Periods are a unique ordinary activity in a woman's life that fluctuates from one woman to the next. In terms of menstruation, every woman is extraordinary. Throughout different times of her life, each goes through various kinds of phases. Periods can be inconsistent, unappealing, and uncomfortable at times. Normal periods, which last almost 21 days, can be highly inconvenient and spoil your entire week if they stay for one week or more than four days. Also, unofficially occurring periods can cause a lot of anguish, cramps, depression, and mood fluctuations in women, especially young women. Other PMS side effects can occur as a result of these uncontrollable cycles.

Connectivity To Your Fertility

As every female has to deal with these panic situations at some point in her life, I'm sure they're all wondering why periods happen and how they happen! Periods are, without a doubt, one of the hygienic cycles that will teach you about your fertility and connect you with your body cycles beautifully. However, alas! Periods can make you feel extremely vulnerable and alienated.

Wishing For Short And Fast Periods Spans!

Some women wish for their period to arrive before a big event, a deadline week, or a camping trip. Whatever the reason, several strategies, including meals, may be used to start periods right away at home. They can do a few things to speed up the onset of their period.

How To Get Your Periods To Come Faster?

There are no guarantees that your period will arrive immediately or within a day or two. However, around the time their period is due, a person may discover that exercising, practicing relaxation techniques, or having an orgasm will help speed up the onset of their period. And these all-following ways can answer the question of how to get your period in one hour?

Ways To Come Your Periods Fast:

Enhance The Uptake Of Vitamin C:

Vitamin C, according to research, aids in the manufacturing of estrogen. Despite the lack of scientific proof, vitamin C lowers progesterone and raises estrogen levels. Estrogen thickens the uterine lining, leading to uterine contractions and the commencement of periods.


Vitamin C-rich foods include:

  • Oranges
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli
  • Grapefruit
  • green bell peppers

Warm Compress Or Warm Water Bath

A hot water bath can assist in reducing emotional stress and muscle tightness. Maybe that's why we've heard warm water can help you get your period. Applying a warm compress or a hot water bottle to your belly can assist your menstrual cycle start by stimulating blood flow.

View More: What Causes Brown Discharge Before Period How To Stop


Cinnamon is a powerful menstruation herb. According to a study, Cinnamon has anti-spasmodic properties, which help relieve cramps and menstrual pain. It also functions as a vasodilator, boosting circulation in the uterus and assisting in regulating an irregular menstrual cycle and the induction of menstruation in women with irregular periods.


Sex and general vaginal stimulation increase blood flow to the vagina, causing it to constrict. Following sexual contact, the vagina relaxes, causing the uterine lining to shed. This creates a place for menstrual blood to flow downward.

Release Of Hormones During Sex:

 Hormones produced and released during sex might also contribute to the arrival of your period being delayed. While oxytocin is commonly thought to be the hormone released during sex, it is not the only one. During sex (and masturbation), oxytocin, adrenaline, and dopamine are all released and can contribute to a quicker period.

There's also the fact that semen softens the cervix, which can cause early menstruation (obviously, this method should only be used in couples where everyone is tested, monogamous, and using reliable birth control).

Both vaginal penetration and non-penetrative sexual activity can result in orgasm. And in some situations, this can trigger your menstruation.


Gentle exercise may assist in releasing the muscles and hasten the onset of a period. However, the evidence for this strategy is anecdotal, and research has yet to establish its effectiveness.


According to scientific evidence, excessive stress levels are associated with menstruation abnormalities.

Seeking techniques to calm and de-stress might be beneficial, especially if a woman's menstruation is late or absent due to stress.

These homemade therapies may also stimulate your periods, such as:

Homeopathic treatment proponents recommend orange juice and papaya juice as pleasant and nutritious ways to induce menstruation. These fruits are known as "heat-causing" fruits because they can raise one's body temperature. This temperature rise can aid in the commencement of menstruation, as you may have experienced if you've been sick with a fever and threw off your period's schedule enough that it arrived earlier than usual. Also through:

  • Consuming pineapple
  • Fresh juices
  • Using a birth pill
  • Diet and weight management

Reasons For Getting Late Periods

  • You have PCOS. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)
  • You're anxious
  • You're having thyroid distress


To summarize, hormonal emergency contraception is the only guaranteed option for regulating periods if you ask how to obtain periods fast. People may be able to shorten their menstrual cycle by altering their diet, exercising, and relaxing. If you’re facing any problems regarding it, then it's time to call your doctor.

Please book an appointment with the best Gynecologist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03100002273 to find the verified doctor for your disease.