Diabetes is a condition in which your blood glucose levels remain higher than normal because your pancreas is unable to secrete a hormone called insulin or your receptors have become insensitive to it. Insulin is a hormone that helps in the absorption of sugar from the blood to the tissues. A high level of sugar, circulating in the blood is damaging for our organs. Therefore, the management of diabetes is quite an essential task to do.

The more you keep your blood sugar levels monitored and under control, the more you will remain safe from its complications. If you do not do that, many life-threatening, and vision-threatening diseases can attack you. For the management of diabetes, you must visit an endocrinologist through InstaCare.

Complications of Diabetes

Skin diseases

People with diabetes may get repeated skin infections and it takes quite a long to recover than the other normal person. Usually, it is the first sign with which people report to a healthcare provider. They may get repeated viral, fungal, and bacterial infections of the skin.

Cardiovascular diseases

Uncontrolled diabetes can make you prone to hypertension, stroke, and heart attack. Also, it may damage the blood vessels and nerves, hence causing neuropathies. The person may feel numbness in the legs, due to which their sensation is altered. They may not feel the sensation, which makes them prone to injuries as they cannot sense the danger.

Moreover, a high blood sugar level makes it quite difficult for the wound to heal. All this becomes a vicious cycle that can cause a life-threatening condition or lead to amputation due to infection. People having diabetes are ten times more at risk of getting their toe or leg amputated as compared to those who are not. However, keeping your blood sugar levels under control can help you in keeping yourself healthy and active.

Visual disturbances

Since diabetes affects your nerves, it can also affect the functioning of the optic nerve that plays a major role in our visual perception. Diabetes can put you at risk of getting cataracts, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy, hence leading to blindness. However, you can prevent that by getting regular eye exams done, that help in the early detection of the eye condition.

Kidney disease

Our kidneys are responsible for excreting the waste materials out of our bodies. However, they are not made to excrete sugar out in the form of urine. But when it finds a high concentration of sugar in the blood, it starts excreting it to get rid of it. Due to this, its delicate filtration membranes get damaged, hence leading to kidney disease. Therefore, you must keep in mind that if you do not keep your blood sugar levels under control, it may eventually lead to kidney failure, which is a life-threatening condition. However, regular monitoring of serum creatinine can help in the early detection of kidney disease. And you can prevent it by keeping your blood sugar levels under control. If you want the information for the best nephrologist in Lahore call on the helpline number of InstaCare: 0310 0002273

 Gums diseases and tooth infection

High circulating blood sugar levels leave at the risk of catching infections. Also, they may cause infections of the gum and tooth. Therefore, you must visit the dentist often and get a regular examination done. Furthermore, make a routine of brushing your teeth twice a day along with regular mouth washing and flossing.


The most important thing with diabetes is its management. It is a lifelong condition that remains with you forever once diagnosed. Therefore, you must learn the art to cope with it. Moreover, you must incorporate exercise for at least thirty minutes in your routine and limit sugar intake. Complications of diabetes can lead to life-threatening conditions or amputation. However, with the right management, you can keep yourself healthy and functional. For proper management of diabetes, you must visit the best general physician or Diabetologist in Pakistan through InstaCare.