An average woman menstruates for 25 years of her life. Even though they can be uncomfortable or inconvenient, periods are a monthly health check. Along with the fluctuating duration of each cycle, the amount of bloodshed within each period can be light or heavy. For women, irregular periods may be a nightmare. The leading causes of no proper blood flow during periods in women are hormonal imbalance, being overweight or underweight, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Weight gain, facial hair, mood swings, bloating, breast pain, and bloating are all symptoms of irregular menstrual cycles. The best coping strategy for irregular periods is to alter your lifestyle, drop some pounds, eat a balanced diet, and exercise frequently. Additionally, a few superfoods can trigger periods or menstruation.

The most commonly asked question is how to increase blood flow during periods immediately. Let's discuss the gynecologists’ responses to that query today.

How can blood flow be increased during periods?

It can be challenging to enhance blood flow while on your period. Depending on your general health, your body will automatically control your cycle. Consider using emmenagogues if you're seeking a solution to boost blood flow during periods.

These herbs stimulate menstruation and improve blood flow to the body's pelvic area. Common foods to increase bleeding during periods include the following:

1- Fresh beetroot juice

It would help if you tried beetroot juice to learn how to make your period flow more heavily. Beetroot is a rich source of iron, calcium, vitamin a, vitamin c, potassium, manganese, folic acid, and fiber. Beetroot juice might enhance blood flow and circulation throughout the menstrual cycle. Beetroot juice consumption can also considerably increase hemoglobin levels, making your periods heavier.

2- Chocolate can help

Do you need to know how to boost blood flow immediately during your period? I have the following for you. If your periods are irregular, chocolate may help you get your period. Iron, copper, protein, vitamin e, and calcium are the vitamins and minerals that help regulate blood flow during menstruation. Dark chocolate is proven to ease the pain and discomfort associated with menstruation.

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3- Fruits high in vitamin c

Foods high in vitamin c may help to start menstruation. For instance, papayas are a fruit that contains carotene, which can boost the production of estrogen. This can then prompt or pre-empt periods. Another fruit high in vitamin c that can reduce inflammation, which is thought to be the cause of irregular periods, is the pineapple. Other fruits high in vitamin c include mangoes, oranges, lemons, and kiwis. Regular consumption can prevent or at least lessen irregular periods.

4- Coconut

Eating shredded coconut with jaggery is the easiest and safest technique to boost period flow. One hundred grams of coconuts contain 2.4 milligrams of iron. When you're on your period, the blood flow is increased by both coconut and jaggery.

5- Leafy green juice

Green leafy vegetables like spinach are good for your health since they contain vitamin k. If you have irregular periods, drinking spinach juice will assist in normalizing your blood flow.

Additional methods to boost blood flow during periods

Here are some valuable tips if you're wondering how to make your period flow more heavily without using certain foods:

1- Workout

If you exercise when you're on your period, it might help you keep a healthy weight and get your period started. Your flow will be heavier the more jumping, running, and other aerobic exercises you do.

2- Yoga

The blood flow and mood swings associated with menstruation may be reduced by practicing yoga. Yoga is known to be helpful in many situations, yet this has not been shown scientifically.

3- Water intake

Blood and other fluids are present in your menstrual flow. About 90% of the blood's liquid component is water. You'll have thicker blood that won't clot as easily. Your body requires more water if you drink alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, engage in strenuous physical activity, or reside in a tropical climate. The most excellent technique to enhance period bleeding is to stay hydrated.

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Summing up

As summed up this topic, we have seen the fundamental question of how to increase blood flow during periods immediately answer is discussed above. Periods are also a natural occurrence in a woman's body, with vaginal bleeding lasting 2-7 days per month. If no pregnancy occurs, blood is released from the uterus as it sheds its lining every cycle. So proper diet can help in good tracking.

 Please book an appointment with the best Gynecologist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 02137136090 to find the verified doctor for your disease.
