The physical and mental changes that come with a woman's menstrual cycle can be uncomfortable, to say the least. For some women, these discomforts include nausea and dizziness right before their period arrives. While it might not feel like much of a medical emergency, recurring episodes of dizziness can actually have an underlying cause and could point to an illness or health condition that requires diagnosis and treatment. In this blog post, we'll explore what causes dizziness in some women prior to their period as well as discuss potential treatments for those symptoms.


1- Is it a sign of pregnancy?

It is common for women to experience dizziness before their period, but this symptom can also be a sign of pregnancy. Dizziness can be caused by hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, as well as changes in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. However, if you have missed a period or suspect that you may be pregnant, dizziness could be the result of increased blood flow and changes in hormone levels that occur in early pregnancy.

It's important to note that other factors, such as dehydration or medication side effects, can also cause dizziness. If you are experiencing persistent or severe dizziness, be sure to talk to your doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.


2- Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes are a natural part of a woman's menstrual cycle. These changes can cause various physical and emotional symptoms, including dizziness before the period. Pre-menstrual dizziness is believed to be triggered by changes in estrogen and progesterone hormone levels, which can lead to fluctuation in blood pressure and blood sugar levels. It is important to note that not every woman experiences dizziness before her period, and those who do may not experience it every month.

If you are experiencing severe or persistent dizziness, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider to rule out any underlying medical conditions. Overall, understanding the hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle can help women better manage any related symptoms.

3- Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure, also known as hypotension, can cause a range of symptoms including dizziness, fainting, and fatigue. But did you know that low blood pressure can also be linked to menstrual cycles? Some women experience a drop in blood pressure before their period, which can cause lightheadedness and dizziness.

There are several potential causes for this, including changes in hormone levels, dehydration, and decreased blood volume. If you find yourself experiencing these symptoms regularly around the time of your menstrual cycle, it may be worth discussing with a healthcare provider to determine the root cause and explore potential treatment options.

4- Low blood sugar

Low blood sugar can be a concerning issue, especially if you're experiencing dizziness before your period. Also known as hypoglycemia, low blood sugar can occur for several reasons, including skipping meals or consuming a high amount of refined sugars. Dizziness is just one of the many symptoms that can occur when your blood sugar levels are low.

Other symptoms can include lightheadedness, confusion, and even seizures. If you're experiencing these symptoms, it's essential to speak with your doctor to determine the underlying cause of your low blood sugar. Managing your blood sugar levels is crucial to maintain your overall health and well-being.


PMDD, or premenstrual dysphoric disorder, is a condition that affects an estimated five percent of women during their menstrual cycle. One common symptom of PMDD is dizziness, which typically occurs just before a woman's period begins. While doctors are still unsure of the exact mechanism behind PMDD, it is believed that hormonal imbalances play a significant role in its development.

Specifically, PMDD is thought to be caused by a drop in levels of the hormone serotonin, which can lead to changes in mood and physical sensations. While there is no cure for PMDD, there are several treatment options available to help manage the condition. This may include medications or lifestyle changes, such as exercise and a healthy diet. If you are experiencing dizziness or other symptoms of PMDD, it is important to speak with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of action.

6- Period-related migraine

Period-related migraine can be a frustrating and debilitating experience for many people who experience migraines. Dizziness before a period can be one of the many symptoms of migraines, but what causes this experience? There are a variety of factors that contribute to migraines, including hormonal changes, stress, diet, and environmental factors.

Hormonal fluctuations that occur during the menstrual cycle can trigger migraine attacks, particularly for those who experience a drop in estrogen levels before their period. Stress is also a major factor as it can lead to muscle tension, which can trigger a migraine. Therefore, understanding the root causes and triggers of migraines can be helpful in managing the condition and reducing the frequency of migraine attacks.

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7- Poor Diet

Poor diet can have a significant impact on a person's overall health and wellbeing. In fact, did you know that it can even be a contributing factor to dizziness before your period? It's true. When you don't fuel your body with the nutrients it needs, you can experience a range of symptoms, including feeling lightheaded or dizzy. This is because a nutrient-poor diet can lead to blood sugar imbalances, dehydration, and other issues that can affect your body's ability to function properly.

To combat this, it's essential to make sure you're fueling your body with a variety of healthy foods and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. By doing so, you can support your body's natural processes and help prevent dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms from occurring.

8- PMS

Many women experience physical and emotional changes in their bodies during their menstrual cycle; for some, these changes can be quite profound. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a condition that affects many women, and can cause a range of symptoms, including mood swings, cramps and headaches. However, some women also report experiencing dizziness before their period.

While the exact causes of this symptom are not fully understood, many experts believe that it may be related to hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.Other potential causes may include changes in blood pressure or blood sugar levels. If you experience dizziness before your period, it may be helpful to keep track of your symptoms in a journal, and to talk to your doctor to determine the best course of action.

9- Stress and Anxiety

Stress and anxiety can manifest in a variety of physical symptoms, including dizziness. This sensation can be unsettling and may even lead to further anxiety. It's important to understand the potential causes of dizziness, including hormonal changes experienced before a menstrual period.

During this time, fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels can affect serotonin levels in the brain, leading to feelings of anxiety and dizziness. Additionally, stress and anxiety can exacerbate pre-existing conditions such as vertigo or inner ear disorders. Understanding the connection between stress, hormones, and physical symptoms can help individuals proactively manage their health and seek appropriate treatment if necessary.

10- Dehydration

Dehydration can be a sneaky culprit behind many health issues, including sudden bouts of dizziness. There are many factors that contribute to dehydration, especially during certain times of the month for women. One potential reason for dehydration before a period is simply due to losing more fluids than usual during menstruation. Women may also experience inhibited thirst around this time, resulting in fewer liquids being consumed.

Other factors, such as intense exercise or hot weather, can exacerbate dehydration. It's important to stay vigilant about hydration levels, especially during menstruation or other times when dehydration may be more likely. By staying hydrated, you can help prevent dizziness and other symptoms associated with dehydration.

11- Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea, commonly known as painful periods, affects a significant number of women. This condition can cause a range of symptoms, with the most common being cramps and bloating. However, some women also experience dizziness before their periods. This symptom can be alarming but is not uncommon.

The causes of dizziness before a period are varied and include hormonal changes, low blood sugar, and dehydration. In some cases, an underlying medical condition such as endometriosis may be responsible. Understanding the causes of dizziness before a period can help women manage their symptoms more effectively and reduce the impact on their daily lives.

12- Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is a common medical condition that occurs when the body doesn't have enough iron to produce hemoglobin, which is a protein in red blood cells that's responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body. This can result in a multitude of symptoms, including fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, and headaches.

One of the lesser-known symptoms of iron deficiency anemia is dizziness, especially before the onset of a woman's menstrual period. Although there are many potential causes of dizziness before a period, iron deficiency anemia should be considered as a possible culprit. If you're experiencing dizziness or any other symptoms associated with iron deficiency anemia, don't hesitate to consult with your healthcare provider to get an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

13- Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes numerous changes, some of which can cause dizziness. However, many women experience dizziness even before they become pregnant. Some likely culprits that cause dizziness before a period include hormonal fluctuations, decreased blood sugar, and dehydration.

When it comes to pregnancy, dizziness can be caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure or low blood sugar levels. It's crucial for pregnant women to let their healthcare provider know if they experience frequent bouts of dizziness, as it can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition. While it's common to experience dizziness at some point during pregnancy, there are steps women can take to alleviate symptoms and prevent future episodes.

14- Anemia

Anemia is a condition that affects millions of people around the world, causing fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath, among other symptoms. However, many people may not realize that anemia can also be linked to causes of dizziness before a period. This is because anemia is often caused by a lack of iron in the body, and when blood is lost during a menstrual cycle, the body may struggle to produce enough new blood cells.

As a result, those with anemia may experience more severe symptoms of dizziness, lightheadedness, and even fainting during their period. It is important to speak to a healthcare provider if you are experiencing any concerning symptoms, as anemia can have long-term effects on your health if left untreated.

15- Medications

For many women, dizziness before their period can be a frustrating and uncomfortable symptom to deal with. However, before reaching for over-the-counter medications to alleviate the symptom, it's important to consider the underlying cause. In some cases, dizziness before a period can be attributed to hormonal fluctuations or changes in blood pressure.

Identifying the cause can often lead to more effective treatment options, such as lifestyle changes or specific medication prescribed by a healthcare provider. It's crucial to remember that self-diagnosing and self-medicating can be dangerous and lead to further complications. Seeking medical advice is always the best option for ensuring the correct treatment and care.

Other symptoms

In addition to experiencing dizziness before periods, there are several other symptoms that women may encounter. These can include headaches, mood swings, bloating, and breast tenderness. While these symptoms are often associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), they can also be indicative of other underlying health conditions, such as thyroid dysfunction or anemia.

It's important to keep track of these symptoms and consult with a healthcare professional if they become persistent or severe. Additionally, implementing healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet, can help mitigate the severity of these symptoms.


Dizziness is a common symptom that many women experience before their periods. There are several treatments available to alleviate the discomfort and inconvenience of this condition. One approach is to increase your water intake in the days leading up to your period. Staying hydrated will help regulate blood flow and reduce the likelihood of dizziness. Another option is to incorporate regular exercise into your routine, as it can help improve circulation and ease symptoms.

Additionally, adjusting your diet to include foods that are high in iron and vitamin B6 may also help reduce dizziness. Overall, there are several effective treatments for dizziness before your period, and with the right approach, women can manage this symptom with ease.

Risk factors

Dizziness before or during your period can be a frustrating and even debilitating experience. While it's common to experience changes in your body and mood during menstruation, the exact causes of dizziness before your period are not entirely clear. However, research suggests that hormonal fluctuations and changes in blood pressure may play a role. Other known risk factors for experiencing dizziness before your period include anemia, dehydration, and low blood sugar.

Fortunately, there are several treatments available that can help alleviate symptoms of dizziness, such as staying hydrated, ensuring a balanced diet, getting enough rest, and avoiding triggers like caffeine and alcohol. If your symptoms are severe or persistent, it's important to speak with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of treatment for you.

When to see a doctor

Experiencing dizziness before your period is a common phenomenon and is generally nothing to worry about. However, there are some situations where you should see a doctor if the dizziness is accompanied by other symptoms. If you feel like you are going to faint or have severe headaches, it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed.

Dizziness before your period can also be a symptom of hormonal imbalances, such as thyroid disorders or PCOS. It's always better to err on the side of caution and speak with a healthcare professional if you're experiencing dizziness that interferes with your daily life. Your doctor can help you determine any underlying causes and create a treatment plan to alleviate your symptoms.


It's important to note that the cause or causes of dizziness before a period can vary greatly between individuals. Hormonal changes due to shifting levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, low blood sugar levels, dehydration, low iron levels, or simply physical fatigue may all be culprits behind dizziness before a period.

Whatever the case may be – if one is experiencing this regularly or for prolonged periods of time – it is highly advised to speak to their doctor about it in order to find a proper and safe treatment in order for the individual to feel better and have improved overall quality of life. Even if the condition seems minor in nature, professional medical advice should always be sought out when dealing with medical conditions. Remember: you know your body best – no matter how trivial the symptom may seem!

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