Living with diabetes can be intimidating and the fear of high blood sugar levels and managing the condition is unnerving, at times. But eliminating that fear is more achievable than you may think, especially if you have access to advice from experts in the field. In this blog post, we'll cover tips on how to manage your diabetes through lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments and medication management. From dietitians to physical therapists to psychiatrists—we've asked specialists all about their best practices for keeping blood sugar levels balanced or even lowering them for those who are newly diagnosed with diabetes or need a refresher course in its management. Read on for insight into ways you can confidently keep your health stable as you learn more about living with diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic condition in which the body either does not produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin it produces. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body move sugar from your bloodstream into cells so it can be used for energy. When this doesn't happen, sugar builds up in the blood and can cause damage to organs and tissues. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas cannot make insulin and it must be replaced with injections or an insulin pump. In type 2 diabetes, the body's cells become resistant to insulin meaning more of it needs to be produced for sugar levels to stay normal. The exact causes of diabetes are unknown but risk factors include genetics, obesity, unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity. Diabetes is a serious condition requiring careful management to prevent severe complications such as nerve damage, heart disease and kidney failure.

What are the symptoms of diabetes?

Diabetes is a medical condition that affects how your body turns food into energy. The most common symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, increased thirst, weight loss, and blurred vision. It can also lead to feeling more tired than usual, increased hunger, and cuts or bruises that do not heal properly. People who have been diagnosed with diabetes must monitor their blood sugar levels closely and may have to change their diet or schedule in order to keep them at healthy levels. If you experience any of the above symptoms, it is important to speak with a doctor so they can accurately diagnose the condition and begin individualized treatment right away.

View More: How To Manage Your High Blood Sugar Level 12 Easy Ways

How to manage diabetes through diet and exercise?

Managing diabetes through diet and exercise is an important part of living with the condition. It can help to keep blood sugar levels at a healthy, stable level and reduce the risk of heart disease and other complications. Eating nutritious foods such as high-fiber carbohydrates, lean proteins, and healthy fats are essential in managing diabetes. Foods that are low in added sugar, trans fat, and saturated fat should also be eaten in moderation. Additionally, participating in regular physical activity can help to control this condition too. Exercise helps to maintain a healthy body weight, reduces stress levels, boosts moods, and improves circulation among many other benefits thus supporting good overall health which is essential for people with diabetes. Therefore making sure you lead an active life by regularly engaging in exercise alongside having a well-balanced diet plays an important role in controlling diabetes.

What to do if you experience a diabetic emergency?

If you have diabetes, managing your blood sugar levels can be tricky and can mean the difference between feeling well and experiencing a medical emergency. The signs of a diabetic emergency can include excessive thirst, dizziness, confusion, fatigue and vision problems. If you or someone in your care experiences one of these symptoms, it's important to call the doctor as soon as possible. Complications from diabetes can be life-threatening, so it's essential to receive professional medical attention right away. It's also helpful to keep any relevant medical information nearby such as medications, dosages and diagnoses in case first responders need it. Even if the symptoms pass after a few minutes, it is important to seek an evaluation from a doctor to ensure your health remains stable and managed.

How to monitor blood sugar levels?

Monitoring your blood sugar levels is a crucial step for managing your health if you are a diabetic or prediabetic. The best way to stay on top of these levels is to test your blood sugar yourself with a home monitor. You can purchase one from any local pharmacy or drug store, and they come with instructions on how to use it. To get the most accurate readings, it's important that you have your test strips in date and stored correctly. It is also wise to keep track of all results by writing them down in a log book that you can take with you when you visit the doctor. By following these steps you will be able to collect the right data which your doctor can use to help manage your blood sugar and ultimately improve your health outcomes.

Tips for living with diabetes on a daily basis

Living with diabetes poses unique challenges, but with a few simple tips, anyone can successfully manage their daily routine. The first and most important step is to learn how to monitor your blood sugar. Keeping an eye on your numbers will help you quickly identify any highs or lows that require immediate attention and can alert you to any patterns that may indicate additional problems. Additionally, developing and adhering to an exercise routine is beneficial for controlling diabetes and overall health benefits. Eating healthy foods in the right amounts at regular intervals can also help keep blood sugar at appropriate levels as well provide necessary energy throughout the day. Finally, proper communication between patient and doctor is key. Understand what medicines are being taken, visit the doctor regularly for check-ups, and discuss any changes or developments with them so they can provide proper guidance.


Although there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to managing diabetes, the tips and tricks from our experts can help you develop a plan that works for you. If you’re struggling to manage your diabetes, talk to your doctor or a certified diabetes educator. They can help you create a customized plan that fits your lifestyle and health needs.

Please book an appointment with the Best Diabetologist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03100002273 to find a verified doctor for your disease.
