You may be familiar with the terms sleepwalking, sleep talking, and even sleep driving as forms of sleep disorders. You could even have gone through one or more of them yourself. A type of sleep condition that you may not be as acquainted with is known as sexsomnia or sleep sex. Similar to sleepwalking, sexsomnia is a kind of parasomnia. The outcome of your brain being stuck in between stages of sleep is insomnia. You might act awake during this transitional period while still asleep.

Sex-related behaviours are experienced by those who suffer from sexsomnia. These practices include everything from masturbating to having sex. Sleep sex may be treated together with underlying sleep disorders or behavioural difficulties.


Symptoms Of Sex Somnia

Sex dreams are not the same as sex insomnia. Sex dreams are common among adults and teenagers. These are not the same experiences as sexsomnia. Individuals who have this disease frequently have intercourse while they are asleep, frequently with other people. One of the challenges with parasomnias, such as sleep sex, is that the sufferer might not be aware of their condition. Friends, roommates, parents, or partners may initially notice the habits. The affected person may be unaware of the disease until someone points it out to them.

Typical sexsomnia behaviours include:

  • Engaging in foreplay or rubbing with a bed companion
  • Pushing from the pelvis
  • Actions that resemble having sex
  • Sultry behavior
  • Sexual activity
  • Unplanned orgasm
  • Glassy, lifeless expression when engaging in these actions
  • Not understanding later behaviour

A parasomnia may be present if the person continues to behave in this way after awakening. The person afflicted with sexsomnia could appear awake and have their eyes open. They are going through an amnesic episode, though, so they cannot recall anything. Subtle alterations in sexual behaviour could also indicate a sleep issue. During sleep sex episodes, people with sexsomnia may exhibit more forceful behaviour than they ordinarily would. Partners may notice changes in their conduct since they may have fewer inhibitions when sleeping.


Causes Of Sex Somnia

Although the exact aetiology of sexsomnia in specific individuals is unknown, medical professionals are aware of several factors that may be involved. Among them are:

  • Lack of sleep
  • Elevated levels of stress
  • Unease
  • Exhaustion
  • Certain drugs
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Utilizing illegal prescription medications or substances for recreational purposes
  • Erratic sleeping habits


Risk Factors

Additionally, underlying medical disorders might cause sexsomnia. These ailments frequently cause sleep disturbances. Among them are:

  • Concurrent abnormalities of sleep, such as sleepwalking or sleeptalking
  • Twitchy legs syndrome
  • Apnea obstructive sleeping
  • Epilepsy associated with sleep
  • Reflux disease of the stomach (GERD)
  • Head trauma
  • Headaches



Although its frequency is unknown, sexsomnia is thought to be uncommon. According to one study, 8% of patients at a Canadian clinic for sleep disorders had sexsomnia symptoms. The condition was nearly three times more common in men than in women. Masturbation was more common among women who suffered from sexsomnia.

Remember that the study's findings only included participants from one sleep clinic. The prevalence of the disorder in the general population is probably substantially lower.

Because they may be unaware of their illness or feel embarrassed or ashamed, people with the disorder might not disclose their symptoms. That can imply that there are more cases than are reported. In the Canadian study, out of 832 individuals, only four raised concerns with sleep specialists regarding sexsomnia.


Seeking Help

It can be alarming to do things while you're asleep that you can't remember doing. Masturbating is one of the harmless sexsomnia habits. They might also be severe for others. In rape cases, sleeplessness has been used as a defenseTrusted Source. Couples who have a partner with sexsomnia may worry that their partner is not happy with their behaviour. This may cause your relationship with your loved one to deteriorate.

It would help if you got treatment for your sleep issue for all of these reasons. Make an appointment with a sleep specialist if your partner or a loved one starts mentioning strange sleep behaviours to you over a few weeks or months.



Ask anyone who has witnessed your sleep sex habits to document their observations before you visit your doctor. Additionally, you want to record your sleep habits in a notebook. Your doctor might be able to identify the illness based only on a record of these sleep sex sessions. They might ask you to do a sleep study if it isn't.

Most sleep tests are carried out at specialized hospitals. The examination, also known as polysomnography, captures the following while you sleep:

  • Neural waves
  • Heart rate
  • Respiration pattern
  • Movement of the legs and eyes

One night in the sleep centre may do. Your doctor could also ask that you stay for a few nights to have a more comprehensive picture of your sleep patterns. The behaviours may validate the diagnosis made by your physician if they start while you're in the sleep clinic. If you do not experience a sexsomnia episode during your stay at the study centre, your physician may later order more tests. To rule out other potential causes, they could also undertake other tests.


View More: 10 Foods That Improve Sex Stamina


Sexsomnia treatment frequently yields excellent results. Among them are:

Taking care of underlying sleep issues

Treating the underlying condition may also put an end to unintentional sexual activities if sexsomnia is likely the result of another sleep problem, such as sleep apnea or restless leg syndrome. For example, a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is typically used to treat sleep apnea.

Modifications to medicine

Changing medications may halt the problem if you took a new prescription soon before the sexsomnia habits started. Including over-the-counter sleep aids and sleep drugs can result in parasomnia episodes.

Drugs for underlying medical conditions

Sexsomnia and sleep disorders can be exacerbated by mental health issues such as stress, worry, and depression. Treatment options that can stop the sexual habits include talk therapy or medication.

Novel Pharmaceuticals

Certain drugs have the potential to cause sexsomnia, whereas others might prevent it. It is possible to prescribe antidepressants and anti-seizure medications.


Tips On How To Handle This Illness

By altering your lifestyle, you can lower your chance of developing sexsomnia and potentially avoid more episodes:


Have A Conversation With Your Family And Partner.

People in your life may be at risk because of your insomnia. Relationships with others may also be impacted. You must inform your loved ones of your diagnosis, your treatment plan, and how they can support you. The best policy is to be honest.


Establish A Safe Space

Create a secure space for you and your loved ones while the treatments are administered.

  • Sleep in different rooms.
  • Assume that the door to the room is locked.
  • Install alerts so that others will know when you're moving.

Steer clear of triggers.

Sleep sex can result from recreational drug use and alcohol consumption. Recognizing those factors will help you avoid instances of sexsomnia.


Maintain proper sleeping habits.

It's critical to have consistent sleep each night to avoid sexsomnia. Episodes of the disorder can be brought on by sleep deprivation and sleep pattern abnormalities. Establish and adhere to a bedtime.



In most cases, sexsomnia can be effectively treated by addressing the underlying causes. Periodically, you might go through phases of sexsomnia again, particularly if your sleep habits alter or you start having more sleep disorders. With therapy, the majority of people will feel better.

Please book an appointment with the Best Psychiatrist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find the verified doctor for your disease.