Indeed, most women experience uterine prolapse - especially as they grow old or after delivery. It is indeed a condition where the pelvic floor muscles weaken and thereby cause the uterus to slide out from its normal position and fall into the vaginal canal. The prolapse fundamentally concentrates on pelvic health; however, many women often ask if it causes symptoms elsewhere in the body, like swollen feet. So let's begin talking about a prolapsed uterus and foot swelling. We will be discussing this further, with the underlying mechanisms of this condition, associated symptoms and treatments available.


What is a Prolapsed Uterus?

A prolapsed uterus is caused by the weakening of pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that support the pelvic organs. This can be due to several reasons, such as:

  • Childbirth: The mechanical tension and stress of childbirth can seriously weaken the pelvic support structures. Women who have borne several pregnancies and carried their babies in the vagina may be especially at risk.
  • Change in hormonal levels: Estrogen levels are lowered by menopause. Withdrawal of estrogen weakens the pelvic tissues, as well as increases susceptibility to prolapse.
  • Obesity: Additional body weight exerts stresses on the pelvic floor, which tend to weaken it.
  • Chronic coughing or straining. Conditions causing chronic coughing or significant constipation can place a persistent strain on the pelvic floor, weakening it over time.


Common Prolapsed Uterus Symptoms

Symptoms may manifest themselves in women with a prolapsed uterus in any of the following ways:


Pelvic fullness or feeling of pressure:

Many women feel that their pelvis is full or may notice to protrude from the vagina entrance. This more and more women do so as the prolapse worsens.


Urinary Incontinence or Urgency

 There is involuntary leakage or the urge to urinate due to the strain on the bladder.


Pain during Intercourse

The vast majority of women experience pain during intercourse


Back Pain

There is chronic back pain because of changed posture and pelvic tilt by most women


Abnormal Bowel Movement

Constipation or bowel movement may be abnormal.


Association of Prolapsed Uterus with Swelling of Feet

While the more obvious symptoms of a prolapsed uterus are contained to the pelvis, most women who have this condition experience swelling in their feet and ankles. As a consideration of swelling related to a prolapsed uterus, swelling is not directly caused by the condition itself but may be conceptualized in relation to the following hypothetical mechanisms:


Pelvic Congestion

The prolapsed uterus increases the intrapelvic pressure. In any case, an increased pressure would interfere with the normal flow of blood, leading to fluid in the lower limbs and edema on the feet and ankles.


Impaired Drainage of lymph

Lymphatic’s is associated with fluid balance and circulation. The dropped uterus may also obstruct the lymphatic fluid in the pelvic region resulting in accumulation of fluids. If the circulation of the lymphatic fluid is blocked than probably there will be some problem with the fluid retention and swelling in the legs.


Hormonal Factors

The changes that the prolapsed uterus, like when a woman is passing through menopause, cause hormonal changes. Changes in fluid retention also result from hormonal changes that consist of the loss of estrogen, which causes swelling in other parts of the body, for example, in the legs.

View More: Causes And Natural Treatments For Burning Feet

Less Activity

The apparently sedentary lifestyle created by the pain or discomfort caused by the prolapsed uterus keeps the women away from their usual activities. Fluids circulate poorly in the extremities of the body and swell up, especially the feet.


Other Causes of Swollen Feet

Though a prolapsed uterus can cause swelling in the feet, there are so many things you should know behind other causes that may have led to it. Here are some common causes to consider.


Heart Conditions

Fluid retention can be caused due to heart diseases. Such a heart disease could be heart failure. In heart failure, the heart will not pump the blood efficiently. The blood may back up then into the veins. This commonly causes a backlog in the regions of the veins present in legs and feet. Due to this the process being so slow, the legs and feet become puffy.


Kidney Problems

Consult a doctor if fluid accumulation is unrelenting and urination is altered. You can also have problems with body fluid balance because of the dysfunction of the liver. Such a condition as cirrhosis causes edema, mostly in the lower extremities. If you ever had edema combined with symptoms of jaundice, seek medical attention.


Venous Insufficiency

This happens because the veins cannot easily push the blood back towards the heart. Fluid accumulation occurs in the legs and lower portion of the feet, causing swelling, which is generally visible.


Treatment and Diagnosis of a Prolapsed Uterus

The medical professional will assess you and conduct a physical evaluation, which may involve:

  • Physical assessment
  • Imaging Tests
  • Blood Tests


Treatment of Prolapsed Uterus

In treating a prolapsed uterus, there are differences as to the extent and, the attendant symptoms of prolapse. Here are some common ones:


Pelvic Floor Exercises

In order to make the pelvic muscles stronger, one is supposed to perform Kegel exercises as a result of this. Such movements help or aid the uterus and get rid of some things.



A pessary is an intravaginal apparatus used to reinforce support for the uterus with a view of halting further prolapse. Controlling the symptoms without surgery is frequently sufficient in achieving effectiveness. The most effective alternative to surgery is this one for women who do not want the surgical option.


Hormonal Therapy

Women undergoing symptom-related phases of menopause may be treated with hormones for pelvic support.



This is necessary in some cases where it is essentially required to repair the back wall of the pelvis and to shift the uterus back to its original place. A hysterectomy would be advisable for females who have finished their family life and whose symptoms are severe.


Lifestyle Changes

Here are some other treatments:

  • Exercise: Regular exercise enhances circulation and prevents fluid from building up.
  • Raise Your Legs: If sitting or lying, keep your legs raised as much as possible to create better drainage to reduce swelling
  • Hydrate: Ensuring proper fluid balance is important to maintaining good hydration, and it may be useful in reducing swelling.



Symptoms of uterine prolapse reach a higher level than just inside the pelvic region and even extended to the limbs, such as swelling of the feet. All these mechanisms associated with this condition are a source of insight for women to know what treatment they should opt for alongside making lifestyle choices that will facilitate effective management of the disorder. If you suspect that you have a prolapsed uterus or any similar symptoms, then it will help consult a healthcare professional to get proper guidance and support to effectively manage your disorder.

Remember that you are not alone in this fight; many women go through the same thing. Taking proactive steps towards your health can lead to a better quality of life and make you feel more in control, enjoying the comfort of your body. Your health matters and knowing which symptoms are connected to be able to do better management and relief.

Please book an appointment with the Best Urologist in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, and all major cities of Pakistan through InstaCare, or call our helpline at 03171777509 to find the verified doctor for your disease.