Are you looking for a delicious, nutritious snack that will give your body the boost it needs? Look no further than Bahi dana, also known as Bahi fruit. Native to Indonesia, this superfood is loaded with nutrients and can help support a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Not only does it have an incredible flavor, but its many health benefits are sure to be just what your body needs! From improved energy levels to enhanced immunity - check out the amazing bahi dana or bahi fruit benefits today!

What Is Bahi Dana (Safarjal Fruit) And Where Does It Come From?

Bahi dana is a type of small, round seed that boasts a variety of impressive health benefits to those who include it in their diet. Originating from one of the driest regions in the world - Northern India and Pakistan - bahi dana has been consumed for centuries due to its abundant sources of essential amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, and proteins. With bahi dana having a similar nutritional profile to chickpeas or lentils but with much higher amounts of protein - approximately 12-18% compared to 8-10% for legumes - bahi dana is an excellent choice for anyone looking to amp up their nutrient intake. It also requires minimal preparation time and adds an interesting yet delicious element to any meal!

The Nutritional Value Of Bahi Dana

Bahi dana is a type of legume native to South Asia, particularly India and Nepal, that boasts an impressive nutritional value. It is a small, dark brown seed with a hard outer shell, and despite its size, bahi dana is capable of providing substantial health benefits. There are several bahi fruit benefits — it helps reduce blood sugar levels, aids in digestion and weight loss, boosts the immune system, and can help lower cholesterol levels. The mung bean also contains important minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and zinc that promote overall health. For those looking to get their daily dose of nutrition in one convenient package, bahi dana should definitely be given consideration!

What is Bahi Dana called in English?

The bahi fruit is called “Quince” in English. It is a tropical tree native to South and Southeast Asia with edible fruits. These fruits are incredibly nutritious and contain a variety of health benefits. Commonly eaten in India, bahi dana is rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins like A, B, and C. Not only does bahi contain important minerals like calcium, zinc, iron and phosphorus but the tree leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine bahi fruit has been used to treat digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea as well as abdominal pain. It is also believed to help boost immunity and improve cardiovascular health due to its flavonoid content. Ultimately bahi dana not only tastes delicious but provides ample nutritional value making it a great addition to any diet!

Bahi Fruit or Bahi Dana Benefits

1- Highly Nutritious

Bahi dana is a tropical superfood with numerous health benefits. It can be eaten raw or cooked and offers a host of highly nutritious properties which can play an important role in supporting overall health and wellbeing. Furthermore, bahi dana has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular effects which make it especially beneficial for those looking to promote their physical wellbeing. Consequently, bahi dana provides an excellent source of dietary support that can even help to protect against the development of certain diseases.

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2- Good for the Heart

High popoularity of bahi dana, a form of bengal gram, has taken the health industry by storm due to its numerous benefits for the heart. Studies show bahi dana helps maintain cardiovascular health be reducing cholesterol levels and controlling blood pressure. Due to bahi dana's low-sodium content, snacking on them can help reduce sodium intake which is vital for better heart health. Not only that, bahi dana also contains magnesium which helps relax the blood vessels, reduce stress and promote better circulation. Eating bahi dana regularly can have miraculous effects on your heart's health by providing protection against diseases and promoting healthy living.

3- Boost Immunity

The bahi fruit, also known as the bael fruit, has long been used as a traditional remedy to boost immunity. This ancient fruit is known to be rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants making it an excellent tool to help improve the body’s defenses against everyday illness. Eating bahi fruit on a regular basis is believed to benefit digestion, promote skin health, and protect against free radical damage. There is even research suggesting bahi can promote healthy liver function. If you are looking for an easy and natural way to support your immune system, bahi may be a great option!

4- Fight Against Cough

During cold seasons like winter, people often suffer from cough and other related illnesses due to the change in temperature. To combat it, bahi fruits are highly recommended as they contain high levels of Vitamin C, making them a very effective antidote to cough. This powerful asian fruit increases immunity and helps in fighting infections caused by bacteria or virus, keeping you healthy for longer periods. Apart from this, bahi fruit contains plenty of other essential minerals and nutrients that all work together to improve your respiratory health by providing ample nourishment. So if you ever fall sick during winter, remember bahi can do wonders in helping you fight against the illness quickly!

5- Weight Loss

Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but bahi fruit might just be the boost you need to stay on track. This special fruit found in some parts of India is believed to have numerous benefits when it comes to weight loss. The bahi berry is thought to help control appetite while burning fat and detoxifying the body’s systems. Additionally, bahi berry has been said to aid digestion and make it easier for your body to absorb helpful nutrients from other sources. Finally, bahi berry may offer cardiovascular benefits as well by increasing vascular health for a stronger heart overall. So if you’re ready to take your weight loss journey seriously, look into bahi fruit - it's definitely worth the effort!

6- Solve Digestive Problems

If you're struggling with digestive problems, bahi fruit can offer a powerful solution. This special type of berry has been used throughout India to treat digestive issues like diarrhea and constipation. It is packed with dietary fibers that help support a healthy gut, as well as minerals and vitamins that can boost your overall digestion. Research shows that bahi fruit can significantly enhance the health of the digestive system, reducing bloating and cramping in the process while also soothing intestinal discomfort. To enjoy bahi fruit benefits on yourself, consider adding it to smoothies or eating it raw; both methods have been proven to be effective for improving general digestive health.

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7- Relieve Nausea in Pregnancy

One of the most common challenges expectant mothers face is nausea. Fortunately, bahi fruit has been found to be an effective and natural remedy for this issue. Rich in dietary fiber, bahi fruit can help reduce digestion issues that cause discomfort and have even been known to act as a mild laxative in some cases. Additionally, its high water content helps remove waste from your body while leaving you feeling hydrated. Not only can bahi fruit help reduce nausea during pregnancy, but it also provides a wide variety of vital nutrients which can work together to promote better overall health for both mother and baby.

8- Protects from Allergies

Bahi fruit is hailed for its many benefits, most notably as a way to protect against allergies. This powerful berry packs a potent nutritional punch and has been used for centuries in South America for its anti-allergic properties. While bahi fruit can be eaten raw or cooked, it contains natural compounds that can help reduce the severity of airborne allergies, making it an important addition to any diet. For best results, bahi fruit should be consumed regularly and in sufficient amounts; consuming bahi fruit daily has been found to reduce allergic reactions by up to 32%. Adding bahi fruit to your diet could be the difference between sneezing fits and clear breathing - why not give it a try today?

9- Bahi dana benefits for men's health

Bahi dana is a powerful natural health aid that has been utilized by men in South Asia for centuries. Loaded with essential minerals such as zinc and iron, bahi dana benefits the body in many ways. It helps boost immunity, digestion and overall metabolic function; bahi dana also feeds hormones responsible for regulating male fertility. Moreover, bahi dana is rich in vitamin B12 and antioxidants, further strengthening the immune system and helping to repair cells damaged from oxidative stress. In short, bahi dana is an indispensible tool for any man looking to improve not only his physical health, but his overall well-being.

10- Helps in the treatment of bleeding

Bahi dana is a medicinal herb found in many parts of the world, known for its unique ability to assist in the treatment of internal bleeding. The bahi dana plant can be easily identified by its yellow flowers and distinctive oil-rich seeds. It has been used for centuries due to its potent antihemorrhagic properties, which help reduce both external and internal bleeding. By aiding in the clotting process, bahi dana helps heal wounds more quickly and reduces the risk of infection significantly. Furthermore, bahi dana is a beneficial addition to any diet due to its high levels of antioxidants, making it an invaluable asset in the medical treatments of all kinds of bleeding.

11- Help in diabetes

There are several great bahi dana benefits for those suffering from diabetes, most of which have been proven by decades of traditional medicinal usage. Studies have shown bahi dana to reduce the symptoms of diabetes and even lower blood sugar levels significantly. It is a natural way to helping in the treatment of the disease through its high antioxidant content. Although bahi dana alone may not be enough to cure diabetes, incorporating it into your diet plan can help tremendously in managing the condition. With bahi dana showing promising results as a natural alternative, it has become an appealing choice for many looking for ways to keep their diabetes under control.

What is Bahi Fruit Price in Pakistan?

The price of 1kg of bahi fruit in Pakistan is almost  Rs. 750.

How to Eat Bahi Fruit?

Eating bahi fruit can be an immensely satisfying experience. Not only does its sweet and crunchy texture make it a delightful treat, but its immense health benefits make bahi dana a very popular snack among health-conscious individuals. It is packed with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium that help to keep your bones healthy and strong. It also offers a generous amount of dietary fiber which helps to promote healthy digestion and keeps you feeling full for longer periods of time. Bahi fruit can be eaten freshly plucked or dried in the sun before consuming; either way you can enjoy its fabulous taste and nutrient-rich benefits!


There are many benefits of bahi dana and we have only covered a few of them here. If you are looking for an herb that can help with diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol, or even weight loss, then bahi dana may be the answer for you. Be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any new herbs or supplements, but adding bahi dana to your diet is a great way to improve your overall health. Have you tried bahi dana? What did you think? Let us know in the comments below.

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