Dark circles that appear under your eyes, give you a look of being older and fatigued. They are common in both genders, men as well as women. Dark circles are easy to get, but hard to get rid of. However, natural remedies and lifestyle modifications can help in getting rid of them. They are not a serious health concern, but they affect the way you look. Therefore you must get its treatment, for which you can visit the best dermatologist through InstaCare.

What are the Causes of Dark Circles?

Sleep Deprivation

One of the most common reasons for dark circles under your eyes is sleep deprivation and fatigue. Our body is made to sleep at night because during this time it repairs and heals itself. But when it does not get enough and the right time to do so, it reacts in negative ways like dark circles and much more. Your skin would lose its elasticity, become pale and dark which results in puffy dark circles under your eyes in you keep yourself awake at night and do not sleep well. Also, doing that will affect your mental functioning, leading to a loss of productivity.


Another common reason for dark circles under your eyes is aging. As we age, our skin becomes thinner over time. Also, it loses collagen and fat that keeps it tight and elastic. Due to these reasons, the blood vessels under our eyes become visible and represents dark circles. Antioxidants can help in getting rid of dark circles that appear due to aging.

Eye Strain

When we stare or focus for long hours on a computer or television, our eyes get strained. Due to this, the blood vessels under the eyes enlarge, eventually resulting in dark circles under the eyes.


Allergy is a response of your immune system that occurs due to a foreign particle that can be anything like dust, any food like peanuts, almonds, nuts, and much more. It shows up as a runny nose, cough, and watery eyes. During an allergic reaction, your body releases histamine, which causes dilation of blood vessels, eventually resulting in dark circles underneath the eyes.

Also, during the allergy attack, you may feel the need to rub or scratch your eyes. It also leads to broken blood vessels, swelling, and inflammation, therefore, giving a dark complexion under your eyes. If you are suffering from an allergy you must get the treatment for which you can visit the best dermatologist in Islamabad through InstaCare.


Not drinking enough water can lose the elasticity of your skin. To keep your skin healthy and glowing, you must drink 8 to 10 glasses of water in a day. Dehydration also causes dizziness, confusion, headache, and nausea. Water is an essential part of a healthy skin regime.

Overexposure to Sunlight

If you overexpose yourself to sunlight, your body produces a pigment called melanin that imparts color to your skin. Due to this, hyperpigmentation can occur, resulting in dark circles underneath your eyes. Sunlight contains ultraviolet rays that are harmful to your skin. It damages the skin by producing free radical species. Therefore, before going out, you must apply a sunblock that protects your skin against ultraviolet rays or wear sunglasses that protect your eyes.

Genetics and Health Conditions

Having a family history of dark circles make you prone to it. It may start from childhood and worsen as you age. Moreover, health conditions like thyroid disorders or hyperpigmentation of the skin can also cause dark circles underneath your eyes.


To keep your skin fresh and glowing, you must maintain a proper skincare routine. Moisturize it daily, apply sunscreen while going out, and get it massaged. Also, eat plenty of raw vegetables and fruits as they contain antioxidants and keep your skin fresh and slow down aging, hence maintaining its elasticity and glow.

Drink at least ten glasses of water so that your skin remains hydrated and fresh. If you have an issue of dark circle, you must visit the best dermatologist in Pakistan through InstaCare or you can call on the helpline number: 0310 0002273