Every expecting mother needs to have specific tools to make herself comfortable while in labour, regardless of whether she has chosen to have a natural birth, a medicated birth, a home birth, a birth also centre birth, or a hospital birth, even if only during the first stage of labour. (so that you know, hospitals won't let you in unless you're busy working. Thus, you start alone.) To avoid rushing to the hospital too soon, it's crucial to know what natural pain management solutions are available to maintain your comfort and relaxation level. Some of these choices are very clear, while others are not. These are some all-natural pain relief methods you can use while giving birth.


The human mind and body are extraordinarily responsive to massage touch. According to studies, women who experienced physical contact during delivery, such as a massage, experienced 56% fewer c-sections, 85% less epidural anaesthesia use, 70% fewer forceps births, 61% less oxytocin use, 25% shorter labour times, and a 58% decrease in newborn hospitalisation. That is incredible.

  • Touch also causes the production of oxytocin, the love hormone, which helps the labouring mother feel less anxious and stressed.
  • Moreover, it helps your pain receptors turn off during labour, lessening your anguish.


Since ancient times, essential oils have been used during childbirth. Some have shown to be helpful during delivery to aid the labouring lady in relaxing, relieving stress, acting as a uterine tonic, stimulating circulation, and many other things.

The following oils can be used during childbirth and be beneficial:

  • Lavender
  • Clary sage
  • Geranium
  • Peppermint
  • Chamomile
  • Neroli
  • Bergamot
  • Jasmine
  • Marjoram

Hot and cold compresses

During child labour and childbirth, both cold and heat packs or compresses can lessen discomfort and improve comfort. This is how:


  • Apply a cool cloth to the upper chest, neck, and face. The child-giving mother might rest and be refreshed as a result.
  • Put a cold washcloth on the back of her neck if she is queasy to help the nausea go away.
  • Back discomfort or back labour may be relieved by applying a cold pack to the lower back.
  • After giving birth, place ice packs on the perineum. This will aid in minimising edoema.


Comfort during labour is provided by warm, wet towels or clothes, a hot pack, a hot water bottle, or a heating pad put beneath the women's pregnant belly.

  • Before pushing, use a warm, damp towel to the perineum to ease discomfort and promote the perineal tissues' softening and stretching in preparation for birth.
  • Back pain during childbirth can be treated with a heat pack or hot water bottle.
  • After giving birth and during nursing, placing a warm pack or heating pad on the stomach is beneficial to help ease cramping while the uterus returns to its previous size.


When it comes to managing pain, music is a fantastic tool. She may feel more at peace, which helps her focus on something other than how uncomfortable she feels. A woman working gains an advantage by breathing rhythmically in time with the music. Also, it gives her something to consider other than the contractions. Distraction is crucial while giving birth.

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Intensive breathing

Breathing can help you focus and work with each contraction. The following are some advantages of using patterned breathing:

  • The mother remains in a more calm condition and will respond more positively to the advent of pain.
  • During childbirth, the regular breathing rhythm is soothing.
  • More oxygen gives the mother and the baby more strength and energy.
  • It gives each contraction a purpose, enhancing the effectiveness of contractions.

Reverse pressure

Since it relieves back pain and other localised discomforts, most labouring women adore it.


The use of visualisation during childbirth can significantly reduce pain management. When you close your eyes and visualise a serene setting, such as a sunny beach, a bonfire, a running creek, or a clear lake surrounded by mountains, for instance, look at some pictures of your favourite vacation spots to aid in your mental journey there. Women in labour may find it helpful to visualise their cervix opening, their baby progressing through the birth canal, or their breath entering and exiting their body.

Positional switches

Shifting positions periodically over a shift has several benefits. Specific situations that enlarge the pelvic opening may hasten labour and reduce discomfort. Spending a lot of time in one position could slow down work and exacerbate the agony of the contractions. Thus, switch places at least once per hour or every 30 minutes.

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The decision of how to manage your discomfort while giving birth is entirely up to you. Speak with your doctor if you're interested in a natural birth but unsure what might be best for you. She might have advice and knowledge that will assist you in making the most excellent decision for you and your unborn child.

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/how-to-relief-labor-pain