Are you expecting? If so, it’s likely that the time is nearing for your bundle of joy to make their grand entrance into the world. You may be wondering — what are some signs I should look out for when labor is near? Since every pregnancy can be unique and experience different signs, it's best to understand what typically characterizes early labor symptoms in order to best prepare yourself and your family. In this post, we will cover 8 key indicators of an impending delivery – from menstrual-like cramps and back pain to baby dropping down into position as well as loose stools – ensuring that you have all of the necessary information necessary at hand before heading off on this journey!

What is labor?

Labor is the process of childbirth wherein a woman's body produces early signs such as contractions and effacement. It typically begins with regular, mild contractions that become more frequent and intense as time passes. During labor, the uterus contracts to help push the baby out of the birth canal. As labor progresses, it may cause early effacement, which is when the cervix thins and softens in order for it to expand enough for the baby to pass through. Labor can take anywhere from a few hours to several days to complete, depending on various factors such as age, health condition and even emotional wellbeing.

Signs of labor

While many early signs of labor are subtle, they can be well worth paying attention to. While the timing is unpredictable, early signs of pregnancy may include a decrease in pelvic pressure and an increase in vaginal discharge. Additionally, some women experience mild contractions that start and stop irregularly prior to active labor. Other early signs of labor may include increased energy, a drop in the baby's position in preparation for birth and changes to the cervix due to its beginning to open. All of these early signs should be noted as they could mark the early stages of labor.

1- You can breathe a bit easier

Early signs of labor can be difficult to recognize, but you can breathe a bit easier knowing they typically involve increased contractions and the start of dilation. Some other early signs may include a change in vaginal discharge, low back pain, and nausea or vomiting. You may also notice your baby dropping down lower or settling deeper into your pelvis in preparation for birth. It's important to track changes and speak with your healthcare provider if any concerns arise. And always remember that every pregnancy is different and no early sign is definitive proof that labor is beginning!

2- Increase in discharge

Recent developments in early prenatal care have helped many expecting mothers recognize early signs of labor. These saw an increase in early discharges prior to the onset of labor, with the average stay in hospital being reduced to just three days. Early discharge not only helps reduce overall healthcare costs associated with a delivery but also allows expecting mothers to be surrounded by their loved ones during their labor. Moreover, early discharge can ease expectations and fears associated with labor and birth. Patients who follow early discharge protocols can take advantage of restful home environments as well as tailored pre-birth education sessions delivered virtually or otherwise.

3- Your weight gain slows

As early signs of labor approach, you may notice that your weight gain begins to slow down. This can be due to lack of appetite, nausea or fatigue associated with the body preparing for childbirth. It is important to remember that some weight gain during pregnancy is normal, and that a slower increase in the later weeks is part of the body's natural process. However, if you are concerned about your rate of weight gain it may be beneficial to speak with your doctor to discuss any health concerns you may have.

4- Bloody show

Bloody show is one of the early signs that labor has begun. It occurs when blood and mucus are expelled from the cervix and vagina due to the thinning, or effacement, or softening that occurs early in labor. Typically it appears as a red-pink colored mucous discharge with streaks of blood. A bloody show indicates that the cervix is opening gradually, which means labor will likely start soon thereafter. It often happens several days before labor begins; however, it can also occur just before or during early labor contractions. Women who are experiencing active labor may notice a constant trickle of mucus tinged with blood after their mucous plug is released. As early evidence of true labor, women should inform their midwives or doctors about any changes in vaginal discharge like bloody show to help them better prepare for childbirth.

5- Belly and lower back pain

Experiencing belly and lower back pain can be a sign of early labor. It's important to keep an eye out for any early indications that labor could be starting and be familiar with the signs. Belly and lower back pain may feel like persistent cramps or tightening, or sharp pains in your abdomen which can range from mild to severe. Most cases can be managed through self-care practices like stretching, hot showers, and a heating pad on your back, but if the pain is intense or persists you should consult a doctor right away.

6- Activity of the baby

There are early signs of labor that a baby is getting ready to join the world. Braxton Hicks contractions, or false labor, can start up to a month before your due date and these contractions serve as the baby's way of toning its developing muscles. As labor gets closer, fetal movements will slow down as the baby moves into position for its grand entrance. When labor begins in earnest true contractions will have increased intensity, come more frequently and grow longer lasting as time progresses. If you notice any of these early signs of labor it could be time for your new arrival!

7- Looser joints

Looser joints can often be one of the early signs of labor. The hormones released in pregnancy, specifically relaxin, can cause joints to become much more limber and easier to move. This is especially noticeable in areas such as the pelvis, making it easier for labor to progress and eventually allow a baby to come into the world. Loosening of these joints can also occur early on in third trimester due to pressure being put on them from the baby inside in preparation for labor. Those expecting a baby who experience this early loosening should talk to their doctor or midwife so they can assess how far along the labor might be so that they are prepared and informed about what comes next.

8- Water breaking

Water breaking is the early sign of labor that marks an important milestone in the birthing process. It occurs when the amniotic sac surrounding the baby ruptures and fluid escapes through the vagina, signalling childbirth is close. Typically this happens shortly before contractions begin and can be a little startling or even confusing since there is no exact way to anticipate when it will happen. Women who suspect their water may have broken should always contact their healthcare provider for guidance and instructions immediately.

Time Your Contractions

Timing contractions is an early sign of labor. Knowing when to time your contractions will help you to monitor the early stages of labor and better prepare you for a successful delivery. It's important to time your contractions starting from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction in order to get the most accurate estimate. Timing your contractions can help you track how far along labor has progressed as well as alert your healthcare provider if needed. With each contraction, record data such as when they started, how long they lasted, and how close together they are. Once you have all of this information, you'll have an overall better idea of where you are in your labor progress.


Labor is a natural process and it’s important that mothers-to-be be aware of early signs and symptoms of labor in order to understand their bodies better, have an enjoyable pregnancy experience, and help prepare for birth. However, it’s not just important for mothers to recognize the common signs of labor; fathers, family members, and friends should also be informed in the event that they need to provide assistance or offer support. As frightening as labor can be, being aware of the body’s progress can help alleviate some stress and anxiety surrounding the process. So if you or someone you know is expecting a baby, make sure that all parties involved are familiar with these 8 early signs & symptoms of labor! When in doubt or simply uncertain about your body’s state, contact your healthcare provider.

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