This can be quite effective in achieving a weight loss at home especially on those occasions when all the right exercises are done. Most Canadians will benefit from cardio-muscular endurance because a combination of exercises that include cardio, strength, and flexibility will assist in helping shedding off those calories, toning the muscles, and enhance fitness in view of the above recommendations. Some of the best exercises that one can do while sitting at home to reach weight loss goals effectively are as under: 

Advantages of Home Workout 

One of the advantages of exercising at home is being convenience since one can exercise at any time provided. For this, one does not have to make further effort of going to the gym. Two, exercising at home is cheaper because there are no fees for membership and fancy equipment to purchase. Three, privacy, good for the exercises since one does not feel embarrassed to perform the exercises. And last, the flexibility-it will enable one to change his/her exercise depending on time and preference. 

Key Components of a Weight Loss Workout

Some of the workouts that should form part of weight loss regimen are as follow:

Cardio vascular exercises, strength training and flexibility exercises which in one way or the other must form part of the workout you are exposing yourself to if it has to be effective for weight loss workout. 

Aerobic exercises raise the pulse rate of the body and very often involve expending large amounts of energy per minute. Some of them include; Running in place, Jumping Jacks, Burpees and High knees. 

Strength training exercises develop muscular strength and for this reason increase your basal metabolic rates to enable you to burn more calories in the course of the day without even exercising. Some of them include the pushups, squats and the lunges among others. 

The flexibility exercises enhance the flexibility of the certain body segment thus creating great range of motion and reducing the chances of acquiring an injury. Examples include; yoga and stretching exercises. 

Best Exercises for Weight Loss

Jumping Jacks 

Jumping jacks are those typical callisthenic movements, which not only cover all parts of the body but also increase one’s heart rate and help to burn calories. In the jumping jack, the exercise begins with the feet touching each other and the hands by the side of the body and while jumping with the legs out and simultaneously raising the arms above the head. Then continue into starting position. One should keep his or her core tight and land softly to save his or her joints from pain.


Another full-body high-intensity exercise that is able to burn lots of calories within a very short time is the burpee. It vastly improves cardiovascular fitness together with strength. To do this, lie down with the feet apart at shoulder width, drop down into a crouch position, place the hands on the floor in front. Then, jump the feet back into a plank position; do a push-up while jumping feet back toward crouch and explosively jump up with hands overhead. Keep at a good steady pace, focusing on form to avoid injury.

High Knees

It can be argued that high knees is among the most effective aerobic exercises, which is why your lower body is going to be strong besides being agile and coordinated. High knees: First position is with your feet distant at hip’s width: right arm lifts the right knee to the chest, as soon as possible switch over and the left arm lifts the left knee to the chest.Keep on making quick changes of knees. Pump your arms to increase the intensity of the exercise, keeping your core tight and back straight.


Push-ups can work the entire upper body, including the core, with modifications for all fitness levels. The starting position to perform push-ups is to lie in a plank position, hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, lowering down through until one's chest almost touches the floor, then pushing back out from there to the starting position. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels, modifying on your knees if necessary.

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Squats power the muscles of the lower body, but they also engage the core quite a bit in balance and flexibility. To perform squats: stand with feet shoulder-width apart, lower the weight into the hips-as if sitting back into a chair-keep the chest up and knees behind the toes, then return to starting position. Keep your weight in your heels and go as low as your flexibility allows.


These lunges are responsible for lower body muscles and balancing coordination. This can be done in various directions to give varieties to exercises. Lunges Starting from a standing position with the feet together, step forward with your right foot and lower the body down until both knees are at 90 degrees; after which, push back through your right heel to return to the start. Then repeat on the left side, keeping your upper body straight, without letting your front knee pass your toes.

Mountain Climbers 

Mountain climbers are great high-intensity cardio and strength exercises that involve a high number of major muscle groups; they also improve cardiovascular fitness. Start this exercise by assuming a plank position, then draw the right knee upwards toward the chest. Quickly switch and draw your left knee toward your chest as you continue to alternate as fast as possible. Keep the core tight and try to keep a nice consistent rhythm so that you don't lose form.


Planks are a great way to engage and strengthen the core, aiding in better stabilization of the body and good posture, as they switch on several big muscle groups. Lie in a forearm plank position-planting the body in a straight line from head to heels-and hold as long as possible. The hips should not sag or lift. Keep gaze forward.


It stretches for flexibility and balance, minimizes stress, and may help in weight loss if complemented with other forms of exercise. While performing yoga, it is preferable to stick to a schedule which encompasses downward pose, warrior pose, plank pose, then follow it with a video or an instructor; you should focus on your breathing and posture. For beginners, it is only necessary to do routines for Newbie and try to practice yoga at least 2-3 times a week.

Planning an Efficient Home Workout Plan

The workout plan should be well developed one; where the workout time is divided into cardio exercises, strength exercises as well as stretch exercises.

Following is a sample weekly plan:

Day 1: Cardio and Strength: 

The first exercise is the jumping jacks and mountain climbers with 3 rounds of thirty seconds each. 

Day 2: Active Recovery and Flexibility: 

Do yoga or stretching for 30 minutes.

Day 3: Cardio and Strength: 

High knees for 30 seconds x 3; burpees, 10 reps x 3; lunges, 12 reps per leg x 3; planks, 30-60 seconds x 3.

Day 4: Active Recovery and Flexibility: 

Participate in either 30 minutes of doing yoga or stretching.

Day 5: Cardio and Strength: 

Same as Day 1-workout, jumping jacks, push-ups, squats, mountain climbers.

Day 6: Active Recovery and Flexibility 

Engage in a 30-minute yoga or flexibility training workout.

Day 7: Rest Day 

Pamper your body some more today because this day's an exercise rest day.


Losing weight at home works if one is consistently able to focus on incorporating the right exercises into their daily schedule. One can go ahead with planning an overall workout schedule that may help in reaching one's goals of weight loss with the combination of cardio, strength, and flexibility exercises. Also, be consistent, increase the intensity of workouts little by little, and balance that with healthy nutrition and proper rest. In due time, this will pay off, and you will reach your target of losing weight and getting in better shape-all within the comfort of your home.

If you want to consult with the best Physiotherapist in Lahore, book an appointment through Instacare or you can call helpline number 0317-1777509 for assistance to find the right professional for your concerns.