Pregnancy is a beautiful experience that brings a lot of excitement to expectant mothers. However, sometimes things may not go as planned, and a baby may be in a breech position. A breech baby is positioned bottom-first or feet-first instead of head-first, which is ideal for a vaginal birth. This blog will explore everything also you need to know about breech babies, including the causes, symptoms, and management options.

Causes of breech baby

Breech position occurs in about 3-4% of all pregnancies, and several factors can cause it. Some of the common causes of a breech baby include:

  • Premature birth: babies born before their due date are more likely to be in a breech position because they have not had enough time to turn their heads down.
  • Multiple pregnancies: women carrying twins, triplets, or more are more likely to have breech babies because there is less room in the uterus for the babies to move around.
  • Abnormal uterus shape: women with an abnormal uterus shape or those with fibroids may have a breech baby because the baby does not have enough space to turn head-down.
  • Placenta previa: a condition also where the placenta is positioned at the bottom of the uterus can cause the baby to be breech.

Sleeping positions to turn breech baby

If your baby is present in a breech position, there are indeed several things you can do to help turn their head down. One of the easiest ways is to change your sleeping position to turn breech baby. Sleeping on your left side can help because it allows for better blood flow to the placenta, encouraging the baby to move into a head-down position.

You can also do pelvic tilts by kneeling on all fours and arching your back like a cat. This position helps to create more space in the uterus and encourages the baby to turn.

Another technique that may help is the breech tilt. This involves lying on your back with your feet elevated higher than your head for 10-15 minutes thrice daily. This position encourages the baby to move away from the pelvis and can increase the chance of them turning their head down.

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Breech baby boy symptoms

No specific symptoms indicate whether a breech baby is a boy or a girl. The baby's position can only be determined through an ultrasound or a physical exam by a healthcare provider. However, some common signs may indicate a breech baby, such as:

  • The mother feels most of the kicks and movements in the upper abdomen.
  • The baby's head is not engaged in the pelvis, and the mother may feel pressure on her ribs.
  • The baby's heartbeat may be heard higher up on the abdomen than usual.

Symptoms of breech baby turning

If your baby turns from a breech to a head-down position, you may experience discomfort or pain. This is because the baby's movements can put pressure on your organs and cause stretching of the ligaments and muscles in your pelvis.

Some women may experience contractions as the baby turns, which can be mistaken for early labor. However, these contractions are usually irregular and do not progress like real labor ones.

Breech babies are smarter

A common myth suggests that breech babies are more intelligent than those born head-down. T yet, scientific evidence does not support this assumption. The position of the baby does not affect its intelligence or cognitive abilities.

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Contractions with breech baby

If you have contractions with a breech baby, it is also essential to seek medical attention immediately. Contractions can signify preterm labor or other complications, and breech presentation can increase the risk of specific birth injuries. Your healthcare provider may recommend that you have a c-section to deliver your baby safely.


A breech baby is a common condition that affects many pregnant women. While it can be concerning, many ways exist to manage this condition and ensure a safe and healthy delivery. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and management options for breech babies, you can be better prepared for this aspect of pregnancy and feel more confident in handling it. If you also have concerns about your baby's position, talking to your healthcare provider and working together is essential.

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