Men frequently experience erectile dysfunction (ED); in the US, up to 50% of men over 40 report having ED. Determining the precise course of treatment might be difficult due to the multitude of potential causes. Fortunately, most men can successfully address their ED symptoms with simple and effective prescription drugs like Viagra. Furthermore, even though these drugs can provide you with a powerful erection, they are not a cure.

Finding and fixing the problem's underlying cause is crucial. Among the uncommon and lesser-known causes of erectile dysfunction? dryness of the body.


What Is Dehydration? 

There are various methods to count dehydration, but the simplest technique is when a person's fluid intake is insufficient. It can happen if someone doesn't drink enough fluids, but it also happens when someone uses or loses too much fluid. Usually, a mix of the two is used. Although dehydration can affect everyone, it can be mainly harmful to young children and elderly people because of the serious effects these conditions can have. It is generally advised that you consume eight (8) 12-ounce glasses of water, or about 3,000 milliliters, each day.

That is equivalent to drinking 96 ounces of water a day, or almost two-thirds of a gallon (we can easily imagine a one-gallon milk container). Determining whether or not you're getting enough water to drink might be challenging at times. You should normally not feel too thirsty or have a dry mouth during the day to make sure all of your body's systems are functioning correctly and you're getting enough fluids. Your urine's color can be a more reliable signal throughout the day. The color of your urine should range from pale yellow to practically clear. If you feel thirsty all the time, you can be partially dehydrated.

Other indicators of dehydration consist of:

  • A decrease in the volume and frequency of urination
  • Feeling lost or confused
  • Urine with a darker hue
  • Lightheadedness
  • Tongue and mouth feeling dry
  • Desiccated skin
  • Increased heart rate
  • Headache
  • Not perspiring even when it is hot
  • Low BP
  • Low endurance
  • Feeling thirsty
  • Fatigue

Individuals who are chronically dehydrated or under-hydrated may face serious consequences, such as:

  • Heatstroke and exhaustion
  • Stones, infections, and renal failure
  • Low blood volume shock
  • Cramping in the muscles
  • Convulsions
  • Infections of the urinary tract
  • The most common cause of dehydration is increased fluid loss in an individual. Numerous factors may contribute to this, some of the most prevalent ones being:
  • Diabetes
  • The diarrhea
  • Work out
  • High temperature
  • Sweating excessively
  • Exposure to heat
  • Elevated urination
  • Throwing up


The Effects Of Dehydration On The Body And On Erections 

The body can suffer from dehydration in a few different ways. Your body is essentially a large container of H2O, with about 75% of it being water. Memory loss and cognitive function can be quickly impacted by being one or two percent dehydrated.

Most people start to feel hotter, have headaches, feel sleepy and irritable, and their muscle power and endurance start to decline when they are four percent dehydrated. Although all these conditions can also affect libido, here are some more ways that dehydration can affect erections.


Low Blood Volume 

In other words, a person has "more" blood when they are better hydrated. Increased blood cells and plasma can facilitate better blood flow through the body's veins and arteries, including the penis's. Blood is the key to a powerful erection; it is what makes your penis rise as it fills with blood—up to seven times the quantity of blood it normally has when it is flaccid.

An individual's erection might become stronger the greater their blood flow is. Conversely, dehydration can cause the volume and amount of oxygen in the blood to decrease. A low blood volume, low oxygen saturation, or low blood pressure might make it difficult to get and stay erectioned.


Changes in Hormones

A person's body releases a number of hormones in response to dehydration. Among these is the well-known vasoconstrictor angiotensin. This implies that your blood vessels narrow and tighten, raising your blood pressure and reducing the amount of blood that can go to your penis. Erection maintenance may become considerably more challenging with this combination. Cortisol is another hormone that is released in dehydration. This stress hormone can be released with as little as one liter of dehydration.

More often linked to the "fight or flight" reaction, cortisol increases the body's defense mechanisms while decreasing or impairing "non-essential" processes. Lower levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone, are one consequence of elevated cortisol. Because it vasodilates several arteries in the penis, testosterone can aid in erections. Testosterone helps to achieve and maintain erections by widening these arteries, which enhances blood flow.


Psychological Impact 

It is commonly underestimated that mood has an impact on erections. Even though it's a bodily response, an erection also needs cerebral stimulation. Though worry, tension, and sadness can also increase in men, women's moods appear to be more affected by mild dehydration. The inability to become aroused, get an erection, or experience an orgasm might be seriously hampered by depressive-like feelings of drowsiness or lethargic feelings.


View More: 3 Best Exercises to Eliminate Erectile Dysfunction

How To Improve Erectile Function 

It is obvious that staying properly hydrated aids in the process of achieving an erection. While occasional erection problems are totally natural, persistent problems may indicate an underlying medical disease. The most prevalent physical reasons of erectile dysfunction include heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, although excessive levels of stress, worry, and depression can all be contributing factors.

A change in lifestyle can help lessen the frequency and severity of erectile dysfunction in addition to medicines. Among these modifications are:


Increasing Your Physical Activity.

It may be sufficient to lower your risk of erectile dysfunction with just one 30-minute stroll each day. Exercise helps increase your heart's power and fitness, which can enhance blood flow and vascular capabilities—two of the most important factors in getting an erection. Make sure you stay well hydrated when working out.


Consume A Diet That Is Balanced.

Saturated fat and sodium-rich foods can cause atherosclerosis, which narrows the arteries, and dehydrate you. You may be able to control your blood pressure and maintain the health of your vascular system by consuming fewer of these foods and more fruits, vegetables, and healthy grains.


Give Up The Negative Behaviors.

Your vasculature is one of the systems in the body that is harmed by smoking. As a well-known vasoconstrictor, nicotine from tobacco narrows and tightens veins and arteries, raising blood pressure. Cutting back on alcohol consumption is another habit. Alcohol dehydrates you, lowers blood volume, and might make it harder to get aroused and stimulated due to its depressive properties.


Make Time To Sleep.

Lack of sleep causes your body to produce more cortisol, which has been shown to decrease testosterone and increase the stress response. Furthermore, sleep is the period of time when your body rests and repairs itself. Extended durations of insufficient sleep have been linked to a number of health problems, including erectile dysfunction.


Reduce Your Tension.

Stress is an essential feeling that aids the body in recognizing danger and reacting appropriately. However, prolonged high levels of stress can be harmful to the health. Developing appropriate coping mechanisms for stress reduction or elimination might improve mood.



The erection process is impacted by dehydration in a number of ways. Although it is not a prevalent cause, the physiological effects of being dehydrated or underhydrated can easily lead to erectile dysfunction. For most people, 96 ounces, or two-thirds of a gallon, of water a day is required for adequate hydration.


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