Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is an incredible superfood that has long been used in traditional medicine for its medicinal properties and to promote overall wellbeing. Rich in antioxidants like vitamin c and gallic acid, it also provides a myriad of health benefits such as aiding digestion, boosting immunity, regulating blood sugar levels and lowering cholesterol.

From treating colds to helping maintain hair health - amla is truly a natural powerhouse! In this blog post we’ll explore 12 amazing health benefits of amla so you can see why incorporating this herbal remedy into your daily routine could have positive effects on your overall wellbeing.


Alma nutrition value per 100 grams

Knowing the nutrition value of food can be a great way to make sure your diet is balanced and healthy. Alma, or gooseberry, is no exception! Per 100 grams of alma, you can expect 6.2 g of carbohydrates, 0.3 g of fat, 0.4 g of protein, 55 mg of calcium and 17 mg of magnesium.

Additionally, there are also small amounts of important vitamins such as vitamin a and vitamin e as well as dietary fiber for digestion. Not only does alma provide essential nutrients for good health, it also carries with it several medicinal properties that promote a strong immune system. With all these positive things offed by these delicious berries, why not add them to your diet today!


Health benefits of amla

1- control diabetes

Controlling diabetes is essential to maintain overall health and wellbeing as it reduces the risk of serious health problems associated with this condition. In this regard, amla or indian gooseberry has emerged as a key food item that benefits diabetics.

Rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other beneficial ingredients, amla not only helps to reduce blood sugar levels but also improves insulin sensitivity and lipid profile. Furthermore, it has been found that regular consumption of amla can help protect from other chronic diseases by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation ensuring benefits for overall health.


2- better digestion

Amla, is a powerhouse of health benefits and known for aiding digestion significantly. Its high fiber content helps eliminate constipation and other digestive issues. It contains a range of medicinal properties such as being rich in vitamin c, powerful antioxidants, and mineral salts that help stimulate stomach enzymes which aid in digestion. Finally, studies have also shown that consumption of amla boosts metabolism and facilitates the efficient breakdown of food components - all resulting in better overall digestion.


3- healthier eyes

Healthy eyes are essential for our overall health and well-being, and there are benefits to taking steps towards improving our eye health. One natural way to do this is to incorporate amla, or indian gooseberry, into our diets. Not only does amla have properties that help with the visual system like strengthening vision health, but it can also benefit our overall eye well being by reducing inflammation and hydrating the cells in our bodies which can lead to reducing dry eyes.

In addition to its benefits for our eyes, amla has many other benefits like aiding digestion and boosting immunity. Finding ways to make amla a part of your diet isn’t complicated - it can be used in smoothies or added to salads and curries. Taking simple steps towards better eye health starts with incorporating more amla into your diet today!


4- immunity

Immunity is an important factor for overall health and wellness. Natural immunity boosters, such as amla, should be incorporated into our diets to ensure that our immune systems are strong and able to fight off diseases effectively. Not only are benefits of amla linked with strengthening the immune system, but the benefits even carry over when it comes to controlling diabetes, reducing inflammation and ultimately improving digestive health. Incorporating this natural supplement into your daily diet can bring a world of benefits that may help improve your life.


5- amla improves skin

Amla, is a beloved traditional remedy known for its benefits to the skin. This small green fruit packs a big punch when it comes to anti-aging properties and boosting the skin’s natural glow – and the benefits of amla don’t end there. It can reduce puffiness and wrinkles, even out skin tone, fight acne, revitalize tired skin and keep it hydrated.

In fact, some sources even refer to amla as nature's own fountain of youth! All these healing benefits are primarily attributed to its high vitamin c content that also helps keep cells strong and healthy. Adding amla into your everyday skincare routine is therefore a simple way of giving your complexion an extra boost for younger looking skin!


6- memory and brain health

Amla, has been used for centuries in ayurveda and chinese medicine due to its high antioxidant content. Research suggests that the benefits of amla in relation to brain health are particularly promising. Recent studies have indicated that regular consumption of this berry may hold benefits for memory recall and cognition. It is believed that the fiber, minerals, and antioxidants contained in amla help improve oxygen flow throughout the body, making it easier for brain cells to function at peak efficiency.

Moreover, studies also suggest that regular consumption of amla may reduce oxidative stress caused by free radicals, enabling better nerve signaling and increases in levels of dopamine and serotonin — both important chemicals which enhance memory over time. Therefore, incorporating amla into your diet could be a beneficial strategy to promote overall brain health as well as long-term memory gains.

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7- enhances liver health

Amla, sometimes called indian gooseberry, has long been recognized as one of the most powerful natural liver health enhancers. The benefits arising from its regular use can be used to improve a wide range of issues associated with the liver, such as cirrhosis and fatty liver disease.

Amla benefits the liver by purifying and cleansing it of toxins, reducing inflammation, protecting against cell damage and boosting antioxidant activity. Additionally, it helps increase energy levels by promoting better digestion – in essence amla provides a host of benefits that enhance overall health as well as restore optimum liver function!


8- promotes heart health

Amla, also known as indian gooseberry, has been used for centuries in traditional ayurvedic medicine to promote heart health. It contains powerful antioxidants as well as compounds that are beneficial to the cardiovascular system. Studies have shown that regular consumption of amla can help lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of developing different forms of heart disease.

It can also improve circulation, lower blood pressure and help keep overall cholesterol levels in check. Amla is easily available at most stores, usually in powder form or extract supplements; therefore it's quite easy to make this superfood a part of your daily routine and start reaping the benefits it provides!


9- may increase hair growth

One of the benefits of amla, or indian gooseberry, is that it can help increase hair growth. Rich in vitamin c, taking an amla supplement or applying the crushed fruit directly to your scalp can maintain the health and thickness of your hair. It is also known to reduce dandruff and prevent premature graying.

The antioxidants present in amla are known to nourish and rejuvenate your scalp while encouraging better blood circulation within the dermal layers of your skin. As a result, more oxygen, nutrients and follicle-nourishing compounds make their way to your root tips which can trigger healthy hair regrowth.


10- improves kidney health

Amla, otherwise known as indian gooseberry, is a popular ayurvedic remedy. This superfood has numerous benefits, especially in terms of kidney health. It contains antioxidants that can prevent cell damage and help recover cells damaged due to chronic diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Additionally, the natural diuretic effects of amla can help your body eliminate toxins more efficiently while providing relief from hydronephrosis, a condition in which fluid builds up in the kidneys. Amla is an excellent source of vitamin c, giving it anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial benefits for urinary tract issues as well. All of these benefits add up to improved overall kidney health.


11- fight the common cold

Working to fight the common cold requires taking proactive steps. One natural remedy that has been gathering momentum in recent years is amla, also known as indian gooseberry, which contains vast amounts of vitamin c. Recent studies have confirmed the benefits of amla for fighting the common cold; benefits include decreased sneezing and nasal discharge, scratching throat relief, and reduced phlegm and congestion.

For best results, experts suggest adding a teaspoon of honey with heated amla juice; this provides powerful immune system benefits as well as reduces inflammation in the body. Taking one or two teaspoons three times per week can help your body achieve optimal health benefits from amla and ultimately reduce your chances of getting sick.


12- it burns fat

Amla, otherwise known as indian gooseberry, has been used for thousands of years for its many benefits to the body. One such benefit is its ability to burn fat. Research has shown that amla helps boost the metabolism, which assists in burning stored fat from around the body and converting it into energy.

Studies have also revealed that consuming amla regularly can lead to a decrease in body mass index, suggesting that it indeed helps burn fat efficiently. This is great news for those looking to achieve their desired physique while reaping the benefits of this ancient superfood.


How to use amla

The benefits of using amla in your daily routine are plentiful. Known as the indian gooseberry, amla is packed with vitamins and antioxidants that can help protect against oxidative damage and promote overall health. Additionally, amla is a great source of vitamin c – five times more than oranges!

You can incorporate amla into your diet in many ways, including consuming it in supplement form or mixing along with honey or lime juice to make revitalizing smoothies. Applying a hair mask of amla powder mixed with yoghurt on your scalp and tresses will also promote healthy hair growth. Explore all the benefits of amla and start incorporating it into your daily routine today!



Using dried amla is a great way for you to naturally supplement your diet and boost your health. Amla is a type of dried fruit that originated in pakistan, and it has been used for centuries to treat diseases and ailments. It's known for having high levels of antioxidants, vitamin c, and other essential minerals.

Many people use it in smoothies or as a part of their regular diet. To get the most benefit from amla, make sure to soak it in water before using it. This process allows its nutrition to be released as well as making it easier to digest. After soaking, you can add amla to yoghurt or oatmeal, sprinkle it on salads, or include it in soups. Enjoy the boost of health that dried amla provides!

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Pickling is a great way to ensure your produce stays fresh longer and can add a unique flavor to any dish! Amla, a type of indian gooseberry, is one of the easier foods to pickle. It's tartness pairs perfectly with savory dishes and salads alike.

Preparing amla for pickling is simple: start by boiling the amla for two minutes before transferring it to cold salted water overnight. This soaks out much of its sour taste, allowing you to mix in spices like turmeric or chili powder depending on your desired flavor. With an extended shelf life, it gives you more time to enjoy your creations!


Amla healthy recipes

1- Amla chutney

Amla chutney is one of the most popular healthy recipes that can be found in pakistan. Amla, otherwise known as indian gooseberry, has a wide variety of health benefits ranging from reducing cholesterol to promoting hair growth. Amla chutney gets its intense flavor and coloration mainly from amla juice, garlic, spices and green chillies.

Amla chutney is an accompaniment to many south pakistann dishes such as dosa or idli, but it can also be served with rice or roti along with other curries or subzis depending on preference. Amla chutney is beloved for its zesty and flavorful taste that elevates any dish it is paired with!


2- Amla sabzi

Amla sabzi is a traditional pakistani dish made with amla, or indian gooseberries. Amla has long been used in pakistan as a home remedy and cooking ingredient due to its high concentrations of antioxidants and nutrients. Amla sabzi is an easy and healthy recipe that can be made in minutes.

Amla is combined with a variety of vegetables such as onions, potatoes, peas and tomatoes to create amala sabzi which is enjoyed in both lunch and dinner meals. The taste of amala sabzi ranges from mildly sweet to slightly sour. It's served hot with rice or chapatis for added flavor and nutrition, making it a popular dish amongst pakistann families looking for amla healthy recipes.


How to make amla juice at home

Making your own amla juice at home is an easy and simple way to enjoy its health benefits. All you need is some fresh amla fruit, a blender, strainer and the sweetener of your choice. First, wash the fruit to remove any dirt or debris then mash it using either a fork or grinder.

Transfer the mashed fruit into a blender along with whatever sweetener you would like to use, such as honey or sugar/salt. Blend until smooth and strain through a sieve so that all pulp chunks are removed. Lastly, pour the juice into glasses and enjoy its unique taste and wealth of health benefits!

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