Maintaining healthy cholesterol is very important to the
overall health of the heart as well as preventing cardiovascular diseases.
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance in your blood that assists in forming
healthy cell membranes and hormones. But too much cholesterol floating around
this-your bad-and LDL cholesterol lead to a number of dire health problems,
including heart disease and stroke. Diet is one of the finest weapons against
high levels of cholesterol. This article looks at the worst foods for high
cholesterol as your guide to healthy heart choices.
What Is Cholesterol?
Where to start might be one of the easiest is to define cholesterol and how the human body functions. Cholesterol circulates throughout your bloodstream in two primary forms:
- Low-Density Lipoprotein
- High-Density Lipoprotein
Dietary Restriction in Case of High Cholesterol
1. Trans Fats
The amount of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
generated by such a kind of fat if a diet rich in this is consumed is high.
Therefore, consequential important precautions and restrictions must be taken
in this regard.
One of the evil cholesterol enemies is Tran’s fats. They
find their way into nearly all packaged foods and can be found in margarine.
Common Sources of Trans Fats
Cooking Oils/ Fried Foods: Fast foods, French fries,
doughnuts and fried chicken are all drenched with Trans fats.
- Baked Goods: Baked goods, pastries, cookies, cakes etc. may
contain partially hydrogenated oils.
- Snack Foods: Most packaged snack foods, microwave popcorn,
chips, other type of crackers may contain Trans fats.
2. Saturated Fats
The second type of fat that may further play a role in
lowering cholesterol is saturated fats. The nature of these fats makes them
typically be solid at room temperature. Products that occur naturally from
animal products and some plant oils have these types of fats.
High Saturated Diet
- Meat: Beef, mutton, as well as pork contain saturated fats.
- Processed Meats High levels of saturated fats, preservatives
and contain sausages, hotdogs, as well as bacon
- Dairy Whole milk, butter, and full-fat cheese contain saturated fats
3. Refined Carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates lead to increased cholesterol. Find food that contains refined or added sugars. Most of these carbohydrates will cause a surge in blood sugar, and higher triglycerides-that is, another fat circulating in the blood that might be behind heart disease.
- White Bread and Pasta: The carbohydrates are derived from
refined flour. Thus, they lost their fiber and nutrients.
- Sugar-rich Snacks include cakes, cookies, and candies, with
added sugars and carbs.
- Sugar-rich beverages include sodas as well as the sweet drinks; they aid in high calorie intake but have no nutritional benefits
4. Sugar-rich Foods and Beverages
The consumption of added sugars leads to weight gain, creates high insulin resistance, and high triglyceride levels, which have bad effects on cholesterol.
- Intakes of added sugars bear empty calorie intakes without
nutrition and hence worsen health complications.
- High Added Sugars Content Foods
- Candies and Confectionery: Cakes, pastries, and cookies more
than often are made of sugar.
- Added Sugars in Certain Cereals
- Liquid Sugars
5. Fast Foods
Of course, fast foods contain saturated fats, calories, and
sodium. Fast food and weight gain increase cholesterol and are some of the most
wrong dietary choices for anyone who is scared stiff about heart health.
Some of the Fast Food Villains
- Burgers: Pretty much saturated and salted with fats and
- Fried Chicken: Chock full of trans fats and calories.
- Pizza: Mostly high on saturated fats and processed carbs.
6. Some Oils and Fats
Not all fats are the same. There are some good fats such as
found in avocados, nuts, while others help worse bad cholesterol. Some oils
should be used only with extreme caution or at a very minimal use since it's
not good for the body.
Food to avoid
- Palm Oil: Contains too much saturated fat; primarily known
to have processed foodstuff
- Coconut Oil: Though it can be sold as healthy, it is rich in
saturated fats hence making LDL high.
- Partially Hydrogenated Oils: It contains trans fats and it is mainly used in processed foods.
7. Whole Dairy Products
Despite having a lot of nutrients such as calcium and protein
content, it can truly be high in saturated fats. Foods like low fat or fat free
dairy products are helpful in controlling of cholesterol.
Entire Milk to Minimize
- Full Milk: It is higher in saturated fat.
- Preparation sources: Cream is added in some recipes, also
cream cheese in baked goods. Both are significant contributors to fat intake.
- Full-Fat Cheese: This can be very tasty, though it does increase cholesterol.
8. Processed Snack Foods
There are lots of packaged snack foods which, on average,
comprise unhealthy fats as well as high sodium intake. The snacks comprise
trans fats and processed carbohydrates, so they are not advisable to those who
want to keep their cholesterol level healthy.
Crunchy Foods To Avoid:
- Potato crisps: Mostly fried in unhealthy fats and quite high
in sodium
- Packaged popcorns: These are mostly drowned with trans fats,
added with added sugars.
- Cheese Puffs: Primarily mixes with loads of calories and unhealthy fats.
9. Baked Products
Baked Products to Avoid
- Cookies and Brownies: Filled with sugar and unhealthy fats.
- Pastries and Croissants: Contains butter and white flour.
- Doughnuts: Fried and also sugary, so the calories add
up Healthier Alternatives
- While there are some things to be avoided, there are quite a lot of healthy diet options which will control cholesterol levels. Here are the heart-healthy diet advisory options that lead you towards better choices below.
Healthy Fats to Intake
- Choose Healthy Fats: For unsaturated fats, look through these suggestions below. Take in more olive oils, avocados, and nuts through your food intake. Some unsaturated fats will pose to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol, which constitute for healthier hearts.
- Increase Fiber: Dietary fiber can also lower cholesterol. Remember, have an emphasis on the soluble fiber. The highest soluble fibers are oatmeal, beans, lentils, fruits, and vegetables.
- Eat More Fruits and Vegetables: A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can be the body's essential input as well as antioxidants that will contribute to good heart health. Ensure variety for maximal nutrient intake.
Reduce Sodium Intake
Consumer high sodium increases blood pressure, which in turn
puts one at risk to heart disease. Choose fresh food over processed. Use herbs
and spices for flavor instead of salt.
Hydrate adequately with an appropriate amount of water.
Continue to drink water or sugar-free drinks. Avoid added sugars.
Diet and overall heart health will be the requirements to
regulate high cholesterol. Enough scientific data have been produced to support
the premise that intakes of foods containing trans fatty acids, saturated fatty
acids, refined carbohydrates and added sugars are directly linked with
increased risks of heart diseases. As long as the directions on how many
fruits, vegetables, whole grain products, healthy fats and reduced portions of
unhealthy foods are supported by scientific evidence to reduce heart diseases
then they are useful. Probably it is one of the most enfranchised ways to be
bright about what you are eating.
Please book an appointment with the Best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find a verified doctor for your disease