Constipation can result from eating a particular food in some people. However, some people may experience issues if they take low-fiber meals. In addition, underlying medical disorders like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can all cause constipation. We should examine a variety of foods that can cause constipation.

Some Foods That Can Cause Constipation 

The foods that some people may find increase or cause constipation are:

Refined Grains

Refined flour-containing foods, including cakes and baked items, have low fiber content. This can worsen constipation if consumed along with a low-fiber diet. But the constipation isn't being caused by these particular items. Instead, an imbalance between several dietary categories is the cause. Consuming more whole grains could be beneficial. It is essential that eating foods high in fiber may worsen symptoms for individuals with digestive disorders. 

Onions and Garlic

The carbohydrates can be complex for some individuals with IBS to absorb. Consuming meals high in FODMAPS can make people constipated. The low-FODMAPS diet was developed to assist those who suffer from this. One of the most popular high-FODMAP foods is garlic. They are found in many. However, they can cause symptoms for people with trouble breaking down FODMAPs.


Doctors used to advise patients with diarrhea to follow the banana, rice, and toast diet, which includes bananas. This resulted from these foods' ability to reduce the speed of bowel motions. For those who are constipated, these foods are not the best choice.

Ripe bananas have a high (FODMAPS), which may cause some IBS sufferers to stay away from them. Since they have a low FODMAP content, unripe bananas can be simpler for those with IBS.

Chips and Crackers

Certain snack items, such as chips and crackers made from refined grains, may be deficient in the fiber needed for a good digestive tract. These processed snacks might cause constipation because they are frequently heavy in bad fats and lack nutrients. Selecting whole-grain substitutes can assist in ensuring a sufficient intake of fiber, encouraging more easily passed stool and lowering the likelihood of constipation. To further promote digestive health, watch portion amounts and pair these snacks with fruits or vegetables.

Eggs and Other Allergies

Others think eating eggs can make you constipated. There is little scientific data to prove. Because they are low in fiber, eating many of them with a low-fiber diet may make you constipated.

The most common allergy is an egg allergy among many people. This may help to explain why some individuals have difficulty digesting eggs. Frequent constipation may indicate a food allergy in specific individuals. A person may want to inquire with a doctor about allergy testing if their body does not react to using laxatives or adopting other changes in diet.

Dairy Products and Milk

Some claim that dairy products made from cows or milk cause constipation. This could happen for several reasons. First, milk and soft cheeses are examples of dairy items high in FODMAP. An allergy to dairy proteins, such as whey or casein, is another likely reason.

View More: Diabetes Diet Chart Plan - The Best Foods For Diabetes

Red Meat


  1. 1.      For three main reasons, eating red meat might make constipation worse. First, it has a low fiber content, making stools heavier and more accessible to pass. 
  2. 2.      Second, by replacing foods higher in fiber in the diet, red meat may also slightly lower a person's daily intake of fiber overall. This is particularly true if you overeat meat during a meal, which limits the quantity of whole grains and vegetables high in fiber that you can eat simultaneously.
  3. 3.      In general, a reduced daily fiber intake would result from this situation, which could raise the risk of constipation. 

Furthermore, red meat often has higher fat content than other meats, such as chicken and fish, and diets heavy in fat require longer for the body to digest. This could make constipation even more likely to occur in certain circumstances. Constipation sufferers can find it helpful to use high-protein and high-fiber foods like beans, lentils, and peas for red meat.

Rye, Barley, or Whole Wheat

Likewise, some people may find digesting legumes with high FODMAP content challenging. Some people find that a low-fiber diet causes constipation. Others discover overeating high-fiber food, such as rye, can cause constipation.

White Potatoes

When white potatoes lose their skin, they lose some of their fiber. Constipation and low-fiber diets are frequently associated. Eating potatoes that have been peeled may reduce the volume and softness of stools, which could slow down digestion. Potato skins can increase your fiber intake, facilitating easier digestion and lowering your chance of constipation.


Because chocolate is high-fat, consuming too much of it may cause constipation. Chocolate slows down the digestive system, which can lead to discomfort and irregular bowel motions even though it is delicious. When consuming chocolate, moderation is crucial to preventing constipation. Furthermore, gastric pain may worsen constipation in people sensitive to dairy or specific ingredients in chocolate.

Processed Foods

Packed full of artificial additives, refined sugars, and preservatives, processed foods can aggravate constipation. Regular bowel movement is disturbed by candies, pastries, and sugary snacks deficient in fiber and vital nutrients. These processed foods are problematic for the body to digest, which can cause constipation and slow digestion. Choosing complete, unprocessed foods high in fiber can help to heal the digestive tract and lessen the chance of constipation.

Fast Food

Quick-service foods, such as burgers and fries, are rich in harmful fats and frequently low in fiber. Constipation may result from this combination's disruption of normal digestion. Since most fast food items have little nutritional value, it's critical to balance the potential constipation effects of fast food by eating more fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Salty Snacks

Extremely salty foods can lead to constipation. When a person consumes large amounts of salt without getting enough water, the body takes moisture from the gut instead. As a result, the stool loses moisture, which makes it hard to pass. Some examples of salty foods that may have this effect are frozen meals and fries.

In Summary

Constipation is an unpleasant condition. Making a couple of simple dietary changes can improve your digestion if you're constipated. Avoid or consume fewer foods that cause constipation, such as those mentioned above. Ask your healthcare physician for extra dietary and lifestyle recommendations if you're still having problems after cutting back on constipating items.

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