For various reasons, high cholesterol has always been a serious health problem. It increases your risk of developing cardiac issues. Additionally, it has been related to conditions including diabetes and men's erection issues. The worst aspect is that it may run in your family. Dietary changes and some medications can be quite effective in lowering high cholesterol levels. One such drug is called Lipiget.

After discovering she had slightly elevated cholesterol, my friend's doctor gave her the prescription. She went to see a reputed doctor at Ibn-e-Seena Hospital Karachi, who provided her with the right course of treatment to manage her cholesterol. She was ultimately able to control her condition properly with a little care, and Lipiget was crucial to this.

Learn more about this cholesterol-lowering supplement!

Lipiget Tablet Uses

What you should know about the uses of lipiget is as follows:

The primary purpose of lipiget tablets is to lower blood cholesterol levels.

It raises the amount of good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood while decreasing the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body.

When a person is at a higher risk of having cardiovascular issues like a heart attack or a stroke, Lipiget is used as the primary preventative measure.

Another application for lipiget tablets is the secondary prevention of cardiovascular issues in patients with pre-existing conditions.

In type 2 diabetics, Lipiget is also beneficial for preventing stroke and myocardial infarction.

These lipiget tablet applications are what provide them their advantages for heart health. However, since these medications go well with healthy foods, one should be mindful of their dietary choices if one wants to benefit from them.

Lipiget Use In Patients With Diabetes

Patients who have high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, a body mass index greater than 30 kg/m2, and fasting glucose readings between 5.6 and 6.9 mmol/L are more at risk when using this medication. Such patients require careful observation.

Galactose Intolerance Or A Lack Of Lapp Lactase

Patients with a family history of galactose intolerance or Lapp lactase deficiency should not use this medication.

View More: Gaviscon Syrup - Uses Side Effect and Price in Pakistan

Defects In Skeletal Muscle

The use of this medication may raise the risk of muscle soreness, muscle inflammation, and skeletal muscle damage. Kidney failure may be more likely in these patients. Lipiget should no longer be used to treat muscle illnesses.

Liver Functioning Incorrectly

These patients are more vulnerable to risks when taking this medication. The liver transaminase enzymes may be present in higher amounts in certain patients. Only use this medication after having your liver enzyme levels checked.

Temporary Blockage Of Brain Blood Flow

These patients are more vulnerable to risks when taking this medication. The rupturing of blood arteries in these people may increase their risk of a brain hemorrhage (hemorrhagic stroke). Take the appropriate safety measures before beginning this therapy.

Hormonal Dysfunction

The blood glucose levels of these people may be higher. In such patients, this medication should be used with caution.

Long-Term Treatment

Patients who use Lipiget for a prolonged period of time may be at higher risk. Interstitial lung disease, which is characterized by symptoms like shortness of breath, cough, fever, weight loss, and exhaustion, may be more common in these patients. If that occurs, stop taking this medication.

Side Effects Of Lipiget Tablet

Lipiget can result in gastrointestinal distress, myalgia, arthralgia, headache, asthenia (abnormal weakness), insomnia (difficulty sleeping), dizziness, paraesthesia (abnormal sensation of skin such as tingling, burning, chilling, and numbness), hypoaesthesia (reduces sensation in one or more body parts), chest and back pain, pain in the extremities, epistaxis (bleeding from the nose), muscle spas There are other reports of immune-mediated necrotizing myopathy.

Serious Side Effects of Lipiget

Despite the rarity of major side effects, some individuals may experience them depending on how their bodies respond to the medication. These negative impacts include:

  • Alteration of urine color (darker)
  • Whites of the eyes or skin
  • Reduced appetite
  • Aching joints
  • Fever
  • General weariness
  • Insomnia
  • An allergic response
  • Muscular ache or myalgia
  • Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar level) (high blood sugar level)

Lipiget Tablet Price in Pakistan


10 tablets/pack



On the doctor's advice, the medication may be taken because it is generally safe. Some people may occasionally experience side effects even when taking the right medication. After two to three days, most lipiget adverse effects disappear on their own, but more severe side effects may require medical attention. Therefore, be sure to seek medical guidance as soon as you begin to experience any of these.

You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 0317-1777509 for further information.
