasis, eczema, and even acne, through the slowing of overproduction in affected skin. The symptoms decrease, but the patient must balance it with the danger of damage due to excess exposure to UV sources.


Weight Management

Sunlight exposure has been associated with weight management. Vitamin D has also been the subject of some studies that were of the thinking that in one way or the other, it might affect regulation of body weight and fat storage. Sunlight exposure will also motivate one towards exercise because nobody has time for indoor activities when the weather is jovial.


View More: The Top 10 Benefits Of Vitamin D

Mental Health Benefits


Reduced Anxiety and Stress

Sunlight brings serenity to the mind. Natural light exposure can reduce the amounts of cortisol, a hormone that is linked with stress. Lowering the amount of cortisol can drive toward reduced anxiety and better general wellness. Most people find that going outside relieves and brings self-centeredness to the individual.


Higher Energy Levels

Many people share the view that they feel so energized and motivated after a stay under the sun. This is because of high levels of serotonin and quality sleep that is said to explain high energy throughout the day.


Risks Associated with Increased Sun Exposure

The advantages of the sun have various disadvantages. One has to understand that there are dangers relating to increased sun exposure.


Skin Damage

It causes damage to the skin, including sunburn, early wrinkling, and the development of cancer, if exposed too much to UV rays. It is one of the most common cancers. The danger of cancer increases with the passing of time and exposure to the sun without proper protection. The secret lies in keeping an optimum amount of sunlight that helps in the production of vitamin D and raises mood and the occurrence of damage.


How Much Sunlight Do You Need?

The given differences in skin types, geography, and seasons make a requirement for varying sunlight exposure needs in different people. However, on the whole, all healthcare providers prescribed at least the following to an average person:

  • 15-30 Minutes Daily: Spend at least 15-30 minutes directly exposed to the sun in your skin several times a week. Such a period is often enough to induce the production of vitamin D in the body.
  • Protective Measures: Apply high SPF sunblock if you are going out for several hours, use protective clothing, and wear sunglasses.


Determinants of Sunlight Needs

  • Skin Color: Lighter skin tone subjects require less time exposure to sunlight to produce vitamin D as compared to darker skin individuals.
  • Geographic Location: The residents at the equator are subject to intense sunlight throughout the whole year, but inhabitants in higher latitudes would have a higher demand during the summertime.
  • Time of Year: Vitamin D is synthesized less during winter months since the sun is positioned lower in the sky, so exposure should be adopted by this means.


Tips for Safe Sun Exposure

There is always a safe manner of exposing the sun, which will bring maximum benefits while reducing any risks; therefore, the following tips are essential

  • Timing your exposure: Best sun hours during the dawn or late afternoon when the rays of the sun are not as intense as the midday sun. These tend to minimize burning chances and allow ample time for vitamin D production.
  • Monitor Your Skin: Always be vigilant regarding changes in your skin such as the emergence of new moles on your skin or changes of already existing moles that have appeared on your skin. Always be sure to report changes in your skin to a healthcare provider.
  • Seek Shade: Whenever the sun is strong, seek shade to decrease your overall exposure. That means you should do it when the sun is mainly aggressive-that is from 10 am to 4 pm.



Maybe, absorbing and harvesting daily doses of sunshine can do miracles in the physical as well as mental levels. From vitamin D boosts to mood and sleep enhancement, the benefits the sun showers down upon us run the gamut. There is another very important need, though, to balance having fun in the sun with making sure your sun exposure does not convert into a curse rather than a blessing. All the diverse benefits of sunlight can thus be enjoyed with proper sun exposure along with keeping risk factors at bay.

It brings sunshine into your day for wellness, making you feel more vibrant and balanced. Perhaps take a stroll in the park, water the garden, or simply sit outside with a great book and find ways to soak up some of that sunshine's lovely.

Please book an appointment with the Best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find the verified doctor for your disease.