First cousins form the prevalent percentage of consanguineous marriages in Pakistan. It is an extremely deep-rooted cultural and social trend in this country. However, this has loads of problems not only for the individual but also for society as a whole. This paper discusses and provides insight into the various issues of cousin marriages in Pakistan, including health risks, social stigmatization, legal and ethical considerations, psychological effects on children, economic impacts, a general lack of awareness, and cultural and religious factors.

Here we discuss the 8 different problems of cousin marriages in Pakistan!!

1-Health Risks Of Cousin Marriages

Among the major problems associated with cousin marriages is an increased risk of having genetic disorders. This probability of inheriting the two copies of the recessive genetic diseases increases manifolds when close blood relatives get married to one another. These genetic disorders can vary in intensity from very mild forms to mere life-threatening diseases; for instance, thalassemia-which is one of the most common genetic disorders in Pakistanis- has been found more common in families that had a history of cousin marriages.

Research has shown that a much larger percentage of babies from cousin marriages are likely to be afflicted with congenital abnormalities. This may include, among others, defects in the heart, metabolic disorders, and developmental delays. All this long-term care required by such children often drains a family's emotional and financial resources.

2-Social Stigma And Pressure Within The Family

There exists strong social and familial pressure to marry within the family in Pakistan. The reason behind this pressure is always to keep the property within the circle of the family; this, in turn, provides strength to family bonds and upholds traditional values. This pressure has often led to unhappy and forced marriages of people as such. Females, in particular, go through emotional strain and marital dissatisfaction as they feel they are left with no alternative but to surrender to their families' wishes.

The social stigma that may be attached to refusing a cousin's marriage can be huge. A person who resists such arrangements risks ostracism and criticism from their family and community. This factor normally forces people to enter into marriages they are not comfortable with due to sheer fear of such backlash, leading to tedium and unhappiness cycles.

3-Legal And Ethical Concerns

Though cousin marriages are legally accepted in Pakistan, their legality varies across the world. Irrespective of this, the debate is increasingly rising over whether to restrict it or regulate it concerning the health risks attached. Opponents say legislation is needed to ensure public health and avoid certain genetic disorders. However, proponents of cousin marriages suggest that their restriction would infringe on personal freedoms and cultural practices.

The issue is ethically complex. On the one hand, people should have freedom in choosing their life partners. On the other hand, there is a responsibility to contemplate the possible health effects after some generations. Therefore, balancing these ethical issues is a challenge for the policymakers as well as the entire society.

4-Psychological Impact On Children

The children resulting from cousin marriages mostly have psychological problems. The children could be suffering because of the presence of a higher percentage of resultant genes causing a good number of genetic disorders, hence resulting in mental and generally physiological deforming deformities. Besides, they can feel isolated at school due to the bullying resulting from their condition and the stigma around it.

Coping with genetic disorders and social stigma has heavy psychological impacts that many a time affect the self-esteem of a child and his or her mental health. Such children mostly suffer from inferiority complexes and social integration problems. There is a need to offer psychological aid or counseling to such children to make them survive through these challenges.

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5-Economic Implications

The cousin marriage has huge economic implications. Families with a history of some form of genetic disorder often bear heavy medical expenses for diagnosis, treatment, and after-care. This burden is almost impossible to bear, especially for families of low income who can hardly afford quality health care.

Moreover, this reduced genetic diversity as a result of cousin marriages can have further implications on the economy. Genetic disorders are bound to affect a person's productivity, and hence the workforce, ultimately reducing productivity and economic growth. The economic impact can be mitigated by way of alleviation in terms of providing financial aid to the suffering families and at the larger scale of public health initiatives aimed at lowering the prevalence of these disorders.

Lack Of Awareness And Education

One major factor still fueling cousin marriages in Pakistan is the general lack of awareness and education among people about the involved risks. Most people are ignorant regarding the fact that marrying within the family can result in health complications and may have social implications associated with it. This has just made the cycle of cousin marriage and its associated issues continue unabated.

Awareness programs regarding the risks of cousin marriages are thus very essential to be imparted to the general public. This would help people at large make better decisions and realize the farther results of their actions. Awareness through schools, healthcare, and community leaders is very important in this regard and can help endorse healthier marital practices.

Cultural And Religious Factors

In Pakistan, cousin marriages are highly practiced due to the great influence of cultural and religious beliefs. A lot of people have this idea that to conserve one's culture and remain true to their religion, one needs to marry within the family. These beliefs are deeply held and usually very difficult to dispel.

This has to be balanced against cultural practice, however. Education of religious and community leaders regarding the health risks associated with cousin marriages will help in changing cultural norms. Engaging in dialogue between cultural traditions and scientific understanding can help in finding solutions with respect and efficacy.

Efforts To Address The Issues

Various attempts are being made to overcome the issues associated with cousin marriages in Pakistan. NGOs, healthcare providers, and government agencies are all working together to spread awareness and help suffering families. Genetic counseling services are being brought in to help people realize the risks and make informed decisions about marriage.

Public health campaigns are organized to educate people about the dangers of cousin marriages and promote alternative marital practices. Mass media, community outreach programs, and educational workshops are conducted to spread awareness among people at large. Thereafter, it is expected that with greater awareness and availability of resources, cases of cousin marriages and related issues will come down.


The host of issues that cousin marriage brings to the fore is related to health hazards, social stigmas, legal and ethical considerations, psychological effects on children, economic implications, lack of awareness, and cultural factors. In other words, health risks, social stigma, legal and ethical considerations, psychological impacts on children, economic implications, lack of awareness, and cultural issues are challenging dimensions that exist marriage among cousins in Pakistan. Therefore, any measures being adopted should address the educative, legal reform, and cultural awareness aspects. 

Such issues find their solution in understanding and grappling with them so that society fares further toward a healthier marital life with awareness. Along with raising awareness, education, and support, it is highly sought that prevalence of cousin marriages and problems associated should reduce in Pakistan.

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