A synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue is misoprostol. By preventing basal, stimulated, and nocturnal acid secretion, decreasing the volume of gastric secretions, and increasing bicarbonate and mucus secretion, it defends the GI mucosa. Additionally, it causes the cervix to relax and the smooth muscle fibers of the myometrium to contract.

By lowering the release of stomach acid from parietal cells, the prostaglandin E1 analogue misoprostol lowers the risk of NSAID-induced gastric ulcers. Misoprostol is also use to treat an oral dose of misoprostol takes 8 minutes to start working and lasts for about 2 hours. A sublingual dose takes 11 minutes to start working and lasts for about 3 hours. A vaginal dose takes 20 minutes to start working and lasts for about 4 hours. A rectal dose takes 100 minutes to start working and lasts for about 4 hours. Miscarriages and is combined with mifepristone or used alone to induce first-trimester abortions.

Before choosing to take Cytopan, carefully weigh the potential advantages and disadvantages of this medication in comparison to other therapeutic approaches. Utilize the shortest possible time and lowest effective dosage in accordance with each patient's unique treatment objectives.

The dose and frequency should be alter to meet the needs of each patient after watching the response to the initial Cytopan therapy.

Cytopan Tablet Structure

Cytopan: Diclofenac (Na) + Misoprostol structure 

Cytopan Tablet Uses

Antiulcerant induction: Misoprostol is use to lower the risk of NSAID-induced gastric ulcers in patients who are at high risk of complications from gastric ulcer, such as the elderly and patients with concurrent debilitating diseases, as well as patients at high risk of developing gastric ulceration, such as patients with a history of ulcer. NSAIDs include aspirin. It has not been demonstrate that misoprostol lowers the risk of duodenal ulcers in persons taking NSAIDs. NSAID medication should be continue when misoprostol is used. When compared to a placebo, it had no impact on the NSAID-related gastrointestinal pain or discomfort.

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Gynecological indication: In order to avoid and cure postpartum hemorrhage, labor induction may be necessary (in adverse cervical circumstances) (PPH).

Gastric ulcer, missed abortion, incomplete abortion, postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), induction of cervix ripening therapy, and medically induced abortion are all disorders for which cytopan is also used as a treatment.

Pregnancy and breast feeding use

Pregnancy: The use of misoprostol during pregnancy is not advice.

Lactation: It is unknown if the active metabolite of misoprostol, misoprostol acid, is excreted in human milk. Because the excretion of misoprostol acid could result in diarrhea in nursing infants, misoprostol should not be give to nursing moms.

Cytopan Tablet Side Effect

Gastrointestinal: The most frequently reported adverse effects for Misoprostol-treated individuals were GI problems. It may intensify GI symptoms like diarrhea and increased stomach pain. By taking it with food and avoiding taking, it at the same time as antacids that contain magnesium and diarrhea can be reduce.

Gynecological: There have been reports of gynecological issues such spotting, cramping, hypermenorrhea, menstrual disorder, and dysmenorrhea. Misoprostol use may be associated with postmenopausal vaginal hemorrhage.

Elderly: Overall, there were no appreciable differences between patients 65 years of age and older and younger patients in terms of their safety profile.

Toxicity: In rats, the oral LD50 is 81 mg/kg, while in mice; it is 27 mg/kg. In rats, the intraperitoneal LD50 is 40 mg/kg, while in mice; it is 70 mg/kg.

Sedation, tremor, convulsions, dyspnea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, palpitations, hypotension, and bradycardia are common symptoms of overdose in patients. In the event of a misoprostol overdose, hemodialysis is not anticipate to be helpful, however oral activated charcoal may aid lessen absorption. In the case of an overdose, supportive care should be use to address the symptoms.

How Cytopan Work

Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue that inhibits gastric acid output by stimulating prostaglandin E1 receptors on parietal cells in the stomach. In order for the mucosa to produce new cells, the mucosal bilayer thickens and mucus and bicarbonate secretion are boosted.

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Misoprostol increases the force and frequency of contractions, degrades collagen, and lessens cervical tone by attaching to smooth muscle cells in the uterine lining.

Cytopan Tablet Dosage

Ulcer: The suggested oral dose for adults is 200 mcg of misoprostol four times per day with food in order to lower the risk of NSAID-induced stomach ulcers. A dose of 100 mcg may be administer if the first dose is not well tolerate. Misoprostol should be take as directed by the doctor for the entire course of NSAID medication. The final dose of the day, which should be take at bedtime, should be take with a meal.

Renal impairment: It is uncommon for renal impaired patients to require dosing schedule adjustments, although dosage can be lower if the 200-mcg dose is not well tolerate.

Dose and administration for gynecology

Induction of labor: 50 mcg orally every 4 hours for induction of labor, or 25 mcg intravenously every 6 hours.

Prophylaxis for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH): 400 to 600 mcg administered orally or rectally right after childbirth.

Treatment for postpartum hemorrhage (PPH): 200 mg taken orally with 400 mg administered sublingually.


In situations when hypertension could lead to serious problems, vigilance should be used (e.g. cerebrovascular and cardiovascular disease).

Cytopan Tablet Price in Pakistan

Cytopan Tablet 50 mg price is Rs. 342

Cytopan Tablet 75 mg price is Rs. 380

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/cytopan-tablet-uses-side-effects-and-price-in-pakistan