Ginger is a superfood known for its numerous health benefits. Rich in essential nutrients, as well as antioxidants, ginger has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes and to add flavor to dishes. Going beyond the fresh root form of ginger, you may have heard about the Indian spice called “sonth” or powdered dry ginger which has even more health benefits due to the process of drying and milling it into a fine powder. In this blog post, we’re going to look at 10 amazing health benefits that sonth or dried ginger powder can provide!

Health benefits of ginger

Ginger, a spice made from the root of ginger plant, has been used for centuries as an ingredient in many foods, as well as to treat a wide variety of ailments. Its amazing health benefits have been widely studied and ginger has been found to be a powerful remedy for many common health issues.

Ginger powder is one of the most commonly used forms of ginger and offers numerous health benefits ranging from aiding digestion to helping reduce inflammation and soothe nausea. Studies have shown that ginger powder helps strengthen the immune system, making it less vulnerable to colds/flu and other illnesses; while its anti-inflammatory properties have been linked with reduced pain in people suffering from joint and muscle conditions.

In addition, ginger powder can help manage blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol levels within the body. All this makes ginger powder an incredibly effective natural remedy for numerous health issues - and goes to show how something that looks so unassuming can pack such a powerful punch for your overall wellbeing.

1- Culinary uses

Ginger has long been used as a seasoning and spice in both cooking and traditional medicine. Its anti-inflammatory properties make ginger powder a highly beneficial supplement for improving digestion, reducing indigestion, supporting healthy joint function, and providing relief from nausea.

The unique flavour of ginger adds character to savoury dishes like curries and stir-fries, while ginger powder can also be incorporated into cake and cookie recipes for a unique twist. It's also delicious when brewed as ginger tea or ginger beer. No matter how ginger is consumed, its health benefits are undeniable - making it an essential ingredient in any kitchen.

2- Managing nausea

Feeling nauseous can be an unpleasant experience. Thankfully, there are various methods one can use to manage nausea. For instance, ginger powder has proven to have many benefits for those experiencing nausea. Research shows ginger has anti-emetic properties, which can help alleviate nausea and vomiting.

Additionally, ginger may offer relief from stomach discomfort associated with nausea, calming stomach muscles and improving digestion. Therefore, ginger powder may be a good option for managing nausea in the short term as well as treating any underlying causes that contribute to your symptoms.

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3- Relieves upset stomach

Managing nausea often involves trial and error as everyone's body responds differently to different treatments. A common remedy for short-term relief of nausea is ginger - either consumed as a beverage, powder or capsule.

Studies have shown that ginger powder offers substantial anti-nausea benefits and can reduce the severity of nausea symptoms such as motion sickness, morning sickness and acid reflux. So if you are looking for an effective way to get short-term relief from your nausea symptoms, the ginger powder might just be the answer!

4- Headache

Headaches are one of the most commonly experienced health complaints, with around 47% of adults suffering from at least one headache per year. While over-the-counter medications can offer some relief, ginger powder is an effective but altogether more natural remedy for headaches.

One study found that ginger powder has anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the severity and duration of headaches when taken in either capsule or powdered form. In addition, ginger also boosts circulation around the head and neck area, which may also help to alleviate tension headache symptoms. So next time you suffer from a headache, why not try some ginger powder for a more natural route to relief?

5- Anti-inflammatory

Ginger powder is emerging as a natural and efficient way to treat inflammation. Studies show that ginger sessions can help with discomfort in inflamed joints or muscles, without the risk of adverse effects associated with over-the-counter medications. The anti-inflammatory power of ginger wine comes from gingerol, an active compound well known for its ability to alleviate inflammation symptoms.

Those looking for a natural approach to reducing inflammation should consider ginger powder to feel better and get the relief they need. As it contains no artificial ingredients or preservatives, ginger powder is fast becoming one of the most sought after remedies for inflammatory conditions.

6- Common cold

The common cold is a viral infection that affects your throat, sinuses, and other organs. It brings about chest congestion, fever and a runny nose which can last for several days. While contagiousness depends on the virus causing it, the common cold can spread through contact with an infected person or their droplets. Even everyday things like opening the door knob with bare hands can transfer germs from an infected individual to you.

To reduce your risk of catching a cold, ginger powder is said to be quite beneficial. Whether it is ginger tea or simply sprinkling ginger powder on your meals, ginger helps enhance immunity against common colds and flu due to its high antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties which further prevent infections from travelling to the chest cavity.

7- Improves metabolism

Incorporating ginger powder into your diet can have a major effect on your metabolism. This powerful ingredient has been proven to not only increase the rate at which your body processes food, but also positively affect other areas in your digestive system such as bloating and inflammation.

Ginger powder has long been recognized for its therapeutic benefits even beyond metabolism; it is also known to boost circulation, reduce stiffness, and even stimulate awakeness due to its gingerol content- an antioxidant with high anti-inflammatory effects. Adding ginger powder to your meals can improve digestion and enhance the effectiveness of your healthy eating habits for optimal health!

8- Ginger powder for weight loss

Ginger powder is becoming popular among those looking to reduce weight and improve their overall health. Investigated for its many purported ginger powder benefits, many studies have indicated ginger's ability to aid in long-term weight loss. Research has indicated ginger powder helps suppress the appetite while also accelerating metabolism leading to the breakdown of excess fat and promoting a healthy lifestyle.

It can also assist with digestion issues which often relate to unhealthy eating habits and contribute to excess weight gain. With these ginger powder benefits, it is no wonder ginger powder for weight loss is a popular choice for those on a mission to reach their goal weight in a healthy and natural way.

9- Ginger powder benefits for hair

Ginger powder has a long list of incredible benefits for hair. Not only does ginger powder help reduce dandruff and flaky scalp, but it can also add shine and luster to your tresses. To really unlock ginger powder's benefits for your hair, try making a mask out of ginger powder, honey, and coconut oil. The ginger helps stimulate the scalp while the honey moisturizes both your scalp and hair.

The coconut oil will leave your hair looking shiny and soft after use. This mask can be used up to once weekly if you have dry, damaged or colour-treated hair and more often if your hair is normal. With regular use, the ginger powder can help repair broken strands and provide a deeper level of hydration to keep curls defined for longer periods of time as well as provide natural conditions for growth. Overall ginger powder is an excellent addition to any haircare routine with its many benefits that cover from scalp care to added strength to locks!

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10- Ginger powder benefits for skin

Ginger powder is popularly known for its culinary uses, but did you know that ginger powder can also be beneficial for your skin? Ginger powder has healing properties that may help fight off acne and blemishes, due to it being a rich source of antioxidants. The gingerols in ginger are potent antioxidants known to have an anti-inflammatory effect, which may help soothe redness or irritation caused by dryness or infection.

Yet another ginger powder benefit is that ginger can help reduce the appearance of scars on your skin. It's also thought to even out discoloration, age spots and wrinkles over time if applied regularly as part of a skincare routine. All in all, ginger powder appears to be a useful tool in your natural skincare arsenal!


It is clear to see that there are many benefits to adding ginger powder (sonth) to your daily routine. From managing sugar levels, and improving digestion and nausea relief to anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties, it is truly a very powerful remedy. However, it is essential to incorporate sonth into your diet in moderation as excessive consumption could make certain conditions worse.

Therefore, if you choose to use this versatile spice, always consult with your doctor first, seek advice from an ayurvedic practitioner or do research on the right amount of sonth that will best suit your needs. With small dosages, you can effectively experience all ginger has to offer without putting yourself at risk. So go ahead and add some zing and flavor to all of your meals!

Please book an appointment with the best Nutritionist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find a verified doctor for your disease.
