Pregnancy is a beautiful period in any women's life. You have developed a new life, and you will have your little one in your hands within a few months. Sometimes, pregnancy is not so beautiful. You may see many mothers with a pregnancy glow and a big smile that represents their happiness for soon being a mother. Your experience might be different and less delightful than you imagined. Instead of having a glow or smile on your face, you may develop a close relationship with your toilet because you suffer from vomiting and nausea.

About 70 percent of pregnant women experience this problem. Generally, it begins around the 6th week and stays for weeks or months. Symptoms start to improve during the second trimester of pregnancy. In some women, nausea or vomiting continues throughout their pregnancy. Pregnancy is the happiest time in the life of parents-to-be, but nausea and vomiting make it difficult for them to find that happiness.

The vomiting during pregnancy may be mild, moderate, severe, or due to certain things. On the bases of this information, this condition is divided into three classes:

  • Morning sickness (vomiting commonly occurs once or twice at the time of day or night)
  • Hyperemesis gravidarum (severe or extreme vomiting occurs)
  • Foodborne Illness (vomiting occurs due to consumption of certain food).

Causes Of Vomiting During Pregnancy

The causes of vomiting during pregnancy are not all unidentified. It may occur due to low blood sugar or increased production of pregnancy hormones such as HCG or estrogen. Some other reasons for vomiting in pregnant women are:

  • You are expecting twins, triplets, or more.
  • You may have a family history of vomiting in pregnancy.
  • You may have a history of migraines or motion sickness.
  • You may feel sensitive to certain food or smells.
  • Vomiting gets worse due to stress, anxiety, or depression.

If you know about these causes, it will help you to control and get rid of nausea or vomiting in pregnancy.

View More: Bleeding In Pregnancy : Causes and Treatments

Symptoms Of Vomiting During Pregnancy

Symptoms of vomiting caused due to changes in the body during pregnancy are discussed below:

  • The pregnant women experienced vomiting more than three times a day 
  • The body becomes severely dehydrated, which causes little or no urine production, dark-colored urine, or dizziness.
  • Losing weight excessively, like five or more pounds.
  • Ketosis _ is a serious condition in which several ketones are raised in the blood and urine. (ketones are highly toxic acidic chemicals produced as a result of fat breakdown for energy rather than glucose.)
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Pregnant women may experience headaches, confusion, fainting, and jaundice.

All these symptoms usually occur when vomiting or nausea takes its severe form. It is recommended to be concerned with a physician if you face these symptoms.

How To Prohibit The Vomiting During Pregnancy

The ways to stop vomiting during pregnancy depend on the underlying cause of the vomiting and the severity of your condition. In case of morning sickness, intake of healthy snacks throughout the day, such as crackers or dry toast, may relieve your nausea or vomiting. Most of the time, morning sickness worsens when you are on an empty stomach. Some alternative therapies like aromatherapy, acupuncture, and acupressure are also helpful in providing relief from nausea or vomiting.

  • You can stop the vomiting by using various ways given as:
  • Drink water by taking sips or sipping on ginger ale.
  • Avoid triggers as much as you can, like certain foods or smells.
  • Take prenatal vitamins
  • Use anti-nausea or anti-vomiting medications as per the advice of the doctor.

The same ways can reduce the severity of hyperemesis gravidarum. Vomiting is quite severe in this condition. You probably need to receive nutrients and fluids through an IV in the hospital under the examination of your health care professional.

Most foodborne illnesses run their course, but you will feel good after a few days. The aim is to keep yourself hydrated and replace the lost fluid. Eating small meals, sipping water or ginger ale, and sports drinks are also helpful in making you feel better. Sometimes, a foodborne illness is caused by bacteria. It is suggested to be a concern with a doctor because you need an antibiotic in this case.


Pregnancy is a time of joy in a mother's life, especially when it's your first time. You learn various things, you experience many things, but it's the part of this period. Nausea or vomiting is one of the things you may have to face during your pregnancy. Still, I have discussed all the essentials above, which helps you understand your condition and gives you information about how to keep this problem under control.

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