If you’re pregnant, it may come as no surprise that your body is going through dramatic changes. Many of these changes are normal and expected but can also present certain uncomfortable feelings or symptoms.

One such symptom during pregnancy many women experience is constipation; a feeling of having difficulty passing stool due to there being an increase in hormones during pregnancy which can lead to decreased gastrointestinal motility, resulting in slow transit time for stools.

If you’re experiencing constipation while pregnant, this blog post will discuss the causes of this sensation along with tips on how to make it easier to pass stools and find relief from your discomfort. Let's get started!

What is constipation?

Constipation is a condition in which bowel movements occur less frequently than normal or when passing stool becomes difficult. In general, constipation is when fewer than three stools are passed per week and/or the stool is dry, hard and difficult to pass.

While constipation can affect people of any age, it is especially common during pregnancy due to changes in a woman’s hormones, physical limitations, and interest in constipating foods such as cheese, ice cream and junk food.

Making lifestyle changes such as eating more fiber-rich foods, increasing fluid intake and regular exercise can help relieve constipation. Additionally, laxatives can be used in severe cases when constipation cannot be solved with lifestyle changes alone.

When does constipation start in pregnancy?

As soon as a woman finds out she is pregnant, constipation can become an uncomfortable reality. For many women constipation during pregnancy starts within the first trimester, due to the hormone progesterone causing smooth muscle relaxation in their intestines.

This can slow down digestion and lead to constipation. It is common for constipation to start between 6-8 weeks after conception, but some women experience constipation even sooner than that. If constipation persists for more than 2 weeks, it is important for pregnant women to speak with their doctor about possibly finding relief from this uncomfortable condition.

Is constipation during pregnancy normal?

Constipation during pregnancy is quite common and can cause a lot of discomfort for pregnant women. It occurs due to the hormonal changes that are taking place in a woman's body during this time, which causes the digestion process to slow down as well as harden stool.

While constipation during pregnancy isn't necessarily dangerous, it should still be taken seriously and addressed promptly. Taking measures such as making dietary changes and increasing intake of fiber-rich foods, drinking plenty of fluids and engaging in regular physical activity can all help reduce constipation during pregnancy. Additionally, talking to your healthcare provider about mild constipation relief measures can also help ease the discomfort.

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How common is constipation in pregnancy?

Constipation during pregnancy is actually one of the most common ailments associated with expecting mothers. It's estimated that constipation affects an astonishing 40% of pregnant women in some way during their pregnancy.

Factors such as hormonal changes, insufficient dietary fiber intake, dehydration, and lack of physical activity can all contribute to constipation for pregnant women.

It's important for pregnant women to take proactive steps to prevent constipation by drinking plenty of fluids and engaging in regular exercise, in addition to taking gradual steps towards increasing fiber intake where appropriate. With a little care and attention, constipation during pregnancy can be managed successfully.

What causes constipation during pregnancy?

Constipation during pregnancy is a very common problem, affecting around half of all pregnant women. It is usually caused by an increase in certain hormones that occur naturally when a woman becomes pregnant. These hormones help to relax the muscles in your intestine which can slow digestion and make constipation more likely.

Additionally, constipation can be caused simply by the expansion of your uterus as it grows and takes up more space in the abdomen, putting pressure on the rectum and making it harder for waste material to pass through easily. Eating high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains, drinking plenty of water each day, and exercising regularly can also help you avoid constipation during pregnancy.

How to relieve constipation during pregnancy immediately?

When constipation during pregnancy strikes, it can be uncomfortable and cause frequent symptoms such as abdominal bloating and pain. There are a few steps you can take to immediately relieve constipation during pregnancy.

One of the most common remedies is drinking more fluids throughout the day - this helps soften stool to make going to the bathroom easier. Increasing dietary fiber intake such as pureed fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nuts can also be beneficial.

Additionally, staying active with low-impact aerobic activities like walking or swimming is another great way to get things moving in the digestive system. If constipation still persists after trying these methods, it's best to consult with your physician for further advice on how to address constipation during pregnancy.

When should I see my healthcare provider?

Seeing your healthcare provider can be an important step in taking care of yourself during pregnancy. It is especially recommended to visit if you experience constipation, as it can pose significant health risks for the mother and baby.

Your healthcare provider can give you tips on how to alleviate constipation symptoms, such as increasing fiber consumption or introducing mild exercises into your routine. In any case, regular visits with your doctor throughout pregnancy are a great way for both you and your baby to stay healthy.

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If you’re struggling with constipation during pregnancy, know that you’re not alone. It’s a common issue faced by many women as their bodies go through changes. Try some of the tips we’ve listed above and see what works best for you. With a little trial and error, you should be able to find relief from your constipation so that you can enjoy your pregnancy more.


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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/constipation-during-pregnancy