You know about Anti-inflammatory pain killers? No? It’s alright, I am here to tell you about one of Anti-inflammatory painkiller which is known as Brufen (Ibuprofen).


Brufen syrup contains active ingredient called Ibuprofen. Each 5ml spoon of brufen syrup contains 100mg of Ibuprofen.

Alternative Brands

The brand names of brufen are Advil, Motrin and Nurofen.

Uses of Brufen Syrup

Brufen is used to relieve pain and inflammation in some conditions such as Osteoarthritis (Degenerative joint disease), Rheumatoid arthritis (auto-immune and inflammatory disease), Spine arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis (Inflammation in joints and ligaments of spine), Joints swelling, Frozen shoulders, Bursitis (Bone problems), Tendinitis (Tendon injury), Tenosynovitis (inflammation of lining of sheath that is present around a tendon), Lower back pain, Sprains(Wrenching and twisting of ligaments) and Strains(Stretching of Muscles).

Brufen Syrup is also used in some painful condition to prevent pain such as Toothache, Post-operative pain, Periods pain, Headache and Migraine. It is also used in short term management of fever in children over the age of 1 year old.

View More: Laxoberon Tablet Uses Dosages and Side Effects

Interactions of Brufen Syrup

There are some drugs which we should have to avoid while taking brufen syrup because taking them together leads you to some dangerous conditions.

  • Some anti-coagulants like Aspirin, Warfarin, Ticlopidine
  • ACE-Inhibitors like Captopril
  • Beta-Blockers like Atenolol
  • Angiotensin-II receptors’ Antagonists like Losartan
  • Diuretics which are also called water tablets like Furosemide
  • Cardiac glycosides like Digoxin
  •  Anti-manic agents like Lithium
  • Anti-viral drug like Zidovudine
  • Steroids
  •  Anti-rheumatic drug like Methotrexate
  • Immunosuppressants like Ciclosporin and Tacrolimus
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Citalopram, Dapoxetine, Escitalopram, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine, Sertraline, Vortioxetine
  • Antibiotics(quinolones) like Ciprofloxacin
  • Anti-pregestational steroids like Mifepristone
  • Anti-inflammatory pain killer like Aspirin
  • Drugs used to lower cholesterol levels like Cholestyramine
  •  Sulphonylureas like Glibenclamide
  • Anti-fungal drugs like Voriconazole and Fluconazole
  • Herbal medicine like Gingko biloba

Dosage And Direction Of Use Of Brufen Syrup

The usual dose of brufen in children is 20 mg/kg of bodyweight. Brufen syrup is not used in children’s less than 7 kg weight.

AGE 6-12 months WEIGHT 7-10 kg DAILY DOSING (PER 24HOURS) 2.5ml, thrice a day (3 times a day)

AGE 1-2 year WEIGHT 10-15kg DAILY DOSING (PER 24HOURS) 2.5ml (50mg), 3-4 times a day

AGE 3-7 year WEIGHT 15-25kg DAILY DOSING (PER 24HOURS 5ml (100mg), 3-4 times a day

AGE 8-12 year WEIGHT 25-40kg DAILY DOSING (PER 24HOURS 10 ml(200mg), 3-4 times a day

Side Effects of Brufen Syrup

Every medicine which has medicinal effects is also contain some side effects. Brufen syrup have some side effects are as follows:

  • Acidity
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea
  • Nervousness
  • Decreased urine output
  • Constipation
  • Loss of appetite
  • Yellow eyes
  • Confusion
  • Irregular breathing
  • Jaundice
  • Drowsiness
  • Running nose
  • Skin rash
  • Impaired vision
  • Depression
  • Headache
  • Sneezing
  • Stomach ulcer
  • Gout ulcer
  • Ringing in ears
  • Mouth ulcers

In Which Medical Conditions We Have To Stop Taking Brufen Syrup Immediately?

In some conditions we have to stop taking brufen syrup immediately and consult doctor and pharmacist as soon as possible.

  • Severe headache
  • High fever
  • Neck stiffness
  • Intolerance to bright light
  • Blood in stools
  • Black tarry stools
  • Blood in vomiting


There are some medical conditions in which brufen syrup is not prescribed


Pregnancy is very hard time for women’s that’s why they have to care about their diet, in this case pregnant women should have asked to his pharmacist or doctor before taking this medication.


Breastfeeding is very sensitive period for every woman, in this condition woman should not take this medication without guidance of their health care provider.

Gastro-intestinal bleeding

Gastro-intestinal bleeding using brufen syrup is common in peoples who are at the age of 40years old.


Brufen syrup easily fluctuate blood pressure levels that’s why everyone has to keep an eye on blood pressure.

Elderly people

65 years old people should be caution with their medications.


Brufen syrup have ability to high levels of potassium in blood. If you are suffered from hyperkalemia then you have to keep an eye on your potassium levels especially in children’s.

Cardiac issues

Brufen syrup cause heart complications, so if you have any heart problem, please consult your doctor and pharmacist.


Brufen syrup can lead to drowsiness that’s why it is hard to operate machinery and driving.

Skin rashes

Brufen syrup can lead to skin allergies and rashes and if you have skin rashes before using brufen syrup you have to consult your health care provider.

Kidney diseases

Prolonged use of Brufen can lead to kidney stone formation, if you have any kidney disease, please consult your health care provider.


If you are allergic to brufen or any ingredient of brufen syrup and if you are allergic to NSAIDS (Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) then you should have to take care of yourself and immediately consult your health care provider.

Dosage Forms of Brufen Syrup

There are 3 dosage forms of brufen (Ibuprofen)


Brufen tablet is present in 200mg, 400mg, 600mg, 800mg.

Chewable tablet

Brufen chewable tablet is present in 100mg.


Brufen capsule is present in 400mg.

Oral suspension

Brufen oral suspension or syrup is present in 100mg/5ml.

Brufen Syrup Price in Pakistan

Price of brufen is,

Brufen tablet price

200mg brufen tablet is of 30 Pkr

400mg brufen tablet is of 28 Pkr

600mg brufen tablet is of 60 Pkr

800mg brufen tablet is of 151 Pkr

Brufen chewable tablet

100mg brufen chewable tablet is of 1119.76 Pkr

Brufen capsule price

400mg brufen capsule is of 18 Pkr

Brufen oral suspension or syrup

100mg/5ml syrup is of 82 Pkr

You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 0317-1777509 for further information.
