If you have uncomfortable and embarrassing stomach problems like heartburn or indigestion, it is time to think about what food you can eat to help. There are some really tasty things that can help reduce the extra acid in your body. Here is a list of our favorite 5 foods that work for both men and women. Eat them regularly to make the stomach problems go away!

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is a condition that occurs when acid from the stomach regurgitates up into the throat and sometimes even into the mouth. It usually occurs after heavily acidic foods or too much food have been consumed. The symptoms of acid reflux can include burning sensations in the chest, sour taste in the mouth, and difficulty swallowing. These gas pain symptoms can be uncomfortable, but they typically go away on their own with time. Acid reflux can be dangerous if it is not treated. It could cause scarring and hurt your throat. If you have acid reflux a lot, talk to a doctor right away. They will help you figure out what to do.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a disease that affects your digestion. It can cause pain in your chest or burning in your throat, food coming back up, trouble swallowing, and an upset stomach. Eating fatty foods and lying down after eating can make it worse. Acid reflux can also lead to other problems such as coughing, tooth decay, and asthma. If you have any of these symptoms often or they get worse over time, tell your doctor right away.

Treatment of Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a painful condition when stomach acid moves up your throat. To treat it, you might need to change some things like what foods you eat or take antacids for a short time. Some people might need medicine from the doctor. Talk to your doctor before trying something new for acid reflux.

Foods That Neutralize Stomach Acid

1- Bread and Milk

Bread and milk are tasty foods. They can also help with digestive problems. Bread has a mild taste and soft texture that make it easy to digest. Milk helps coat the stomach lining to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach.. Plus, milk enriched with probiotics has been linked to improving overall gut health. Therefore, bread and milk can be used not only as delicious foods but also as a way to tackle digestion issues.

2- Bananas

The banana is a nutritional powerhouse, providing several important vitamins and minerals. Not only is it an excellent source of vitamin B6, vitamin C, manganese, fiber, and other key nutrients, but it's also one of the foods that neutralize stomach acid. For this reason, bananas are ideal for those who struggle with digestive issues and enjoy a more natural remedy to their distress. They're also easy to take on-the-go, making them an even better option as a healthy snack. Whether you slice one up in your cereal or oatmeal in the morning or simply grab one mid-morning or afternoon when hunger strikes, this oft-forgotten fruit is always a great choice!

View More: 10 Causes Of Stomach Pain After Eating

3- Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a versatile food that can be served hot or cold, sweet or savory, and for breakfast or as a snack. Oatmeal is a healthy food because it has fiber and protein. Eating oatmeal can help your stomach feel better if you have digestive problems like indigestion or heartburn. Oatmeal is a good choice for breakfast and may help ease those issues. Add oatmeal to your grocery list!

4- Ginger

Often thought of as just a flavoring for foods, ginger is actually much more than that. Not only does it have antibacterial and antifungal properties, but it can also help neutralize stomach acid when used in foods. This makes it an ideal ingredient for calming an upset stomach on days you indulge in foods that are too acidic or spicy. Further, researchers believe that ginger also has the potential to reduce nausea and motion sickness due to its anti-inflammatory compounds which can soothe digestive tracks. Therefore, adding ginger to your everyday diet could be just what you need to keep your stomach happy and healthy!

5- Green vegetables

Green vegetables are very good for us. They have vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which help keep us healthy. Kale, spinach and broccoli have special powers that help our bodies and stomachs. Eating these vegetables give us more nutrients and can make digestive issues feel better. Making them a regular part of your diet could make a huge difference in your overall health and wellness.

8 Foods that make acid reflux worse

Eating certain types of food can make acid reflux worse. Foods that are spicy, fatty, fried or have a lot of acid can make you more likely to get acid reflux. Foods like fried meat, salty snacks and processed foods with lots of oil or butter can cause stomach pain or make you feel burning in your throat.

Drinks like coffee and energy drinks can make acid reflux worse. Do not eat oranges or tomatoes if you have acid reflux. Try other healthy foods instead that can help, like chicken breasts or lentils (foods made from beans).

1- Chocolate

Chocolate is a delicious treat that many people enjoy. However, it's important to recognize that foods high in fat and chocolate are some of the foods that can make acid reflux worse. Therefore, if you have acid reflux it is advisable to limit your intake of both chocolate and foods high in fat. Dark chocolate is preferred to milk chocolate since dark chocolate contains more antioxidants and generally less sugar than milk chocolate, but regardless of type, should be indulged in sparingly when suffering from acid reflux.

2- Peppermint

Peppermint is a type of mint that is popular for its refreshing aroma and taste, but it can actually be bad for those who suffer from acid reflux. While peppermint has many health benefits, foods that contain it can exacerbate the uncomfortable symptoms of acid reflux. Therefore, experts suggest that, as part of an effective treatment plan against heartburn and acid reflux, those with the condition avoid foods and drinks like peppermint tea and candy canes.

3- Fatty foods

Fatty foods can be detrimental to your health and worsen acid reflux. Foods such as french fries, fried chicken, butter, oils, and most desserts are high in fat which causes the sphincter muscle at the top of the stomach to relax allowing food and acid to escape into the esophagus causing heartburn or indigestion. These foods should be avoided to help minimize symptoms associated with acid reflux or indigestion. Additionally, foods that are spicy, and contain caffeine or alcohol also worsen symptoms of acid reflux as they increase stomach acid production. To reduce instances of heartburn or GERD, opt for non-fatty foods that are still nutritious like fruits and vegetables instead.

4- Spicy foods

Spicy foods can be delicious but for many people, it can cause a variety of issues. Unfortunately, foods that are considered to be spicy can make acid reflux worse and may eventually lead to long-term digestive problems such as acidosis and heartburn. People who suffer from chronic heartburn or frequent acid reflux should avoid foods that contain chili peppers, hot sauces, and spices like cayenne pepper. In addition to avoiding these foods, individuals with acid reflux or other digestive issues may also benefit from increasing their intake of natural foods in order to stay healthy and mitigate flare-ups.

5- Acidic foods and drinks

Many foods and drinks that you may enjoy can actually disrupt your digestion and make acid reflux worse. Citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruit, tomatoes, spicy foods like chili peppers, garlic, onions, carbonated beverages, coffee, and even chocolate are all foods that should be avoided if you have acid reflux. Eating smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large ones can also help to reduce symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn.

6- Garlic

Garlic is a delicious, flavorful addition to many foods. Unfortunately, it is also one of the foods that make acid reflux worse. When this happens, spicy foods should be avoided as they can further irritate the esophagus and stomach lining. Additionally, garlic contains allicin, a compound that has been linked to heartburn symptoms. To reduce the risk of acid reflux when eating garlic, opt for cloves cooked with other foods instead of raw or pan-fried versions. This can help minimize flare-ups and provide an enjoyable flavor.

7- Onions

Onions are a staple item found in many pantries. Whether enjoyed raw in salads, cooked in soup, or grilled on the barbeque, onions offer flavor profiles ranging from sweet to sharp. But for those who suffer from acid reflux, onions may complicate their symptoms and should be avoided. Eating foods high in acid like tomatoes and citrus fruits can worsen symptoms of acid reflux, as well as foods that contain a high amount of fat like meats with grease or fried foods– and onions are no exception to this rule. Including onions regularly in your meals is therefore not advised for those prone to bouts of acid reflux.

8- Drinks containing alcohol, caffeine, or carbonation

Beverages that have alcohol, caffeine, or carbonation can make acid reflux worse. These drinks can hurt your esophagus and make stomach acid go up into your throat. This makes it hard for people with acid reflux to eat food with these ingredients. Don't drink coffee, tea, or energy drinks because they will increase the amount of stomach acid you have. Carbonated drinks also increase air in the stomach, contributing to discomfort and bloating. Alcoholic drinks should also be avoided as they weaken the LES, making it easier for stomach contents to back up into the esophagus. It is best to limit all of these beverages to promote healthier digestive function and prevent acid reflux episodes.

What juice is good for acid reflux?

Acid reflux affects many people and can be a difficult condition to manage. One way of addressing acid reflux is through diet and one great dietary modification is to have foods that are known to neutralize stomach acid. One such food group that offers acid-neutralizing benefits is juice. Juices containing

  • Apples
  • Cherries
  • Aloe vera
  • Raw potato
  • Papaya
  • Cranberry
  • Taro root
  • Green juices

are all beneficial for this condition as they naturally reduce the acidity in one's stomach. These juices provide an effective and safe way to reduce symptoms of acid reflux.

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/foods-that-neutralize-stomach-acid