A synthetic hormone (chemical messenger) that imitates progesterone makes up Primolut N 5mg Tablet (a female hormone crucial for maintaining the menstrual cycle and pregnancy). It is used to treat a variety of menstruation issues, including endometriosis (abnormal growth of the uterus/womb lining), painful, heavy, or irregular periods, etc. The drug can also be used as a contraceptive to avoid unintended pregnancies. Sometimes, this medication is administered at higher doses to treat breast cancer.

Uses Of Primolut Tablet

The following health issues are treated with Primolut N Tablet

1- Heavy menstrual bleeding

Menstrual bleeding that lasts more than seven days is referred to as heavy menstrual bleeding (also known as menorrhagia). Anemia (low red blood cell count resulting in weakness) and other health problems may result from this. You can avoid periods of protracted and excessive bleeding throughout your period by taking Primolut N 5mg Tablet. It functions by limiting the impact of progesterone (a hormone that regulates the menstrual cycle). Progesterone lessens bleeding during menstruation by slowing the growth of the uterine (womb) lining prior to menstruation.

2- Contraception problem

A means of preventing unintended pregnancy is contraception. Primolut N 5mg Tablet stops ovulation to prevent conception (the release of an egg from an ovary). It also functions by making your cervix's lining thicker (a small passage that connects the vagina and uterus). As a result, the sperm cannot enter your uterus (womb).

3- Premenstrual syndrome

A set of symptoms that you experience before to the commencement of your monthly periods is known as a premenstrual syndrome. Anxiety, mood swings, water retention, breast soreness, etc. may be among these symptoms. The way that Primolut N 5 mg Tablet works is by regulating the amount of hormones (chemical messengers) in your body that are the root of these symptoms.

4- Endometriosis problem

When you have endometriosis, the lining of your uterus or womb begins to grow abnormally. Pelvic pain, painful periods, heavy bleeding, pain during sex, etc. are some of its symptoms. Progesterone hormone imbalance is the root cause of this illness (a chemical produced in the body that is responsible for reproduction, menstruation, and pregnancy). This problem is treated with Primolut N 5 MG Tablet by regulating the action of progesterone in your body. Along with Primolut N 5 MG Tablet, your doctor may likely recommend additional medications to treat your endometriosis.

Side Effects Of Primolut Tablet

The side effects of Primolut N 5 MG Tablet include:

  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain
  • Vaginal Spotting
  • Dizziness and
  • Sore breasts.

If any of these adverse effects get worse or last a long period, let your doctor know.

How To Take Primolut Tablet

You can take a Primolut N 5mg Tablet with or without food. It is advised that you take it every day at the same time. Your doctor based on the condition you are treating with it will choose the dosage of this medication.

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Warnings & Precautions For Primolut Tablet

In the event of pregnancy, Primolut N should not be taken. Primolut N has undergone tests on both humans and animals, and both have revealed a number of negative effects on the development of the fetus. Primolut N medicine is dangerous if a woman is nursing since it can enter the milk ducts and ultimately end up in the milk. Few studies indicate the medication Primolut N can enter the breast milk and affect a baby who is fed when the mother is on Primolut N. The drug Primolut N also has an effect on mental health. When a female takes Primolut N, she can experience lightheadedness, sleepiness, and decreased attentiveness. As a result, it is advised against driving after taking Primolut N.

According to several research, liver-diseased women may experience some negative effects. For people with liver issues, there are dosage changes.

It is not advised to use Primolut N 5 MG Tablet if you have jaundice, migraines, heart issues, or a history of a heart attack or angina (chest pain). If you have diabetes, kidney disease, or any other medical concerns, let your doctor know. If you are pregnant or want to become pregnant, avoid using this medication. However, before taking this medication while nursing, speak to your doctor. This medication might not be healthy for moms.

How Primolut Tablet Works?

Progestin, a synthetic hormone, is called primolut N. The drug Primolut N functions similarly to progesterone, a female body's natural sex hormone. It affects the body's following systems:

  1. Controlling uterine lining growth
  2. The uterine lining that is fully-grown sheds
  3. Beneficial for treating irregular menstruation

Dosage Of Primolut Tablet To Help With Amenorrhea

Primolut N is used in the first week following the woman's last menstruation to aid in the treatment of secondary amenorrhea. Primolut N dosage for changing menstrual cycle timing Delaying or advancing menstrual periods may be necessary in some situations. Primolut N is a viable option in this scenario. The drug Primolut N is administered three times for a maximum of 10–14 days in order to advance the menstrual cycle (the preferred option). Three days prior to the anticipated start of menstruation, this is administered. Once you stop using Primolut N, the bleeding will finally be allowed to happen after two to three days. Primolut N dosage for the treatment of endometriosis

Primolut N should be started on the fifth day of the menstrual cycle, according to medical advice. Primolut N is a drug that is prescribed to be taken twice day, however, the dosage is later increased to two tablets twice daily. When the bleeding stops, a previous prescription of two tablets each day is followed. Depending on the severity of the ailment, the full regimen is adhered to for at least 406 months. Ovulation and subsequent menstrual bleeding will not occur when taking Primolut N for the treatment of endometriosis.

Primolut N Tablet Composition

The amount of norethisterone in each Primolut N tablet is 5 mg (milligrams).

Pack Size Of Primolut Tablet

Primolut tablet Commercial packaging size 3x10's.

Primolut Tablet Use Age Limit

Children are not supposed to take the medicine Primolut N.

Primolut N Price in Pakistan

Primolute N price in Pakistan is Rs. 258 per box.

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/primolut-n-tablet-uses-dosage-side-effects-price-composition