Have you ever gone through annoying situation yourself because of constipation or your child complaining about the constipation?

If yes Skilax Drops is the solution of your problem!

What are Skilax Drops?

Skilax drops is one of the stools softener or laxative drops that provides you comfort and ease during the constipation. Skilax drops contains the active ingredient Sodium Picosulphate or Sodium Picosulfate which helps to prepare bowel for colonoscopy surgery as it facilitates to clean the bowel.

Sodium Picosulphate comes under the category of Prodrug, Prodrug is a compound or medication which produces therapeutic activity after the metabolization in the body. Prodrug also helps to improve bioavailability of the drugs which might not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract or poorly absorbed. Prodrug can help a drug engage more selectively with cells or procedures that aren't its intended target. This lessens a drug's negative or unanticipated side effects, which is crucial for therapies like chemotherapy that can have serious unintended and unpleasant side effects. Sodium picosulfate, when taken orally, is typically used to thoroughly evacuate theintestine in individuals getting ready for a colonoscopy.  Since it operates in the colon, it takes 12 to 24 hours to start working. 

Constipation and abdominal cramps are common side effects of picosulfate and should be anticipated. In order to make up for dehydration and restore normal electrolyte balance, patients frequently need to consume considerable amounts of clear fluids. The usage of sodium picosulfate has also been linked to some electrolyte problems, such as hyponatremia and hypokalemia. Magnesium citrate, an osmotic laxative, is frequently recommended in Conjunction with sodium picosulfate. Prior to colonoscopies, patients are frequently offered this combination as a highly effective laxative for stool cleansing.

Is Skilax is FDA Approved?

YES! Skilax drops contains sodium picosulphate which is FDA approved salt, you can visit the link to ensure the authenticity of the ingredient. 


As the US-FDA has given authenticity for the ingredient it can be satisfactorily used by the consumers!

Uses of Skilax Drops

The following illnesses, ailments, and symptoms are treated, managed, prevented, and improved with the help of sodium picosulphate:

Do you Know what is Constipation & Bowel Evacuation?

No! Instacare is here to facilitate you! Constipation is characterized by irregular bowel motions or trouble passing stools, Chronic Constipation that lasts for a few weeks or more.

Generally speaking, constipation is defined as having less than three bowel motions per week.

Even if it happens frequently, some people have chronic constipation that makes it difficult for them to carry out their everyday activities. People who are chronically constipated could also strain too much to pass a bowel movement.

The underlying cause of chronic constipation influences treatment options in part. But occasionally, no cause is ever identified. But you have not need to worry now as Skilax drops & Tablets are available at “Instacare App” which is recommended by top notch healthcare professionals of Pakistan.

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Moreover, Bowel evacuation, this process involves the passage of feces which is a mixture of undigested food, germs, mucus, and cells from the lining of the intestines, through the gut, and out the anus. also known as defecating. Food passes through the colon completely in around 36 hours. Overall, depending on the person, the process from the time food is swallowed until it exits your body as feces takes anywhere between two and five days. When trying to have a bowel movement, people frequently utilize Skilax, a stool softener that is primarily intended to relieve constipation but can also be used to hasten bowel evacuation. As it works by increasing the amount of water the stool absorbs in the gut, making the stool softer and easier to pass.

Dosage of Skilax Drops

Adults: 10 -15 drops once a day.

Children: 2-5 years: 2 – 3 drops once daily, 6 -10 years: 2- 5 drops once daily.

The dosage may be adjusted, under medical advice, according to the age and symptoms. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily while using any laxative.

Dosage Forms, Pack Size Available in Pakistan & Price: 

Drops: Strength available: 15ml

Pack Size: 15ml / Pack of 15drops 

MRP: Skilax 15ml drops (7.5mg/ml), Rs. 56 Pkr/-

Tablet: Strength available: 5mg

Pack Size: 5mg / strip / pack of 60 tablets 

MRP: Skilax 5mg Tablet (5mg/tablet), Rs. 193 Pkr/-

Are there any Precautions recommended to use Skilax dosage Forms?

Tell your doctor about all of your current prescriptions, over-the-counter goods (including vitamins, herbal supplements, etc.), allergies, previous diseases, and current health conditions before using sodium picosulphate (e.g., pregnancy, upcoming surgery, etc.). You can be more susceptible to the drug's side effects if you have certain medical conditions. Follow your doctor's instructions or the instructions on the package insert when taking. Your condition will determine your dosage. If your issue persists or gets worse, let your doctor know. The following list of key counselling points is provided.

  • Don't use excessively
  • Do not drive a vehicle or operate machinery after intake.
  • Do not use this medication daily for more than five days.
  • If you are experiencing alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal symptoms, refrain from using Skilax.
  • Pregnant or contemplating to be pregnant.

Skilax Interaction with other drugs

The effects of sodium picosulphate may alter if you also use other medications or over-the-counter items. This could make your medication less effective or put you at greater risk for side effects. Inform your doctor of all the medications, vitamins, and herbal supplements you use so they can assist you in avoiding or managing drug interactions. The following medicines and items may interact with sodium picosulphate:

  • Prednisolone
  • Furosemide
  • Amoxicillin
  • Doxycycline

Is there any Contraindication to Use Skilax?

A contraindication is hypersensitivity to sodium picosulfate. Additionally, you shouldn't use sodium picosulphate if you have any of the following conditions

  • Children younger than 10 years old
  • Earliest stage of pregnancy
  • Blockage in the intestines

Are there any Side effects of Skilax Drops?

The potential negative effects of medications containing sodium picosulphate are listed below. This isn't an exhaustive list. These negative effects are conceivable but not guaranteed. Some of the negative effects could be uncommon yet severe. If you experience any of the negative effects listed below, especially if they persist, speak with your doctor.

  • Nausea/Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain/cramps/ discomfort
  • Fainting/Dizziness
  • Loose motions
  • Skin rash / Itching of skin /allergic reactions due to drug rejection
  • Abdominal 
  • Swelling in eyes or lips

Important Note: This drug can also be used on the prescription of your healthcare professional, If experience any of the given side effects Please visit nearby healthcare community center or contact Instacare doctors via Instacare Mobile App.