If you love the convenience of having instant noodles on hand, you may be surprised at their effects on your physical health. While it might seem like a fast and easy go-to meal or snack, research has found that eating instant noodles can have serious side effects if eaten too often. From gut problems to increased risk for certain diseases, there are some disturbing consequences associated with these trendy meals. Keep reading to learn more about the top 12 side effects of eating instant noodles and what steps you can take to reduce any negative impact on your body's wellness.


1- Obesity

According to recent studies, side effects of eating instant noodles can significantly contribute to the rise of obesity due to their high content of sodium and carbohydrates. Not only that, but the ingredients used are known for being highly processed and offer little nutritional value. As a result, people who regularly consume instant noodles tend to have higher waist circumferences compared to those who don't.

On top of this, individuals may also experience an increase in their blood pressure levels and a decrease in their metabolic rate which has long-term implications on heart health as well as weight gain. It goes to show how taking small steps like reducing intake of instant noodles could help in preventing obesity-related complications.


2- High blood pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a serious issue affecting millions of people worldwide. It can be caused by multiple factors, including side effects of eating instant noodles. Consuming too many of these products can lead to an increase in sodium levels in the body and bring about high blood pressure.

Additionally, the type of oil used to fry the instant noodles could cause cholesterol levels to rise and lead to atherosclerosis–thickening of the arteries–both of which are heavily linked to hypertension. To combat the side effects, it is important to eat the noodles sparingly and opt for low-sodium varieties when possible.


3- Liver damage

Liver damage is an increasingly common side effect of eating instant noodles. This is due to the high sodium and saturated fat content found in these processed foods. Furthermore, the packaging materials used to store them can contain chemicals that accumulate over time and contribute to the development of fatty liver disease.

The best way to avoid such side effects is to avoid consuming instant noodles regularly or replace them with healthier alternatives. Eating a balanced diet low in fats and sugaris also important for maintaining good liver health.


4- Disturbing sex hormones for men

Eating too many instant noodles can have side effects for men, particularly when it comes to their sex hormones. Specifically, high levels of phytoestrogens from the seasonings and preservatives used in instant noodles have been linked to decreased testosterone levels and erectile dysfunction.

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Research has shown that processed foods like instant noodles are often high in salt and other additives which can trigger side effects like insomnia, abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, dizziness and irritability - this is yet another reason why men should be mindful of the amounts of instant noodles they consume.


5- Causes cancer

Cancer is a complex and often misunderstood disease that can have multiple causes. One of the more underlooked potential contributors to cancer is side effects caused by eating instant noodles. Instant noodle side effects such as high levels of sodium, monosodium glutamate, preservatives and artificial flavor enhancers can increase cell damage which research shows may lead to an increased chance of developing certain types of cancer. It's important to limit the amounts of processed foods like instant noodles in our diets, as even though they are popular for their convenience, side effects such as cancer are very real threats.


6- Increase your risk of heart disease

Taking risks is not just a metaphor, especially when it comes to your health. Eating instant noodles can increase your risk of developing heart disease, due to the side effects associated with them. Instant noodles are highly processed and contain preservatives, artificial flavors, and saturated fats which have been linked to increased chances for high blood pressure and obesity - both of which are identified as risk factors for developing heart disease. Therefore, even though convenient and tasty, eating instant noodles should be reduced from your regular diet in order to maintain healthy levels of heart health.


7- Cause headaches, nausea

Eating instant noodles can come with side effects, such as headaches and nausea. These side effects typically occur when someone consumes too much of the food. This is usually because instant noodles are high in sodium, fat and sugar. Also, preservatives used to keep them fresh might be causing an adverse reaction in some people's digestive system. Therefore, it is important to watch your intake of instant noodles as they may not always agree with your body if consumed too much or too frequently.


8- Low in fiber and protein

Eating instant noodles may be a cheap and convenient meal, but it is typically low in fiber and protein, both of which are important for a healthy lifestyle. All sources of carbohydrates are broken down into sugar during digestion, and without the addition of protein and fiber, this sugar may quickly be absorbed into your bloodstream, leading to side effects such as feelings of bloating, drowsiness after eating, difficulty with digestion and increased blood sugar levels.

Foods high in protein and fiber will help slow down absorption of sugar, leading to more sustained energy levels throughout the day. If eating instant noodles is an unavoidable part of your diet, try to add some fresh vegetables or a side dish that offers more fiber or protein to supplement.


9- Malnutrition among children

Malnutrition among children is a growing global concern. Nutrition, or lack of it all together, can have side effects impacting both physical and mental wellbeing and development. Eating instant noodles on a regular or exclusive basis has been linked to side effects such as malnutrition, obesity, increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and symptoms such as abdominal pain, irritability and slowed growth in younger children due to the incredibly high sodium and saturated fat content found within these unhealthy snacks. It is important for parents to be more mindful about what their children are eating to ensure a healthy balanced diet for proper nutrition during an integral time of growth.


10- Stroke mortality

Stroke mortality is a major concern in many parts of the world, as it is one of the leading causes of death. Most often, stroke mortality can be attributed to a variety of risk factors, such as high cholesterol levels, diabetes, smoking, and side effects of consuming processed foods like instant noodles.

Instant noodles are made with preservatives which contain high levels of sodium that can lead to an increased risk for stroke or heart attack. Therefore, to reduce your chance of suffering from stroke-related mortality, it's important to make changes to your diet and lifestyle that eliminate or reduce the frequency of consuming packaged foods including instant noodles.


11- Can cause you to retain water

Overconsumption of instant noodles may be linked to side effects such as retaining water. Sodium, which is commonly found in many processed foods, can cause our bodies to retain fluid and sodium loss through urine if consumed in excess. Eating too much of this popular snack can put us at risk for taking in more sodium than our body needs, thus leading to symptoms such as bloating, puffiness and swollen areas.

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Ultimately, it is important to remember that although instant noodles are a tasty and convenient option for those who are always on the go, moderation should be practiced in order to avoid any side effects that can come with overindulgence.


12- Can lead to weight gain and other nutritional deficiencies

Eating instant noodles may seem like a quick and easy option for a meal on a busy day, but it can have side effects. These side effects include weight gain due to the high levels of salt and fat that are found in this processed food item. The lack of vegetables and other important nutrients means that consumers of instant noodles can also experience nutritional deficiencies, such as not getting enough fiber or vitamins in their diet. Instant noodles may seem convenient in the moment, however over-consuming them could lead to long term health problems.



While instant noodles are a quick and easy meal, they are not without their risks. Be sure to check for these side effects of eating instant noodles before you make them your go-to meal. And as always, moderation is key! Too much of anything isn't good for you, even something as seemingly innocuous as ramen noodles.


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Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/side-effects-of-eating-instant-noodles