Risek capsules are also known as acid reducer that is used to treat a variety of stomach-related issues. Acidity and heartburn brought on by hot foods or an unhealthy lifestyle are efficiently treated by this medication.

Omeprazole, the active component of this capsule, is a member of the class of drugs known as proton pump inhibitors. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are typically prescribed by doctors to treat various gastrointestinal ailments. By lowering the amount of acid your stomach produces, the active component demonstrates its efficacy.

Risek capsules are available in 20mg and 40mg dosages, among others. Most patients are given 20mg by doctors if their gastrointestinal issues are not severe. Risek 40mg is more efficient, nevertheless, if stomach issues are severe or challenging to manage. Additionally, it is offered in sachet and infusion form.

Risek Capsule Uses

This capsule is made by Getz Pharma and is used to treat several stomachs and intestinal disorders in adults:

Gastro-Esophageal Reflex Diseases

The esophagus may become acidic again when the stomach's acid output is boosted. GERD is a condition where the esophagus is exposed to acid reflux. It is a difficult illness that can have long-term effects on the stomach.

Ineffective treatment for the gastro-esophageal disease might have serious side effects for the patient. After taking Risek Capsule on a daily basis for a few days, GERD symptoms start to improve as the stomach's acid production starts to decline.

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Helicobacter Pylori

Helicobacter pylori are the name of the specific bacteria that can cause stomach problems (H. pylori). When combined with an antibiotic like a pill of Flagyl, this capsule may be a good choice.

Gastric Ulcer

Gastric ulcers are lesions that develop on the lining of the stomach. Due to gastric ulcers, you may have a variety of symptoms, including nausea, black feces, and even blood vomiting. When this drug eliminates harmful microorganisms in the stomach, gastric ulcers frequently go away.

Duodenum Ulcer

Due to the fact that it originates in the small intestine (duodenum), as opposed to the stomach, a duodenal ulcer is entirely distinct from a gastric ulcer. It also goes by the name "peptic ulcer."

Most commonly, indigestion and weight loss are brought on by duodenal ulcers. Risek capsules function similarly because they are beneficial in treating stomach ulcers.

Nsaid Associated Ulcer

There is a detrimental effect on the stomach when people use medicines like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Heartburn, acidity, and ulcer risks are all increased by these medications.

In order to avoid acidity and heartburn, general practitioners who prescribe NSAIDs also include acid reducers in the prescription.


Don't panic; although dyspepsia may sound like a serious condition, it is not. It is a phrase for indigestion in medicine. It might cause people to feel bloated or full in the stomach. It may also result in frequent burping or heartburn.

Sometimes, having too much stomach acid might lead to dyspepsia. If acid is the root of the problem, this capsule may be enough effective.

Side Effects Of Risek Capsule

The possible side effects are:

  • abdominal discomfort
  • Headache
  • symptoms of lupus
  • severe vertigo
  • Breathing difficulties Low blood magnesium levels
  • spasms of muscles
  • joint discomfort getting worse
  • Seizures
  • chronic diarrhea
  • soiled stools
  • abnormal heartbeat
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes
  • Unusual frailty
  • moderate to mild fever
  • aching tongue

Other than the uses and negative effects of this capsule, people frequently search for information on it. The answers to these queries are provided below.

About Risek

It is available as an injection, an immediate sachet, and a delayed-release capsule that is delivered in the Intestine.

The Risek tablet has the following advantages:

Dosage of Risek

Risek capsule dose varies depending on the condition for which it is recommended as well as the medication regimen that is used in conjunction with it.

The following dosage is advised:

For Duodenal Ulcer

20mg PO once daily for 4-8 weeks

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For Helicobacter Pylori Infection

There are various regimens Possible for PPIS combined with antibiotics.

Triple Therapy

20mg PO every 12 hr. for 10 days combined with

Amoxicillin 1000mg PO every 12 hr. and

Clarithromycin 500mg PO q12 hr. (every 12 hr.) for 10-14 days

Dual therapy

40mg once daily for 14 days combined with clarithromycin 500mg three times daily for 14 days

For Gerd

20mg PO every for 4 weeks

For Gastric Ulcer

40mg per day for 4-8 weeks

Missed Dosage Of Risek

It is advised to take the medication as directed. If you do forget to take your medication, just take it as soon as you recall. Skip the previous dose if the time for the next dose is approaching.

Never take the medication more than once at once.

Pack Size Of Risek Capsule

Pack size of risek capsule is 40mg 14s

How To Take A Risek Capsule

  • Take one Risek capsule with water 30 minutes before a meal.
  • Prescription If using Risek without a prescription, use it once daily for no longer than 14 days in a row as directed by your doctor.
  • Never chew, spit, or break the tablet.
  • Keep taking the medication even if the symptoms go away.
  • Maintain the recommended schedule as directed.


  • If you have a hypersensitivity to any of the formulation's constituents, avoid using the medication.
  • The medication may result in diarrhea linked to Clostridium difficile.
  • Never use Risek to treat heartburn right away.
  • Dosage reduction is necessary for individuals with renal or hepatic impairment, including children.

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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/risek-capsule-uses-side-effects-price