Are you experiencing a sharp, stabbing sensation in your lower abdomen? It could be round ligament pain. This is an exceptionally common condition for expecting mothers, and can present itself as early as the first trimester. Fortunately, this type of discomfort does not pose serious risks to the baby or mother. In this blog post, we’ll discuss what round ligament pain is, possible causes behind it, and tips on how to manage it so that you have a healthier – and more comfortable – pregnancy experience!

What is round ligament pain?

Round ligament pain is common in pregnancy and involves discomfort or a sharp, shooting pain in the abdomen on one or both sides. This type of pain occurs when the round ligaments that support the uterus during pregnancy stretch and contract as the uterus grows. The round ligaments are muscles that stretch from the pelvic wall to the groin, so round ligament pain can radiate to the hips, lower belly, and groin. Many pregnant women experience round ligament pain at some point during their second trimester or third trimester, usually when they move suddenly such as getting up too quickly or twisting their body. It is important for pregnant women to understand round ligament pain and its causes so they can manage it effectively and continue to enjoy their pregnancies.

What does round ligament pain feel like?

Round ligament pain in pregnancy is an ache, stab or sharp twinge felt deep within a woman's lower abdomen. It most commonly occurs on the right side of a woman's body and can be triggered by making sudden movements such as sneezing, coughing or getting in and out of bed. The sensation is usually short lived but can return periodically over a few hours during the day. Ultimately, round ligament pain can vary from person to person. If it becomes severe enough to keep you up at night then speak with your healthcare provider for help managing the pain.

What causes round ligament pain?

Round ligament pain is a common, yet uncomfortable experience for many pregnant women. This type of pain is caused by the round ligaments that stretch and support the uterus during pregnancy. As the round ligaments are stretched and grow, they can become tender and cause sharp or pulling sensations in the lower abdomen on one or both sides. Pregnant women may also experience round ligament pain after sudden movements like getting out of bed or chair quickly, standing up suddenly, or coughing/sneezing vigorously. Pain can also be exacerbated by carrying extra weight while pregnant, as this further stretches the round ligaments. Fortunately, round ligament pain is normal and not something to worry about during pregnancy – staying hydrated and taking breaks throughout the day can often help keep it at bay.

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When does round ligament pain start in pregnancy?

Round ligament pain in pregnancy, a feeling of sharp, sudden pain that radiates from the stomach to the groin area, typically starts in the second trimester. Characterized by an aching sensation or sharp pains on either side of the pelvis, round ligament pain can occur at any time during pregnancy as the uterus grows and stretches. Although round ligament pain is quite common, there are steps women can take to help manage and reduce round ligament pain during pregnancy such as exercising regularly and using heat or cold packs to relax muscles. You should also consult your healthcare provider if the round ligament pains turn chronic or become severe.

How long does round ligament pain last?

Round ligament pain during pregnancy is a common condition affecting a large number of expectant moms every year. It is caused by stretching and weakened supporting tissue as the uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby. Unfortunately, round ligament pain can last through much of the pregnancy, varying from woman to woman. Some studies have estimated it at up to 26 weeks gestation, with most round ligament pain gradually dissipating before the onset of labor. Managing round ligament pain includes steps such as getting plenty of rest, using a support belt or pillow for comfort, and avoiding any activity that produces pain or feeling of unease. If round ligament pain is severe and persistent, consult with a healthcare provider for more information and treatment options.

How to get relief from round ligament pain?

Round ligament pain during pregnancy is a common but very uncomfortable condition. To help get relief from round ligament pain, it's important to maintain proper posture and use careful body movements--especially when rising or turning suddenly. Exercise is an effective way to reduce round ligament discomfort, as moderate activity strengthens the abdominal muscles which supports round ligament pain during pregnancy. Additionally, try sleeping on your left side since this position helps take pressure off your round ligaments and decreases pain. Consider taking warm baths and applying heat pads to the affected area as well; this may not cure round ligament pain completely but can help reduce discomfort temporarily. Remember that round ligament pain is normal in pregnancy and to speak with your doctor if you feel like it's getting worse instead of better with home treatments.


Pregnancy is an incredible experience – not without its challenges, of course. Unfortunately, round ligament pain is one of those common issues that may appear during pregnancy and cause discomfort for the mother. While it can be worrisome, it is perfectly normal and there are numerous steps that can be taken to ensure a safe and healthy pregnancy- from yoga to physical therapy to medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. It’s important to know your limits and be aware of how your body feels throughout the entire process. With the right precautions and care, mothers should feel more at ease while they wait for their bundle of joy to arrive. And when it arrives– it’ll all have been worth it in the end. So if you start feeling any sort of muscular discomfort or round ligament pain, don’t hesitate to reach out to your doctor and make sure everything is going as smoothly as possible.

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