Are you feeling a little different lately, but don’t know why? If you think that you may be pregnant, it helps to understand the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy so that you can make an informed decision about your health. With this in mind, here is our guide to 10 of the earliest signs of pregnancy – from missed periods to nausea and more – allowing for greater clarity on what could potentially be happening in your body.

1- Missed period

If you have unexpectedly missed your period, it could be an early sign of pregnancy. Depending on how early in your cycle the missed period occurred, it could indicate conception from a few days to a few weeks earlier. As soon as you suspect that you may be pregnant, take a home pregnancy test. These tests are designed to detect the presence of hormones released early in pregnancy and will give a clear indication of whether or not you are expecting. If in doubt, arrange for confirmation with a healthcare provider and make an appointment to discuss further tests or next steps.

2- Fatigue and sleepiness

Many early signs of pregnancy are similar to those of fatigue and sleepiness. Fatigue and sleepiness can occur for a variety of reasons, from busy lifestyles to medical conditions. Unwanted late night snacks can also lead to excessive fatigue and sleepiness. It's important to be aware of early warning signs so that you can make lifestyle changes early on in order to stay fit, healthy, and energized! If your fatigue or sleepiness persists after making lifestyle changes, it may be wise to talk to your doctor to see if there is any underlying medical issues you should be aware of.

3- Morning sickness

Morning sickness is one of the early signs of pregnancy, and while it can have a wide range of symptoms, it usually manifests as nausea and vomiting early in the morning. Despite being incredibly common during pregnancy, it varies widely between individuals, with some expecting mothers not experiencing morning sickness at all. Most cases usually diminish after the first trimester, although in some cases the symptoms could persist throughout the entire pregnancy period. For many women, the feeling of nausea may be alleviated by eating smaller meals more frequently, drinking plenty of fluids and getting enough rest. It's important for pregnant women to talk to their doctor about morning sickness and discuss other remedies as well if needed.

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4- Tender, swollen breasts

Swollen and tender breasts are early signs of pregnancy that appear in the early stages. It is caused by increased levels of hormones such as progesterone and estrogen which help prepare the body for pregnancy. The discomfort may range from mild to severe, depending on the individual. In addition to being tender, breasts can change in size and shape, even veiny and engorged with milk. All of these changes are necessary for a successful pregnancy, so make sure to take good care of your body during this sensitive period.

5- Increased urination

Increased urination is one of the early signs of pregnancy and can be quite a hassle for expectant mothers. It's not an indicator that should be taken lightly – frequent urination early on in pregnancy can be a sign of something more serious when coupled with other symptoms. For this reason, it's important to keep track of your trips to the bathroom during early stages and take note of other changes such as bloating or cramps. Doing regular check-ups with your doctor will go a long way towards ensuring the health of you and your baby.

6- Food aversions and sensitivity to smell

For many women, early signs of pregnancy are often accompanied with a heightened sense of smell and an increase in food aversions. The heightened sense of smell can be incredibly overwhelming at times and can result in sensitivity to certain aromas that didn't bother them before they were pregnant. These sensitivities can sometimes cause unpleasant reactions or cravings, leading to some unexpected dietary changes during early stages of pregnancy. Food aversions are also commonly experienced during this time as early signs of pregnancy, which can cause women to suddenly go from loving a particular dish to hating it overnight. With hormones running rampant early on during pregnancy, food aversions and sensitivities to smell may be intense for some women, making the early stages of pregnancy quite uncomfortable for them.

7- Cramping in the Abdomen

Abdominal cramping is one of the early signs of pregnancy, often occurring in the early weeks and even months of gestation. Generally speaking, abdominal cramps are felt as a dull or sharp pain and can range from mild to severe. Many women experience early pregnancy abdominal cramps as a result of their uterus stretching, morning sickness and changes in digestive system hormones which can all contribute to feelings of stomach discomfort. Other possible causes may include gas, constipation, infections or ovulation. If you notice persistent abdominal cramping, it is wise to reach out to your healthcare provider for advice on how best to relieve any discomfort.

8- Mood swings

Mood swings are early signs of pregnancy that can be especially hard to cope with. As hormone levels shift in a pregnant body, the mood and emotions that accompany them can fluctuate rapidly, making it difficult to manage during this challenging time. It's important for expectant mothers to be aware of their feelings and take an active approach to managing their moods, since early intervention can prevent them from feeling overwhelmed. Professional counseling and support networks are often recommended for expecting mothers who experience persistent feelings of anxiety or depression.

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9- Headaches and back pain

Headaches and back pain are two early signs of pregnancy, especially for those who did not know they were expecting. Even before the baby bump starts appearing, women may experience increased pressure in their lower backs from a growing uterus or headaches from fluctuating hormones. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to addressing these symptoms as each woman's body will respond differently to pregnancy. Fortunately, making certain lifestyle changes such as watching what you eat and staying hydrated can help ease the discomfort caused by early pregnancy physical symptoms. Furthermore, PAINS instacare app makes it easier for pregnant women to monitor their early signs of pregnancy by tracking physical symptoms in real time.

10- Nausea and Vomiting Symptoms

Nausea and vomiting symptoms can present early signs of a pregnancy. These physical symptoms, commonly known as "morning sickness", are one of the first indicators that a woman may be pregnant. Nausea and vomiting can range in severity and may occur in waves throughout the early stages of pregnancy. Common treatments include eating small meals often, getting plenty of rest, avoiding strong odors or tastes, and antacids to relieve excess stomach acid. It is important to speak with your doctor early on if nausea and vomiting turn severe as dehydration or an electrolyte imbalance could become a concern.


With so many varied symptoms associated with early pregnancy, it is essential to be aware of any changes in your body. As soon as you notice a change, it is important to reach out to your healthcare provider and seek the necessary advice and assistance. And while you’re considering these early signs of pregnancy, don't forget that an unintended consequence of unprotected sex at an early age can be an unplanned pregnancy. Engaging in safe sex practices like the use of condoms or other methods of birth control is advised, as well as talking to a healthcare provider about STIs if you think you might be at risk. Ultimately, being knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms of pregnancy is one important way you can stay safe.

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