Oolong tea is a type of tea grown in China.  It is admired worldwide for its unique taste and therapeutic properties. The fermentation of the base ingredient is used to make both black and green tea, but the processing leaves (the base ingredient)are done separately for black and green tea.


  • During this process, a chemical reaction known as oxidation takes place that releases the green pigments and the leaf cover to get its dark and strong color as the cells are destroyed from the outside to the inner layer.
  • The fermentation period is influenced by the time believed by an operator to take the withering leaves out of air which consequently causes color alteration, taste magnitude and an increased level of the nutritional content of tea.
  • Hence green tea beverages might offer some catechin antioxidants whereas those that are exposed to oxygen or those that are converted into caffeine are lost. Black tea is also known as fully fermented. 
  • In other words, it has a more complex, intense taste compared to the latter one. In addition to creation of the probiotics, the fermentation releases theaflavins, specifically the antioxidants which are an oxidized tea exclusive type.


Quality Between Green And Black Teas

Usually, brewing requires some time depending again on the temperature as well as the quality of the brewed tea and this quality between green and black teas depends much on such factors as the mao-feng (literally meaning “fur” and the word used to refer to the process where tea leaves are being rolled), which is the leaf that is basically matted, gives off a saffron-like flavor.


The magnitude varies too, from the lowest (not a long time) to the highest (too much oxidation). Cuyugan, the color of their tea changed into darker as it is longer they left in fermentation. Whiter versions of oolong tea are comparatively mellower and possess a slight vegetal taste, while the darker ones are more exotic and have a deep toasty endnote.


Understand Oolong Tea Health Benefits

Oolong tea too is a semi-oxidized tea found in between green tea and black tea and it contains an array of antioxidants that are even present in both green and black teas. Antioxidants are the nutrients that defend the cells or entities in our bodies from the destruction of aging, lifestyle-related factors, and environmental effects. The slow destruction of the health which he builds over time is what makes him sick.


Among all types of tea, antioxidant content is extremely high which means that there are as many benefits of tea as you can count on. However, the researchers say that the nutrients of oolong tea develop a better antioxidant and ant mutagenic effect compared to the one of green or black types.

Oolong tea’s powerful antioxidants and other nutrients may offer health benefits like:


Lower Risk Of Diabetes

Laboratories have revealed that the oolong tea polyphenols reduce the blood sugar level. They contribute as well to the diminishing of insulin resistance that is a situation whereby the body fails to process sugars present in blood properly. Like diabetes and other health harms (e. g. , obesity), both glucose and insulin resistance increase the risk of diabetes.

View More: 8 Benefits of Raspberry Leaf Tea

Heart Health

Oolong tea exerts its action by activating an enzyme that, in turn, breaks down triglycerides – a main type of fat in the blood. These triglycerides cause the arteries to thicken, due to the building of a plaque that puts one at an increased risk of having a stroke, heart attack, and other serious heart conditions. Research also uncovered that the oolong tea is also another kind of cholesterol-decreasing tea that at high levels lead to heart diseases.


Weight Management

Studies have shown that oolong tea, as a beverage, may help to decrease the rate of fatty tissue and boost metabolism.  This will, in turn, lower the chances of obesity and ease the weight loss process. These researches prove that oolong tea helps fat burning and raises the amount of energy expenditure that your body converts into a calorie cut by up to 3 percent. 4%.

Cognitive Support

Scientific research reveals that Oolong tea is rich in an amino acid called L-theanine which has cognitive effects like more brain activity and better sleep quality and less stress and depression. As well, oolong tea’s antioxidant is in line with the brain in preservation, and so prevents neurodegenerative diseases in which the nervous system body parts stop working. To this day, the scientists were able to probe into the might of tea in lowering down diseases associated with cognitive malfunction that are like Alzheimer’s or dementia.



Oxidation is one of the causes of aging and the accumulation of toxins in our bodies.  Oxidation is also thought to be one of the main causes of diseases.  However, drinking oolong tea will improve its capacity to fight the harmful effects of aging and illness. According to the study, the level of fluoride in this tea makes it as effective as dentists' recommendations for dental health without cavities. Alternatively, it enables people to maintain the health of their teeth, thereby reducing tooth loss and ailments such as oral cancer.


Procedure Of Making Oolong Tea

Oolong tea competes with others on store shelves where you can purchase teas and is a popular beverage selection at coffeehouses and eateries. It can be experienced in teas loose in the leaf or in tea bags.


For this to succeed at your place, use water that is not quite boiling, but just after the boiling temperature- around 190 degrees Fahrenheit or 90 degrees Celsius. It is on that account that the perfect flavor of the mix is guaranteed while at the same time, nutrition is preserved as much as possible. Elevating water temperature is capable of tipping over the balance and leading to the loss of antioxidants such as polyphenols.


The scientists discovered that when brewed at 176? F for 5 minutes, oolong tea exhibited the most potent antioxidative performance. It could be served either hot or cold depending on whether you have brewed it with hot water or allowed it to cool first.


Recipe To Make The Perfect Cup

  • Just put approximately 2 spoons of loose brewed leaf tea or one bag into the teapot.
  • The water is heated to only 189 degrees.
  • Infuse the tea for 3 minutes.
  • Now, taste the test boil to find out your personal choice, however, remove it after 10 minutes to stop losing antioxidant activity.



Oolong tea is not as familiar or as widely liked as green or black tea; however, its health advantages are presumed to be similar. In other words, there are advantages for the cardiovascular, cognitive, skeletal, and dental systems.

Secondly, oolong tea may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes onset, possibly be protective to certain types of cancer, and promote weight loss.


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