If you're trying to start a family, the odds are that you want to get pregnant as quickly as possible. And why wouldn't you? We can all agree there's no better feeling than holding your own bundle of joy in your arms. But it isn't always smooth sailing and if you've already been trying for months with no success, this blog post is exactly what the doctor ordered. Here we share 15 key tips that have been proven time and again to help boost fertility and increase your chances of successfully conceiving within a reasonable timeframe – so read on for more details!

1- Get checkup

Planning ahead is key when it comes to conceiving a pregnancy. Prior to trying to conceive, it's important to have a preconception checkup with your healthcare provider. During this appointment, the provider will review your medical and reproductive history, check for any potential health concerns, provide advice on nutritional recommendations, discuss lifestyle changes that maximize your chances of getting pregnant and administer tests to ensure you are in optimal health. Make sure you take advantage of this important appointment—don't miss out on increasing your odds for a successful pregnancy!

2- Get to know your cycle

Knowing your cycle is an important step when trying to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. A typical menstrual cycle lasts 28 days and includes four phases: menses, follicular, ovulation and luteal. During the menses phase which is around day 1-5, bleeding occurs as the body sheds the lining of the uterus; this is also the most fertile stage of the cycle. The follicular phase follows with more mild hormonal changes and can last anywhere from 7-14 days. Ovulation then occurs mid-cycle during the peak hormone surge and is typically when you are most likely to be able to conceive. Lastly, your luteal phase starts a few days after ovulation and typically lasts for about two weeks where no major changes in hormones occur until it's time to start a new cycle again. Getting to know your cycle can help you increase your chances at conception so take some time to learn how it works!

3- Don't worry about the best positions

With dozens of potential positions to maximize your chances of getting pregnant, you may feel overwhelmed. Don't worry – research shows that the best position for conception is when both partners are enjoying themselves the most and having an enjoyable experience; any position where both people are comfortable and able to get their needs met usually works great! Stressing out about getting pregnant can put a damper on the mood and make it difficult to maximize your chances, so try not to overthink it. Instead, focus on what feels best for you, have fun with your partner, and enjoy yourselves - nature will take care of the rest.

4- Stay in bed right after sex

After the deed is done, sticking around in bed for a few minutes can maximize your chances of getting pregnant. By lying still for about 10 to 20 minutes, the sperm released will have more time to make its way up the cervix and get closer to the egg. Additionally, when you stand up too quickly after sex, gravity plays a factor as it can cause the semen to travel downward instead of inward. So save some time cuddling and indulging in pillow talk afterwards, as you maximize your chances of conceiving at the same time!

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5- Don't overdo it

Taking actions to maximize your chances of getting pregnant can do more harm than good if you don't take a step back and make sure you're not overdoing it. From supplementing micronutrients to undergoing fertility screenings, it's important to find the right balance when looking for solutions to this problem. Too much of any one thing can lead to additional strain on the body, leading to even further complications. It's best to move at a steady pace and trust in your own natural processes; with the added help of some guidance from your doctor if needed. Don't risk yourself or your potential baby by going too far.

6- Stop getting stressed any way you can

Stress relief and relaxation are important to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Stress can negatively affect a woman's fertility and lead to more unhealthy lifestyle choices which in turn can also make it harder to get pregnant. Take some time every day to do something that brings you joy and helps de-stress. Whether you're into yoga, walking, or reading a good book, find ways to incorporate these activities into your life. Additionally, talk to someone if you need help expressing your thoughts and feeling too overwhelmed with stressful thoughts. It's important for both partners' mental health when trying for a baby, so take the time for self-care and find healthy ways to manage stress.

7- Live a healthy life

Living a healthy lifestyle is important for maximize your chances of getting pregnant, as well as for overall physical and mental well-being. Different lifestyle habits like nutrition, physical activity and stress management play an important role in assisting mothers to conceive and to maximize their chances of maintaining a healthy pregnancy. Eating a nutritious diet that includes at least five servings of fruits or vegetables per day can help ensure the body has adequate nutrients to aid in conceiving a baby. Staying active can also help improve circulation and assist the reproductive process. It is also extremely wise to prioritize sleep, rest, and relaxation. When you give yourself time to decompress from everyday life, it can reduce stress levels which can often interfere with successful conception. By following these steps, you will maximize your chances of getting pregnant while also protecting your overall health in the process.

8- Getting the timing right

For those trying to maximize their chances of getting pregnant, timing is everything. You will have a greater success rate of getting pregnant if you know when ovulation occurs within your cycle. Figure out the length of your cycle and mark down the days when you're likely to ovulate, keeping in mind that it may vary month to month. Once you’ve identified the most probable dates for ovulation, plan accordingly in order to maximize the odds of conception. Remember, though, that while timing is important, having sex regularly during your partner's fertile window increases your chances even more.

9- Basal body temperature

Monitoring your basal body temperature has become an increasingly popular way to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. This method involves the taking of the body’s temperature each morning with a special basal thermometer that is more sensitive than other thermometers. Charting your basal body temperature will help you identify when you are most fertile and maximize the chance of conception by timing intercourse during this period. It is important to note that while it can be used in combination with other fertility methods, monitoring your basal body temperature on its own cannot guarantee pregnancy.

10- Cervical mucus changes

Monitoring your cervical mucus can be a great way to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. During ovulation, your cervical mucus will become clear, stretchy and abundant, similar to the consistency of egg whites. When you start to notice changes in your cervical mucus, this is a good indication that ovulation is approaching soon and maximize the odds of conceiving. Additionally, tracking your cervical mucus on a regular basis can give you an idea of whether or not you are ovulating regularly.

11- Identify your fertile window

Knowing your most fertile time of the month is key to maximizing your chances of getting pregnant. To calculate your fertile window, you need to look at both your menstrual cycle dates and cervical mucus observations. The most fertile days usually fall within a five-day period which starts five days before ovulation up until the day of ovulation. This can be tracked using an app or mark it down on a calendar, making sure you note all changes in cervical mucus texture and other symptoms such as PMS and ovulation pain, as they can contribute in helping identify your fertility window. By accurately keeping track of these indicators associated with ovulation, you have greater chance of accurately pinpointing when you are most likely to conceive!

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12- Use fertility-friendly lubricant

Maximizing your chances of getting pregnant starts with using the right fertility-friendly lubricant. This type of lubricant helps reduce the chance that sperm cells will be blocked or compromised when trying to travel to the egg. Not all lubricants are fertility-friendly, so it's important to read labels and make sure you're using one specifically designed for this purpose. Keep in mind that overusing these lubricants may dilute any sperm present, so be sure to use the proper amount when you and your partner are trying to conceive. With the right fertility-friendly lubricant, you can give yourself a better chance at success!

13- Eat well and exercise

Eating healthily and engaging in regular physical activity are two essential steps for maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Not only does proper nutrition help fuel your body with important vitamins and minerals, it can also improve fertility by keeping hormone levels balanced. Exercise helps keep stress levels in check and makes the body more responsive to fertility treatments if you need them. However, it's important to moderate physical activity as excessive exercise can result in decreased fertility. Creating a healthy lifestyle that includes eating nutritious meals while maintaining an active routine will maximize your chances of getting pregnant!

14- Avoid alcohol

Staying away from alcohol is a wise choice if you're trying to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Not only does heavy drinking increase the likelihood of infertility, but it can be damaging for an unborn child if consumed during pregnancy. Even light drinking may reduce fertility and increase the risk of miscarriage and other complications during pregnancy. If you want to maximize your odds of conception, it's best to entirely avoid alcohol while attempting to get pregnant. Not only will keeping away from alcohol maximize your chances of having a healthy baby, but also assure that you are making every effort towards achieving your goal.

15- Test for STDs

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) is an important step to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Depending on your current health and sexual activity, your doctor may recommend different tests. Common tests include blood tests, urine samples, and swab tests. Some STDs are very serious and require immediate diagnosis and treatment, so it is crucial to test as soon as possible. Keep in mind that many STDs don't show obvious symptoms, making them virtually undetectable without professional testing. Proactively taking the time to get tested can ensure both you and your partner's safety while trying to conceive a healthy baby.


Although getting pregnant may feel like it’s out of your control, there are actually a lot of things you can do to increase your chances. By following the 15 tips above, you can make sure that you are doing everything possible to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy. Remember, every body is different so some of these tips may work better for you than others. The important thing is to stay positive and keep trying!

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/how-to-maximize-your-chances-of-getting-pregnant