Hypothyroidism is any medical condition where a person's thyroid gland functions at lower levels than it should; therefore, it fails to produce the hormones it needs, which leads to a multitude of various symptoms from mild fatigue and weight gain up to depression. While conventional medicine may often fall back on hormone replacement therapy, most patients would try alternative treatments that may well end their current symptoms, hence, eventually improving their whole condition.

So in this blog, let us talk about some of those natural sources that could help out to support the thyroid, including diet changes or lifestyle modifications and herbal treatments but with a very strong recommendation to see healthcare professionals.


What is Hypothyroidism?

Looking at the natural remedies, it will be relevant to establish what hypothyroidism is, plus the effects that it has in the body. The thyroid is that small gland shaped like a butterfly located at the front of the neck. It synthesizes hormones; the common ones are thyroxin and triiodothyronine which are in charge of metabolism and energy not forgetting the control of all other activities in the body.

When this gland cannot produce hormones in the necessary quantity, then hypothyroidism occurs. There are many reasons why a person develops hypothyroidism and they are from autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, inadequate amounts of iodine in the body and injury to the gland through operations or radiation therapy.


Common Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Although the symptoms of hypothyroidism are very divergent among the people, sometimes it becomes hard to diagnose.

  • Fatigue: You will experience persisting tiredness that does not dissipate with rest.
  • Weight Gain: You will experience unexpected weight gain or not losing it while you are trying to.
  • Cold Sensitivity: You will be relatively sensitive to cold temperatures.
  • Dry Skin and Hair: Your skin becomes dry and flaky and breaks easily with hair falling out.
  • Constipation: Bowel habits are affected, and you find it hard to eject wastes from your body. It might be very awkward.
  • Muscle Weakness: General muscle weakness with aches and pains make daily activities a chore.
  • Depressed Mood: Irritability or hopelessness is a common complaint and can significantly disrupt quality of life.

However, symptoms like these, and others, should have you going ahead to seek further assessment by a medical expert if you suspect that you may have hypothyroidism.


Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism


1. Dietary Changes

Eating habits are among the leading aspects of life that impact on hypothyroidism. There are some specific improvements in the diet that should enhance the thyroid gland and its functioning and subsequently alleviate the symptoms. Some of the dietary changes may include.


Iodine-Rich Foods

Iodine is one of those minerals which are very important in the synthesis of thyroid hormones, as mentioned earlier. In many foods of choice, those containing iodine are worth incorporating into any diet in May that may boost your thyroid. There are many iodine-rich foods, including

  • Seaweed
  • Fish
  • Dairy Products
  • Eggs


Selenium-Enriched Foods

Another mineral is selenium that helps the thyroid in a proper working of the organ. The mineral enables the conversion of the relatively inactive form of the thyroid hormone, commonly referred to as T4 into the biologically active one, known as T3. Sources of selenium include:

  • Brazil Nuts: A serving of a handful of these nuts will give a person a higher amount than the daily recommended amount.
  • Fish: Salmon and sardines do not only provide selenium but other nutrients as well.
  • Egg: Versatile one that gives iodine and selenium together.
  • Sunflower Seeds: Very delicious snack which may be conveniently incorporated into your meals.


Zinc-Rich Foods

Zinc is a hormone constructor and may also aid in healing the thyroid conditions. Two of the rich zinc sources are

Meat: The highest intake of zinc per serving has been traced in beef, pork, and lamb

Shellfish: High amount of zinc per serving is present in oysters and crab


2. Avoid Certain Foods

There are foods that promote the health of the thyroid, but also foods that are not very friendly for the thyroid. Some of those foods that could be lessened or avoided include:


Goitrogenic Foods

These are chemicals that help to prevent the glands in the thyroid from releasing their hormones. They are safe for consumption if taken in small proportions but if taken in large proportions they have a counterproductive impact on the thyroid. Food sources of goitrogen include;

  • Cruciferous vegetables
  • Soy Products

View More: 10 Common Causes of Hypothyroidism You Need to Know


Some patients with hypothyroidism have been advised to follow a gluten-free diet. Evidence is accumulating, and it strongly points out that the fact is that gluten has a role in inducing inflammation in patients who suffer from autoimmune thyroid diseases, which includes Hashimoto's thyroiditis. If you believe that gluten is related to your thyroid health, stop it for some weeks in your diet and follow up how you will respond.


3. Herbal Remedies

So it is advised to consult your doctor before taking any herbal supplement as they can interfere with your drugs or other treatments.

  • Ashwagandha
  • Bladder wrack
  • Guggul


4. Lifestyle Interventions

In addition to dietary changes and herbal consumption, there are several lifestyle intervention measures that could also help with encouraging optimal thyroid function.



Exercise would be an activity a person has to do to maintain general well-being and would boost energy, mood, and control weight. A minimum amount of 30 minutes of moderate exercise can be done almost most days of the week. Examples of common exercises that a patient with hypothyroidism can do are walking, swimming, cycling, or performing yoga.


Stress Management

Such chronic stress can affect the functioning of the thyroid and the quality of life, to that extent. Reducing stress in day-to-day living through a variety of practices may prove useful.


Healthy Sleep

Healthy sleep is required by the general well-being of everyone and hypothyroidism patients in particular. Sleep as much as possible 7 to 9 hours every night. Sleeping on a bed prepared with a sleep-conducive environment, avoiding gadget use before bedtime, and building a relaxing sleep routine will promote high-quality sleep.


Regular Check-ups

Checkups by the doctor are also equally important in observing your degree of thyroid hormone production and wellness. Then, if you visit your healthcare provider regularly, there's more chance of a quick response when a changed treatment plan is needed. Hypothyroidism can be managed properly if symptoms of the disorder are closely monitored between visits and discussed with the healthcare provider.



Indeed, managing hypothyroidism is certainly not easy, but the newly available natural treatments and lifestyle modifications would help improve thyroid health and well-being. A balanced diet rich in nutrients, physical activity, stress management, and herbal remedies can all be useful for improving the function in the thyroid.

If a person suspects that they have hypothyroidism or if they are indeed suffering from its effects, then consulting a healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment is also of fundamental importance. Have the courage to embrace the journey and look for the various natural options presented to you while always keeping in mind professional guidance.

Please book an appointment with the best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find the verified doctor for your disease.