Calcium is the key to lifelong bone health. It is very important for bones, teeth, and other body organs including the skin, nervous system, muscles, and heart. If you did not take enough calcium in your diet then your body starts to take, you ones through which your bones become weak and you can suffer from osteoporosis. Due to calcium deficiency, you suffer from anxiety, irritability, and difficulty in sleeping.

In this article, we will discuss how much calcium you should get? Where should you get it? And what’s the deal with vitamin D, magnesium, and other nutrients that help calcium to strengthen your bones?

How much Calcium do you need?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which your bones become weaker or fractured. There is a high ratio of men developing this disease rather than women. So, now I am suggesting to you how much calcium will be needed for men and women of different ages.

New bore to 6 months: 200 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

6 to 12 months: 260 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

1 to 3 years: 700 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

4 to 8 years: 1000 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

8 to 18 years: 1300 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

19 to 50 years: 1000 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

51 to 70 years: 1000 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

70 plus aged: 1000 mg calcium per day will be given to both males and females.

Where should you get Calcium?

Calcium is very important for your bone’s growth. There are different sources through which you get calcium, including dairy products, leafy green vegetables, certain fish, oatmeal and other grains, tofu, cabbage, summer squash, green beans, garlic, sea vegetables, and calcium-fortified foods such as cereals and orange juice. If you want to consult with the best Nutritionist in Lahore you can call on the helpline number of InstaCare for the appointment.

Are there are any other nutrients that make your bones healthy?

For healthy bones calcium is not enough there are many other nutrients that help in making the bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

Magnesium is very important for your body. It gives strength to the bones and prevents Osteoporosis. So, adult men should take daily 400 - 420 mg of magnesium and adult women 310 - 320 mg (more during pregnancy).

Which foods contain Magnesium?

  • Nuts (especially almonds and cashews)
  • Seeds (pumpkin, sesame, flax, sunflower)
  • Whole grains
  • Seafood
  • Legumes
  • Vegetables, including spinach, Swiss chard, summer squash, turnip, and mustard greens
  • Broccoli
  • Cucumbers, and celery.

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and regulates calcium in the blood.

So, up to the age of 70 take-ups, 600 IU of vitamin D per day, and over the age of 70 take 800 IU of vitamin D per day.

Which foods contain Vitamin D?

You can contain Vitamin D from the sun but food is also a good source of vitamins. You can take Vitamin D from:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Cheese
  • Fortified cereal
  • Butter
  • Cream
  • Fish

Phosphorus helps in the growth of the bones but you should take phosphorus in the right amount because taking too much phosphorus causes your body to absorb less calcium. So, every adult male and female should take 700 mg of phosphorus per day.

Which foods contain Phosphorus?

  • Dairy products
  • Fish (cod, salmon, tuna)
  • Pork
  • Lentils
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains

Vitamin K helps the body regulate calcium and form strong bones. So, adult men take 120 micrograms daily and adult women take 90 micrograms daily.

Which foods contain Vitamin K?

  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Dark green lettuce
  • Collard greens
  • Kale

Vitamin C and vitamin B12 play important roles in bone health and the prevention of osteoporosis.

Which foods contain Vitamin c?

  • Oranges
  • Grapefruit
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Green bell peppers

Which foods contain Vitamin B12?

  • Seafood such as salmon, haddock, and canned tuna
  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Cottage cheese


Calcium is very important for the growth of bones. If you have calcium deficiency then you can suffer from many health issues like cataracts, alterations in the brain, and osteoporosis. If you suffer from osteoporosis then you have to consult with the best Rheumatologist in Pakistan through InstaCare.