Have you ever experienced headaches, toothaches, sciatica, neuralgia, period discomfort or sore throats that could be painful? If yes, Disprin is the answer to your problem!

Uses of Disprin Tablet

A medicine that reduces inflammation is disprin. It lessens the body's production of the chemicals responsible for inflammation, discomfort, and fever. The antiplatelet property of Disprin is another benefit. Blood clot development is less likely as a result.

To prevent consequences from blood clots, such as stroke and heart attack, Disprin is administered prophylactically and over an extended period.

Aspirin, commonly known as acetylsalicylic acid, is an ingredient in this pill. It is a member of the NSAIDs class of medications, which treats non-steroidal inflammation. Disprin functions by preventing the release of the chemicals that cause pain, rash, and fever. To avoid an upset stomach, consuming a Disprin tablet with food will be ideal. The dosage and duration of this medication will depend on the severity of your medical condition as determined by the treating physician.


It treats various bodily disorders and aids as an anti-inflammatory medication and pain reliever. The different uses of Disprin are listed below. Disprin could be utilized for:

  • Migraine
  • Lumbago Sciatica
  • Neuralgia
  • arthritic fever
  • coronary syndrome, acute
  • Kawasaki illness
  • Chronic ischemic attack
  • Peripheral artery and cerebral disease

Acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin, is the main chemical ingredient of Disprin.

Disprin is an extremely popular and easily accessible pain reliever. Because it is an NSAID, it helps relieve pain by lowering cellular inflammation. Disprin is mostly used to treat headaches and other types of bodily aches. It also addresses musculoskeletal pains, particularly those brought on by inflammation, such as arthritis. Disprin is also effective for treating nerve pain, such as sciatica.

View More: ST Mom Tablets - Uses Dosage Price and Side Effects

Even though Disprin is an over-the-counter medication, prolonged use is not advised. It may harm gastric health and cause problems like stomach ulceration. Therefore, before using Disprin, especially when your health condition is severe, speak with your healthcare professional.

What are Disprin dosages available in Pakistan?

Disprin is offered in a variety of formats, including:

  • Chewable pills
  • dietary capsules
  • Orally dissolving pills
  • Tabs with an enteric coating

Strengths Available

There are several dosage strengths of dispirin available:

  • Disprin 75mg
  • Disprin 100mg
  • Disprin 300mg
  • Disprin 500mg

Daily Intake

Adults: 1-3 pills mixed in water or taken with it as needed every 4-6 hours.

Only on a doctor's advice should you take more than 4 doses in 24 hours.

Children: 1-2 pills for those over 12 years old.

As needed, disperse in or take with water every six hours.

Only on a doctor's advice should you take more than 4 doses in 24 hours.

Dosage Strength, Dosage Form, Pack Size Available in Pakistan & Price:

Drug Strength: 300 mg

Dosage Form: Tablet

Pack Size: 600s

Price: In Pakistan, in 2022, a single Disprin tablet will cost roughly Rs. 1.77.

Manufactured by: Reckitt Benckiser Pakistan LTD.

Disprin Interaction with other drugs

Disprin can interact with other medications. However, it would be best if you didn't stop taking the medicines without talking to your doctor because doing so could seriously harm your health.


The following medicines may interact with Disprin:

  • Captopril, fosinopril, enalapril, and other ACE inhibitors
  • Losartan, valsartan, and other angiotensin receptor blockers
  • medications such as prednisolone
  • supplements with potassium
  • Aspirin
  • Lithium
  • Blood thinners such as warfarin, enoxaparin, and clopidogrel

You must provide your healthcare professional with a complete medical history to prevent drug interactions. A doctor might construct a prescription to avoid drug interactions while considering the potential outcomes.

Are there any Side effects of Disprin Tablet?

Disprin has a few negative effects while being generally safe to use. The side effects of Disprin are listed below:

  • Continent pain
  • Heartburn
  • Indigestion
  • Having yellow eyes or skin
  • irregular heartbeat and a skin rash
  • A sour or acidic stomach
  • Drowsiness
  • Irritability
  • nausea and diarrhoea
  • upset stomach
  • Unaccounted for fatigue
  • Easy bleeding and bruising

What medications are available in Pakistan as Disprin alternatives?

Disprin alternatives include the following drugs:

  • Ascard
  • Anaprin
  • Loprin

Precautions that should be taken when using Disprin

Disprin or any other medication with the same generic name should not be taken by anybody sensitive to aspirin since a serious allergic reaction can result in anaphylactic shock, a condition that can be fatal. Patients risk dying if they don't receive an injection of epinephrine, which raises blood pressure and helps the body recover from the shock.

Therefore, patients need to tell their doctor about any allergies they may have so that the danger might be reduced.

While using Disprin Tablet, refrain from drinking alcohol as it may increase the risk of gastrointestinal and intestinal bleeding.


  • You recently underwent surgery or are now undergoing surgery.
  • You're bleeding oddly.
  • You experience gout or asthma.
  • You have liver or renal problems.
  • You suffer from stomach or small intestinal ulcers.
  • You bleed profusely throughout your period.

You can easily buy online medicine In Pakistan and get it delivered to your doorstep with InstaCare. Visit the website or call at 0317-1777509 for further information.

Source: https://instacare.pk/blog/uses-of-disprin-tablet